Thursday, December 19, 2019
Evaluation Of The Colloquium Group - 828 Words
Evaluation of the Colloquium We are finally at the of the school year never thought I was going to be a this level today I can say that I am very happy with the success that we have made during the colloquium group. As a group I was able to notice the positive change and the growth of some members including myself. I was able to learn a lot about me and to be more alert on my strength and weakness of my personality. Each week we discussed different topics such as Affective Development skills, Group Development, The practice of group work, Maintaining Professional boundaries in Interpersonal Work, Managing Resistant clients, Group Dynamic etc. Through every group discussion I was able to learn from the facilitator and the member of the group since there was always an opportunity to learn and to received. There were always an opportunity to participate and to share our point of view. Dr. Colon was a great facilitator and challenges us to think deeper in each topic. It was not easy to lead a group when everybody had their own ideas and way to do thinks. I remembered when I started in September 2015, I registered as late student not sure at the time if I was making a good decision and if I was going to make I have a lot of dough, but Dr. Colon opened the door for me to reach my goal and today I will need to thank her for her teaching and for sharing her knowledge with us. It was a challenge for me to start my master degree since I was out of school for moreShow MoreRelated The Value Of Performance-Related Pay Essay1626 Words  | 7 PagesPerformance related pay is a financial reward given to employees whose work is c onsidered to have reached a required standard or is above average. â€Å"PRP criteria can relate to the individual employee, to work groups or to the organization as a whole†(Armstrong, 2002). It is fair to provide people with financial rewards as a means of paying them according to their contribution (Armstrong 1993:86). 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