Friday, December 27, 2019
U.s. Health Care System Essay - 1834 Words
When I received a suggestion from the editor of a magazine to write an article about U.S. health-care system, this legendary opening line from Tolstoy’s novel, Anna Karenina, popped into my head. If countries were families judging each other’s health-care systems, none is truly happy. But U.S. arguably stands out by far as the unhappiest of all, and in its own way. These fast, eye-popping figures below can readily be used to support the above argument. Be mindful of the figures that can vary from different official statistics, but it’s the trends in development that may offer more insights than anything else. i. U.S. spending on health care has reached $3.0 trillion or $9,523 per person. And it accounted for 18.2 % of GDP based on the Altarum Institute April 2015 figure, compared to OECD countries average at 9%. ii. However, Life expectancy, measured by total population at birth for U.S., is at 78.8 years vs. OECD average 80.6 years according to the latest 2014 OECD official data. iii. 33 million people, or 10.4 percent of the American population, are uninsured (2014 figure from the Current Population Survey (CPS), the Census, Sept 16, 2015). iv. The United States has 5% of the world’s population and consumes 75% of the world’s prescription drugs, according to World Drug Report 2011. v. Most of all, if you haven’t heard, â€Å"unhappy wife equals unhappy life†, nearly one in four women ages 50 to 64 were found to be on an antidepressant (CBS NEWS June 20, 2013, Study).Show MoreRelatedU.s. Health Care System1329 Words  | 6 PagesContrast U.S. Healthcare Policy Compare and Contrast U.S. Healthcare Policy Shaquita Jefferson MHA 620 Dr. Rhonda C. Hatfield August 10, 2015 The Canadian system is often considered the model for the U.S. health care system. Both countries health care systems are very different-Canada has a single-payer, mostly publicly-funded system, while the U.S. has a multi-payer, profoundly private system but both countries appear to be similar and suggesting that it might be possible that the U.S. toRead MoreU.s. Health Care System1233 Words  | 5 PagesThe U.S. health care system is perhaps one of the most complex and plastic industries present within the current world economy. With a projected market sector value of $3,455.1 billion by the end of 2016 the U.S. health care providers market represents a significant portion of the economy (â€Å"Research and Markets; Healthcare Providers in the United States,†2012). For someone that finds themselves in the position of management it is certainly an orthodox presumption that they incorporate into theirRead MoreU.s. Health Care System1696 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"fixâ₠¬ the U.S. health care system that is supposedly the best in the world? At the time of this program, the U.S. was 37th in the world in terms of fairness and quality (Palfreman, 2008). Other rich countries were ahead of this U.S. in this ranking but were spending a lot less. Frontline’s reporter, T.R. Reid traveled to 5 different countries to examine their health care systems on how this was possible and hopefully come away with any ideas that could potentially help with the U.S. health care systemRead MoreU.s. Health Care System1539 Words  | 7 Pages The U.S. health care system faces challenges that indicate that the people urgently need to be reform. Attention has rightly focused on the approximately 46 million Americans who are uninsured, and on the many insured Americans who face rapid increases in premiums and out-of-pocket costs. As Congress and the Obama administration consider ways to invest new funds to reduce the number of Americans without insurance coverage, we must simultaneously address shortfalls in the quality and efficiency ofRead MoreU.s. Health Care System Essay1600 Words  | 7 Pages1. What is the real and perceived performance of the U.S. health care system? Are the views different among patients, providers, payers, and policy makers? Why or why not? According to Kovner and Knickman (2011), acutely ill patients within the country may hold a positive view of the country’s healthcare system, as the U.S. is scientifically and technology advanced in treating life-threatening injuries and illnesses. Overall quality of healthcare performance, however, is lacking (Kovner Read MoreU.s. Health Care System Essay1124 Words  | 5 PagesThe U.S. health care system is way more complex than what meets the eye. A major difference between the health care system in the U.S. and other nations, is that the U.S. does not have universal health care. Lack of a universal health care opens up the doors for competition amongst insurance, physicians, technology, hospitals and outpatient services. Health care insurance in the U.S. is extremely competitive and not always fair. Recently in 2012, The Affordable Care Act passed by Barack Obama setRead MoreU.s. Health Care System2431 Words  | 10 PagesU.S. Healthcare System On March 23, 2010, the President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) which represents the most significant regulatory that impacts the U.S. healthcare systems. With PPACA, 32 millions of Americans are expected the coverage and expanded access to health care and medical care. Due to the baby boomers and the downfall of the economics, there will be millions of people are seeking for low rates medical care which will create great impact on URead MoreU.s. Health Care System1142 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction U.S. Health Care System Health care systems are organizations that are formed to meet the overall health needs of the population. Health care is regarded as one of the leading cause in promoting not only physical and mental health but the well-being of the population. Legislation is implemented requiring government to offer services to all members of its society. The role of health services and the organizations that provide aid is to focus on the health of an individual and to upholdRead MoreThe U.s. Health Care System886 Words  | 4 PagesThe U.S. Health Care System is very unique; it is mostly based on cultural, social and economic factors. Within the system exists various subsystems of several interrelated and interdependent components. During the process of birthing a Health Care Delivery System, the ultimate goal is to provide a cost effective universal access to all in need. When it comes to the U.S. Health Care Delivery System, compare to other developed countries that are under National Healt h Insurance programs; the U.S. althoughRead MoreU.s. Health Care System1439 Words  | 6 PagesThe U.S. health care system consumes a huge amount of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product, and is a massive system that provides essential and world-class care to millions of people (Niles, 2016). As a result of this huge burden of cost associated with it, the U.S. healthcare system has been critiqued, and has played a major role in sparking debates about changes to the way the U.S. healthcare system is run and organized. Thus, healthcare has been on the forefront of many American and politician minds
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Evaluation Of The Colloquium Group - 828 Words
Evaluation of the Colloquium We are finally at the of the school year never thought I was going to be a this level today I can say that I am very happy with the success that we have made during the colloquium group. As a group I was able to notice the positive change and the growth of some members including myself. I was able to learn a lot about me and to be more alert on my strength and weakness of my personality. Each week we discussed different topics such as Affective Development skills, Group Development, The practice of group work, Maintaining Professional boundaries in Interpersonal Work, Managing Resistant clients, Group Dynamic etc. Through every group discussion I was able to learn from the facilitator and the member of the group since there was always an opportunity to learn and to received. There were always an opportunity to participate and to share our point of view. Dr. Colon was a great facilitator and challenges us to think deeper in each topic. It was not easy to lead a group when everybody had their own ideas and way to do thinks. I remembered when I started in September 2015, I registered as late student not sure at the time if I was making a good decision and if I was going to make I have a lot of dough, but Dr. Colon opened the door for me to reach my goal and today I will need to thank her for her teaching and for sharing her knowledge with us. It was a challenge for me to start my master degree since I was out of school for moreShow MoreRelated The Value Of Performance-Related Pay Essay1626 Words  | 7 PagesPerformance related pay is a financial reward given to employees whose work is c onsidered to have reached a required standard or is above average. â€Å"PRP criteria can relate to the individual employee, to work groups or to the organization as a whole†(Armstrong, 2002). It is fair to provide people with financial rewards as a means of paying them according to their contribution (Armstrong 1993:86). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Role of Magistrates free essay sample
This essay will discuss the role of the magistrate and jury in the English and Welsh legal decision-making process. It will assess both the advantages and disadvantages of both mechanisms and give an opinion on the contribution they make in the process. The role of a lay magistrate is one that is at the core of the legal system in England amp; Wales. They help maintain the foundation of the criminal justice system and deal with approximately 98% of all criminal matters. The sheer volume of cases that they deal with has helped earned them the title of the workhorses of the criminal justice system. A magistrate forms part of the judiciary however they are unique in the sense that they do not get paid. Even though magistrates do not get paid it is crucial that they are of good standing in the community to ensure an element of respect and a comprehension of what is right and wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Magistrates or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Lord Chancellor is tasked with the role of appointing magistrates on the advice of a local advisory committee. These committees are made up of existing magistrates and people in the prospective magistrates’ local area. It is seen as important to draw magistrates from local areas to be representative of the local community. Once appointed they are expected to sit for a minimum of 26 half days per year but it is frowned upon to do any more than 1 sitting per week for fear of ‘case hardening’. To start with all magistrates sit in the adult court but after gaining experience they may choose to apply to sit in the youth court or family proceedings court, and if successful undertake specialised training. Magistrates’ courts consist of a ‘bench’ of three magistrates with one who has been trained to take the chair. They are provided with training but it is not necessary to have any legal qualifications before becoming appointed as a magistrate. Due to the lack of legal expertise the bench benefits from the use of a court clerk who is required to have legal qualifications before taking the post. The clerk’s role is strictly advisory and they are not permitted to give their opinion toward guilt or innocence of the defendant. If someone is charged with a crime they will first go to a magistrates’ court. The magistrate must determine whether the offence is indictable, summary or triable either way. The category of offence brings with it different levels of punishment. A magistrate has limited sentencing power and can only impose fines of up to ? ,000 for private individuals or ? 20,000 if a business is involved, community service and prison sentences of up to 6months if for one offence, extended to 12months if for more than one offence. The sentencing power of the magistrate means that they have the authority to deal with only summary offences and triable either way offences. Indictable offences are offences which are more serious in nature such as rape and murder and therefore require harsher sentencing. These cases would be sent to the Crown Court. Magistrates mainly deal with summary offences of which there are hundreds. If an offence is deemed to be triable either way the defendant is given the choice as to whether they want to be tried by the magistrates or at crown court which utilises a jury to decide upon guilt or innocence. As with any system the magistrate comes with its advantages and disadvantages. To assess its advantages, disadvantages can be equally juxtaposed alongside it. One major advantage of the magistrate, particularly in today’s current economic climate, is that the position is voluntary and therefore unpaid. The saving would equate to millions of pounds to the economy every year. The downfall to this may be that a magistrate may also have to maintain another career alongside in order to make a living. A criticism of this could mean that a magistrate is not entirely dedicated to the calling. The voluntary aspect of the position may also account for the reasoning as to why legal qualifications are not a necessity. Even though they magistracy do benefit from basic training they do not have a legal expertise as such, however a court clerk who does hold legal qualifications can be used to counteract this criticism. The aforementioned lack of legal expertise was felt and cased in ‘The Magistrates Tale’ where T, Grove recounts from personal experience that even after 80 sittings he still felt like a novice. T Grove is an ardent cheerleader for the use of magistrates and his passages reflect that as a magistrate is drawn from the local community there is a sense that people are being judged by their peers. John Humphreys shares this opinion and has been cited as stating that ‘if the people sitting up the on the bench are people like us†¦.. hen we may be more likely to feel that we have been fairly judged’. Not all aspects of society share this opinion; anecdotal evidence shows that defendants show mistrust in the magistracy as when faced with the option to be tried by the magistrate or a jury a favour is shown toward the jury. This mistrust can be based on the impression of the magistrate by the common man. Even though it is desired that the magistrate represent a cr oss section of society the majority of magistrates are middle aged, middle class, white men. The mistrust however could also be down to a misplaced view that magistrates begin to become sceptical of lines of defence, that they start to recognises defendants traits and in turn show bias to similar defendants, they become ‘case hardened’. However this can be counteracted with the fact that a magistrate is limited to the amount of sittings they have per week which has been created in part to prevent such case hardening and biases are restricted due to the utilisation of a bench of 3 magistrates. The legal decision making system of England amp; Wales also utilises a jury. A jury is used when a case it out of the magistrates jurisdiction. Juries are an integral part of the legal system, a mechanism that is envied around the world to cite just one opinion, that of Dr Burkhard Schafer, professor at the University of Edinburgh. The modern jury’s role is to make decision of guilt or innocence of a defendant in court (or liability of a defendant in civil matters). A jury consists of 12 members of the public, chosen at random from the areas surrounding the court. They are expected be impartial and make decisions based on evidence brought before them, although on rare occasions the jury has gone against evidence and made a decision based on what they thought was morally right, as cased in the acquittal of Clive Ponting in 1985. In the past they have been seen to be treated unfairly as shown in Bushell’s Case (1670) Vaugh 135: Freem KB1 however as society has developed more importance has been placed on the allowance of fair and lengthy deliberation as cased in R v McKenna [1960] 1 QB 411 ‘a jury shall deliberate in complete freedom’. The judge gives the direction to the jury on the relevant law, which the jury has to apply to the facts of the case in order to reach a verdict. If it is a criminal case and the jury has given a verdict of guilty, then the judge will decide on appropriate sentence. In civil cases, juries function is to decide on how much money should be awarded in damages. The utilisation of a jury has been borne out of the democratic nature of English and Welsh society and epitomises the right for a fair trial by one’s peers. The Bill of Rights 1689 states that it is an ancient liberty to have a jury and the mechanism dates as far back as the Magna Carta. The jury has been interpreted as also having a political role as they stand in the face of oppressive rule. In a sense it plays a vital role in ensuring that the criminal justice system works for the benefit of the public rather than for the benefit of unjust leaders. Their role is important in the legal system as the ethos of justice in the country is to be tried by one’s peers. As established by Lord Hewart CJ in R V Sussex ex p McCarthy [1924] 1 KB 256, It is deemed important that ‘justice should not only be done but†¦. seen to be done’. The system must be opaque to ordinary members of society and allow the public to have a voice in the workings of the law. Even though the system is cherished and importance has been placed on the protection of there has been continued pressure for the need for jury reform. This has proven to be a difficult task to accomplish because of the ideals at the heart of the British justice system. The envied system of lay justice is precious and any suggestions for reform may be seen to endanger its workings. As with the magistracy there are both advantages and disadvantages that come with the utilisation of a jury. One advantage that lies at the heart of its use is that it is participatory lay justice. Both the public and executive alike want to maintain the open system of justice and allow the ordinary man to be involved. This goes a long way in trying to maintain public confidence in a system where otherwise they would have no voice. The unfortunate downside of choosing members of the public is that they may have limited legal understanding and often find it hard to under complex information. The lack of understanding, particularly in complex fraud trials has led to calls for reform by bodies such as the Roskill Commission in 1986 which called for the abolition of the jury in such cases. Another advantage lies in the secrecy of the jury room. Jurors are protected from outside pressure and are not permitted to discuss the case with anyone outside of the jury room. These rules have been set out in both the Contempt of Court Act 1981 and Juries Act 1971. A jury simply decides on a guilty or innocent verdict and their reasoning for the decision is never disclosed. Even though the system is designed to be opaque a criticism of the jury’s non-disclosure of reasoning may counteract the need for transparency in the system. It also goes against the philosophy of the Human Rights Act 1998 as the defendant may not understand why he has been found guilty. This is another area of the jury where reform has been called for from bodies such as the Runciman Commission where its report recommended research into the decisions of the jury. In summary this essay has reflected the importance of lay justice in the English amp; Welsh legal system, a system that is envied throughout the world. Both the magistrate and juror facilitate this lay justice perfectly. The contribution both parties make could be considered to be the most important decision of the entire legal decision-making process. It is important as the liberty and freedom of a defendant depends on the conclusion that lay people make. As stated 98% of criminal matters are decided upon by lay magistrates and those decisions that are out of their remit are decided upon by the jury. Although there will inevitably be opposition to the utilisation of these systems the Government takes an active role in ensuring that measures in places to try and reform the structures into modern and effective mechanisms. The progress may be slow but as it is a cherished system the need for protection is strong.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Internet, is it a boon or a bane Essay Example For Students
The Internet, is it a boon or a bane? Essay With the Dotcom gold rush and the advent of the Internet, the world has proliferated and grew more sophisticated. The Internet, just like the cellular phones and televisions, has become a need in this modern era. Closer to home, the introduction of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) has boosted the numbers of Internet users in Malaysia. In fact, the cyberspace fever is still spreading, faster than we ever imagine. The Internet, once dominated by the military intelligence has brought changes into our lives. Although it was initially created as a communication system to last the fallout of a nuclear war, the Internet has been librated. One needs only a telephone line and a computer equipped with a modem to explore the cyberspace. Thus, knowledge is now easily and readily accessible. With just a simple surf to various search engines in the Net like Yahoo or AltaVista, we can get thousands of web addresses linked to the information we want. We will write a custom essay on The Internet, is it a boon or a bane? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We can even download it and save it into our computer for free. Further more, communication via the Internet is very convenient and cheap. Net communities can congregate via e-groups or chat rooms with a very low cost. Discussion can be made online without the hassle of rushing to a meeting place. We can even contact our friends or relatives anywhere in the world easily by sending e-mails, which is much cheaper than the conventional Snail Mail. In deed, the Internet boom has made the world even smaller. Besides that, Internet-based companies, usually known as the Dotcoms, are sprouting everywhere, creating a new type of business for the communities. This so-called business of the new millennium is e-commerce. It is actually an online web portal created by the companies as a platform for them to provide their services or sell their products to everyone in the world without the need of launching new branches in other countries. In Malaysia, many Dot Com companies are formed due to the fact that we need these type of companies for our MSC project. Some meet failures in the middle of formation, but those successive ones keep on earning big money from the benefits of e-commerce. However, cyberspace is no longer a safe zone. One of the major treat caused by the introduction of the Internet is pornography. The recent survey shows that 30% of the websites parked in the Net contain sexual-based images or materials. These pornographies poison the minds of the young. Their fresh minds have been corrupted by these negative elements. Some of them even get addicted and neglect their responsibility as a student. Though there are many censorship software in the market such as NetNanny and SurfWatch, the governments policy of not censoring the Internet has affected the young very seriously. Therefore, a comprehensive study should be made in searching for the best solution. In addition, classy crimes like hacking, cracking credit card numbers, spreading computer viruses and spamming have been a common topic lately. These done by unscrupulous people have caused a lot of damage and loss. A companys database can be destroy in a split second and home users will have to send their computers to the service centres more often if these people keeps on exploiting the Internet. Besides, to understand more deeply about our national cyber awareness, one must surf the websites. Some of these websites sell a mixture of rumours, black propagandas and amateur political analysis. These half-truths especially by the anti-government movements have created a certain havoc in the nation. The citizens and the international communities seem to receive false news about our country, which will affect our economy and politics stability. Thus, there are many advantages of the Internet. But the current migraine suffered from the exploitation of the Internet should not be taken for granted. .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e , .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e .postImageUrl , .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e , .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e:hover , .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e:visited , .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e:active { border:0!important; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e:active , .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8739e2d45ea5350498819b603fd8dd4e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Picture Of President Obama Essay Government should take serious measures to handle the problems and make the Internet a safer place for everybody to explore.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Riegl. The Modern Cult of Monuments Essay Example
Riegl. The Modern Cult of Monuments Essay Name: Tutor: Course: Date: We will write a custom essay sample on Riegl. The Modern Cult of Monuments specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Riegl. The Modern Cult of Monuments specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Riegl. The Modern Cult of Monuments specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Riegl: The Modern Cult of Monuments This article explores the history of creation of monuments, the value attached to them and the need to preserve such works of art. It explains the obsession with preservation of monuments as dictated by their value. The origin of the monuments stems from ordinary works of art, both artistic and literary. They are created by humans to commemorate or keep certain events and deeds alive for future generations. According to the author, preservation of monuments is connected to their value. In earlier centuries, the value of what was considered a monument rested on its artistic and historical features. However, modern monuments are valued according to our perception of them, or the kind of feelings they evoke in us. Intentional monuments are created to remember specific people and events, with their value solely at the hands of their makers. Historical monuments vary broadly, but their most significant characteristic is that their value is determined by our modern perception. Some of the monuments in this class are unintentional, and are not made to commemorate specific events and persons. Rather, they include all the artifacts of an event, thus leaving the commemorative value of such artwork at the viewers’ discretion. Age value monuments are also not created with specificity in mind; instead their main characteristic is that they signify the passage of time. These are classifications of monuments created in earlier centuries, indicating concern for pure art and incorporation of history. The cult of monuments arises from the value that humans attach to them. Earlier monuments possess both age and historical and intentional value, all of which are commemorative. The value given to age value monuments is derived from the passage of time, implying that the older a monument, the more valuable it is. An example is The Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, now transformed into The Church of San Lorenzo in Miranda. Historical value, on the other hand, commemorates a particular time in the history of human development, with the aim of freezing time to revolve around that specific period. An example is a scrap of paper, such as one containing the address of Andreasi’s letter to the Marques of Mantua, 12 February 1483. Intentional value is more relevant to current monuments as it represents a sense of immortality. Such monuments are always preserved, with laws governing their protection from destruction. They symbolize an event or person whose deed should not be forgotten, more so, if they have a bearing on the present events, such as the Trajan’s Column in Italy. This transition to modernity has been witnessed since the Italian renaissance, when people started appreciating monuments for their value. Modern monuments are created to satisfy human senses and intellect, as opposed to ancient ones, which had commemorative value. The cult of monuments has evolved from commemorative significance to focus more on artistic value. This means that they are preserved for different reasons than in earlier centuries. For instance, focus has shifted to use value, art value and newness value with attention also being paid to the monuments’ secular and religious value. An example is the â€Å"Let the Children Come unto Me†painting by Fritz von Uhde, which Catholic adherents term as secular. Monuments are being maintained for their practicality as seen in use value, including the dome of St. Peter’s in Rome. This aspect of practicality is what prompts preservation. Newness value aims at ensuring a monument is made to look as fresh as it was when first created. This causes conflict with the earlier cult of age value whereby the uniqueness of a monument was derived from it bei ng old. Obviously, modern monuments are more aesthetic oriented than before and may eventually lose their cultural value. According to the author, â€Å"Thus we also require that the old monuments have the external appearance of a (fresh) artifact; that is to say, that they make a complete and pristine impression (Riegl 21).†This sums up the modern cult of monuments, a struggle to preserve not the cultural or historical value, but the aesthetic value of monuments. Response to question: Is our current plethora of monument making without a clearly defined style or use of culturally understood symbolism indicative of a loss of a clear cultural understanding that art and history are both significant attributes involved in the making of a monument? It is true that our current plethora of monument making lacks a definite style and cultural symbolism. This is because more attention is paid to beauty, hence the rush to regenerate some works of art. This is with disregard to the historical and artistic value attached to monuments. Modern monuments are created to please the eye rather than for commemorative purposes. Additional questions Are the current works of art befitting of the term â€Å"monument†? Given the current deflection from history, is there a place for monuments of intentional value in these modern times? Is there a way for modern architects to adhere to newness value without conflicting with age value when designing monuments? Works Cited Riegl, Alois. The Modern Cult of Monuments: Its Character and Its Origin. Cambridge (Mass.: MIT Press, 1982. Print.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Politics and Society essays
Politics and Society essays Media, money, and the First Amendment are three key influences in a successful political run. Media coverage is important to familiarize the public with the candidate and to show where he stands on certain issues. Money is needed to buy television and radio time. The First Amendment guarantees everyone the freedom of speech, but how can this be reasonably defined. One possible solution would be restrictions on the amount of money that individuals can donate to support their candidates. Modern media has influenced and possibly altered the history of politics. As stated by Washington Post reporter Dan Morgan, The most valuable commodity in American politics today is advertising time on TV. The problem with this statement is that only the people with money have access to this option. Republican campaign chairman, Mark Hanna, was quoted saying, There are two things that are important in politics. The first is money and I cant remember what the second is. In support of this quote, millions of dollars are spent on political campaigns in one week. One example of this problem is demonstrated by Ralph Nader, the candidate for the Green Party, who is not as well-known as George W. Bush or Al Gore. His popularity has lagged because he does not have the funds to buy as much television time as the other, more funded, candidates. When Nader, ran for Presidency in 1996, he only spent $5,000 of his own money and received only one percent of the votes. Also, on October 3, 2000, he was denied access into the third and final debate at Washington University, and as a result, he filed a lawsuit against the Commission of Presidential Debates. Even though all the necessary passes were presented, the CPD security still would not let him enter onto the Washington University campus, where he had a previously scheduled interview with the campus television station. In contrast, when multimillionaire Ross Perot ran ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Depend on the information that will given which 1) a narrative memoir Essay
Depend on the information that will given which 1) a narrative memoir of a vacation, journey, or experience. Use first person I and either chronological order or flashback of events - Essay Example I remember meeting an old school friend, on the first day of school in August 2004, who also happened to join the same high school. We had made a few acquaintances by then. Introducing those across gave us the opportunity to get together after classes and have a chat. I was happy enough with a trusty bunch of friends, having a sport to put my passions into was just an add on. Before I knew it, I found myself always playing football, the most popular high school sport (Mueller et. al p. 57), in the free time. I was quite popular as a goalkeeper among my friends because of my extreme saves. That was all I liked – being popular, but only among my friends, rather than in the clichà © sense of being popular, for extreme things I could do with confidence. There was nothing I could remember better than flashbacks of playing football in the previous year. Starting the final year we got a match set up with a seventh grade team. This seemed quite boring because I was of the opinion that this - rather unmatched - match was set up because there was no other team available. Little did I know from my previous year’s football passion that I and my friends were not the only ones who loved the game - there were others, who took it much more seriously than our time killing passion approach. The match, that we expected to be very uneventful, soon proved to be a spectacular match. As I remembered saving goals day in and out with my friends, my tunnel vision world started spinning out of focus when I saw the seventh graders score goals after goals on me; passing the football with a single touch kick. As I thought of the scores I had dived to save all year back, I couldn’t say I didn’t enjoy being beaten by seventh graders. A me mory of being beaten is a lesson on the game I thought I had passion about, I learned there is always someone out there who takes your passions much more seriously than you. But what makes you unique is your own ability to learn
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 82
Reflection - Essay Example This did not go down well with some of the group members because they did not feel competent with the kind of knowledge other had gathered. On the other hand the new skill increased our engineering knowhow. The mistake that the group did was to assign the part of assignment instructions to an individual like we did with the other questions. With this the person mistakenly omitted some parts of the instruction and no other group member detected. For instance he did not see the part of the instructions that the engineers were to integrate the sustainable development with their suggestion for projects fighting poverty, climatic changes and so on. Though achieved all the learning objectives that were laid down, we got feedback from the lecturer that would help us improve our work in that group for the subsequent projects. It is more effective to work in a group than singly. It is important for all of us to go through the instructions together in future. To avoid the feeling of incompetence, we will find everyone will search for enough information. For the group to be effective we will make sure that we have carried out research and consult each other to have thorough research. The group should have a leader an elected leader, to direct on how the assignments would be carried. Rules must be there to guide on what to do with the errant members and the division of labor (LEVIN, 2005). LEVIN, P. (2005). Successful teamwork! for undergraduates and taught postgraduates working on group projects. Maidenhead, Open University Press.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Global Umbrella Branding and Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Global Umbrella Branding and Marketing - Essay Example Centrica Plc. effectively disputes the above stated theoretical propositions on consumer resistance to umbrella brands as an outcome of corporate practices or the poor performance of other products sharing the same brand name. While it publicly engages in philanthropic activities, the corporation has a poor labour relations record, has consistently proven itself a socially irresponsible company, and has fuelled claims that it is, in essence, a monopolistic, exploitative entity. Yet, this has not resulted in the above theorised consumer resistance and, indeed, has not halted Centrica Plc's expansion or stemmed its ever-spiralling success. While it can be argued that this is partially because there are no substitutes to Centrica's products and services, it is the position of this study that the aforementioned evidences the fact that the marketing and brand management of umbrella brands have the potential to overcome the challenges posed by corporate practices. The study proposes to examine umbrella brand management within the context of a global company. In so doing, the dissertation will argue that effective marketing strategies have the potential to negate the forces which incite consumer resistance. ... The study proposes to examine umbrella brand management within the context of a global company. In so doing, the dissertation will argue that effective marketing strategies have the potential to negate the forces which incite consumer resistance. The aforementioned shall be argued and established through reference to Centrica Plc. As presented in the preceding paragraph, the importance of the topic stems from its theoretical and practical implications. While not arguing against the validity of consumer resistance theories, the research will dispute the proposition that it cannot be offset by marketing strategies. Indeed, brand management, such as which Centrica Plc has proven itself proficient at, can negate the forces which incite consumer resistance to umbrella brands. Insofar as it will focus upon the validation of the aforementioned, the study's theoretical value derives from the fact that it will highlight the potential of the marketing of umbrella brands to offset consumer resistance. Furthermore, to the extent that it will highlight how Centrica managed to do so, the study has practical value. 3 Company Background Centrica Plc was formed in 1997 in the wake of the demerger of British Gas. Over the past decade, the corporation has experienced significant growth levels, largely due to its expansion both beyond Britain and beyond the energy market. With operations in all of North America, Germany, Norway, Spain and Belgium, Centrica is a testament to effective and successful strategic global brand management. Controlling 76% of the UK's domestic energy market and sourcing and supplying energy across the world, Centrica also owns the Automobile Association (AA), Goldfish (a credit card company), and has interests in the residential phone market, to
Friday, November 15, 2019
Socio Cultural Factors In Child Development Education Essay
Socio Cultural Factors In Child Development Education Essay Children are the future of every nation and people have always strived for helping them to reach the most of their potential in the life span. Todays children have more complex needs which should be fulfilled for their proper level of development. In this work we will try to overview three well-known theories of child development and analyze the similarities and differences between them, as it is very topical to know already existing theories to evaluate properly modern approaches to child education; and find out the essence of interaction of cognitive, physical and emotional development of children to realize the importance of knowing o their needs. Lev Vygotsky focused on the socio-cultural factors in child development which he considered the most valuable. He stated that most of knowledge which every child gets in the course of his development is provided by a wise and experienced tutor (mostly parent or teacher). The tutor provides the child with both verbal and nonverbal instructions which the child is meant to follow. And natural curiosity of the child helps him to do this. Vygotsky believed that higher mental processes in the individual have their origin in social processes. [1] Moreover Vygotsky maintained that that social learning had a tendency of preceding development. Vygotsky was sure that learning was a necessary and universal aspect of the process of developing culturally organized, specifically human psychological function. [2] Also Vygotsky developed a system of higher mental functions. These functions are developed from the cultural tool, which are got by children unconsciously, in the process of getting the cultural, historical and other information through the verbal and nonverbal interaction with a tutor. In the process of development children learn how to use these cultural tools. Higher mental functions include: attention, verbal thinking and memory. It is interesting that among all the mental tools Lev Vygotsky considered language as the most specific and important one. On the one hand it is a necessary mean to provide children with verbal instructions, while on the other hand it serves as an effective means for intellectual adaptation of a child. Private speech according to Vygotsys theory helps children to make needed strategies to their activities [3] . Thus, language is nothing else, but a boost for thinking and understanding. Jean Piaget Jean Piagets theory of child development is cognitive and is based on the system of stages of cognitive development of a child. Following this system we may recognize such stages as: Sensorimotor stage (0 -2 years). At this stage children investigate the environment around them with the help of their sense. They also start learning how to master the things around them. For example, they get to know that if to throw an object it will fall and make some kind of noise. During this stage children realize that even if the object is not near them it still doesnt stop existing. Preoperational stage (2 7 years). This stage is mainly characterized by childrens inability to see things from the different point of view, but their own one they are very ego-centric. At this stage children learn how to use language to describe objects in the world. Concrete operational stage (7-11). During this stage children can already think logically and predict the sequence of their actions. They also can classify objects into several categories. Formal operational stage (11+ years). At this stage children may think abstractly and can plan their actions through hypothesis. Moreover they are deeply concerned about the future. The key concept of the developmental theory of Jean Piaget is that nature is dominant over nurture. [4] Out of his system of stages of cognitive development of children we see that the first stage is sensorimotor one. At this stage the infants movements, physical and intellectual lack precision and his activities and attention are dominated by external stimulation [5] Piaget underlines that the initial instincts including the influence of sight, taste, touch, and hearing- of people are the most powerful and it is they which make their personalities on the whole. Jean Piaget believes that children are no less intellectual than adults, but they think differently. From the very moment of birth of each child he has to do a lot of things: to understand how people interact and how the whole world works, therefore we suppose that they are less mentally powerful. Indeed, children have more intricate brain abilities than adults, so if to take this suggestion as a starting point it is possible to overestimate our methods of teaching and educating. Arnold Gesell The maturational theory of Arnold Gesell, which is characterized by biological perspective, is based on the belief that every child has a specific plan or programme within his body as for his development. Gesell was convinced that heredity or nature has a primary influence on the development of a child. Gesell is known for establishing certain norms for children at every stage of their growth and developed the so-called gradients of growth. Among them we may find: motor characteristics, personal hygiene, fears, emotional expression, play, school life, ethics, and philosophic outlook [6] . Gesell believed that the development of the child through either education or play should be spontaneous. He suggested that through the course of evolution children inherited some kind of code which prescribed their actions and needs, so if a parent wants to help his child o find his life path the most effective way would be to let the child choose it himself. The key similarity in the developmental theories of Jean Piaget and Arnold Gesell lies in their belief in the dominance of nature over nurture [7] . Both theorists also developed original systems of measuring either the stages of child development or the indicators of their growth. Moreover it is needed to point out that all the three theories are promoting effective interaction of tutors and children in the process of their development although according to each of the theories their work is differently directed. Unlike Vygotskys thought that social learning should obviously precede the development Piaget considered that learning was less important thing in the child development the main influence instead he saw in nature. Also it is necessary to mention that Vygotsky paid much more attention to the socio-cultural factors in child development than other theorists [8] . Although the theories of Gesell and Piaget are alike in many aspects, the difference is that Piaget underlined the major influence of sensorimotor stage on child development while Gesell believed much in heredity, i.e. Piaget maintained that the child cannot enter the next stage until he fulfills the previous one, while Gesell was sure that child would be whom he ought to be due to the biological scheme within his body. Analyzing the theories of child development makes us ponder over importance of effective interaction of cognitive, physical and emotional interaction in the process of development of children. In the matter of fact unless all these aspects are properly accomplished the child has fewer chances to realize him or her in life as it is needed. Cognitive development refers to memory, concentration, attention and imagination [9] . It helps children to do well at school, dream, pretend what they will be in future, model different life situations, understand and use symbols, count and even write compositions. On the whole cognitive development is necessary for a child to solve their problems at every stage of their development. Proper physical development is responsible for childrens coordination, motor abilities and other physical skills. Emotional development helps children to possess such traits as self-regulation, self-sufficiency, self-concept and proper self-esteem [10] . If only the previous aspects of development are in proper level child has chances to make a positive and healthy self-image. The main point is that poor physical development may influence badly the level of attention or even memory of a child which would certainly lead to problems at school and thus to under-self-estimation. And vice versa: if a child is poorly developed emotionally he may be passive and ignorant which will lead to poor physical and cognitive development [11] . Therefore interaction of physical, emotional and cognitive development is of primary importance both for tutors and children. Evidently knowing the principles of forming of the childs personality is of great importance both for parents, teachers and psychologists. Unless we know the needs of the child or an adolescent at the particularly stage of his development we will hardly be able to help him. Knowing the key milestones of the development at childs age group it is possible to evaluate his or her physical, cognitive and emotional development and find the best way fro every concrete child to improve each aspect. It is far more important nowadays, when children have access to the media, computers and Internet and can themselves find all the answers(as it seems to them) to their questions, so they seldom ask their tutors how to solve their problems instead they make decisions by themselves, often no the most reasonable ones. In such situations it is particularly valuable to be aware of the peculiarities of development of children at this age and what problems most of them usually face. It goes without sayi ng that knowing norms of children and adolescents will help to find adequate advice to promote children to reach their potential in life. All the three theories of child development proved to be reasonable and useful. We found out that Lev Vygotskys theory was based primarily on socio-cultural factors of development. The theorist believed that learning preceded development and that made the main difference between his theory and the theory of Jean Piaget who was sure that the childs potential depended on the development of his senses and instincts first of all. Another prominent theorist Arnold Gesell was sure that nature dominated over nurture too and his key concept was that heredity was absolutely responsible for the development of particular child. Gesell and Piaget even developed their own systems of evaluating of either the stages of child development or the indicators of their growth. Although the theories differ in many aspects, every of them is directed on effective interaction between tutors and children and that is the key value of every of them. It is important to be able to realize the needs of children an d adolescents to help them in reaching their potential. In this process it is necessary to each a well-organized interaction between cognitive, physical and emotional development of children.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Authentic Dialogue and Ethical Behavior
By definition, a dialogue is never superficial – it is always a shared inquiry in which the participants eek greater understanding of each other and the truth. The ability to engage in dialogue is a key skill required by leaders for building and maintaining relationships (Kohlrabies, 2006:36) Sam Grant (2010:5) said: â€Å"What we bring to dialogue Includes all of the beautiful heart, openness, creativity, courage and story we have sustained and developed throughout our lives up to that point, and, all the toxic socially constructed norms we have internalized, and therefore practice as well.What we take and apply FIFO to co-creating a healthier mutual world together. †Authentic dialogue may or may not e the solution getting along, but positive dialogue between different parties is definitely a problem. During this discourse authentic dialogue will be evaluated and defined by comparing it to ethical behavior. Secondly the characteristics of authentic dialogue and ethica l behavior will be analyses and discussed.Thirdly the structure of authentic dialogue and ethical behavior, in South African schools, will follow. Furthermore the parties involved will be evaluated and why they are targeted. Then the effects of fake dialogue, unethical behavior and other issues will be stated. Lastly, the discourse will be concluded by looking at suggestions on ways to improve the negative effects and summaries the argument by looking at the main points again and providing a short overview on authentic dialogue. 2.Dialogue can be formally defined as an honest and open exchange between two or more people in which winning points is not the agenda of any parties to it, but rather, the mutual objective is to hear diverse perspectives on a topic in order to come to a more open understanding of how people make meaning, how they each arrived at he meaning they attach to something, and whether and how that meaning is frozen in place and may be unfrozen and changed (Grant, 2 010:8).Therefore dialogue, if it is allowed, helps people to see the world more openly, more complexly, more dynamically and thus, more clearly (Grant, 2010:10). Authentic dialogue can be classified as the combination of being real and really open in both conversation and in relationship (Grant, 2010:5). Grant (2010:5) further states that the universe itself is a grand relationship, and when people recognize that their whole life is a nonunion of diversity and wholeness they partner with the energy of transformation, rather than attempt to assert narrow and short term control for shallow self-interest (Grant, 2010:5).Domination falls away and partnership emerges. Fear falls away and love emerges. Therefore when people really start listening to each other, it opens up the space to genuinely relate to each other, which in turn, opens up a deeper conversation (Grant, 2010:5). Empathy toward themselves and each other moves people from their default consciousness into a co- evolving cons ciousness that is precious and fragile (Grant, 2010:5). The deeper conversation co-generated is, all at once inside them, in their relations, and in their way of engaging in systems. By using authentic dialogue it can open people minds, hearts and will.This creates the ability to co-generate a new presence, which invites a new world (Grant, 2010:5). Authentic dialogue can be used as a transitional tool that opens up people's minds touching their deeper knowledge and picking up from Aristotle five forms of inquiry (Grant, 2010:6). These forms of inquiry can be classified as: science, art, practical wisdom, theory, and intuition. All these ways of owing can be used to bring into embodiment the future that people want to create (Grant, 2010:6). Too get there, people must let go of their preconceptions and conditioned habits (Grant, 2010:6).Moreover authentic dialogue sets the conditions for authentic organizations and institutions with words and deeds truly in alignment. Once in alignm ent, people may realize that their existing perspective on how their more open to changing their will (Grant, 2010:6). AFRICAN SCHOOLS According to Rule (2004:324), dialogue is not merely an educational technique; it is something fundamental to the process of becoming a human being. Further dialogue is also a moment when humans meet where they reflect on their reality as they make and remake their reality (Rule, 2004:325).Rule (2004:325) emphasizes that dialogue and political action are related and that dialogue is not simply talking for its own sake. Moreover dialogue is part of transforming the world by using the reflections of what people know and may not know to change and transform reality. Thus Rule (2004:326) argues that learners are not empty vessels which need to be filled by the teacher and rejects ‘banking education'. Therefore the teacher can no longer be classified as the-one-who-teaches, UT rather one who is himself taught in dialogue with the students, who in tu rn while being taught also teach (Rule, 2004:326).Further the learners and the teacher becomes Jointly responsible in the process where both parties experience grow (Rule, 2004:326). Furthermore Rule (2004:326) proposes that teachers become students and students become teachers during the dialog process. It becomes more clearly that the role of the teacher is to guide learners and facilitate positive dialogue in the classroom (Rule, 2004:326). The teacher can guide the learners through own life experiences, knowledge and examples. Therefore the teachers must always behave in such a way that they set a good example for learners (Rule, 2004:326).Thus teachers have the ability to change the learners' attitudes by using authentic dialogue and ethical behavior. Teachers can build foundations of trust, truth, safety and respect (Rule, 2004:326). When making use of authentic dialogue in a classroom, it helps to promote inclusively and equality. Teachers direct learners to acknowledge that there are: different cultures in South Africa, different languages, different races and different life views (Rule, 2004:326). The moment the learners realism that there are more than Just, ‘me, myself, and I in this world', there can be a positive change.Learners will realism that no matter their background, culture, religion or race, they are all equal and the same (Rule, 2004:326). It is a teacher's Job to always be true to the learners, to guide them and to create a platform where they can freely speak their minds (Rule, 2004:326). In conclusion authentic dialogue is a formal conversation between more than one party where the parties argue and share their views and perceptions regarding a specific topic. It is a key instrument which can be used to stop conflict and help promote positive change in this world.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Importance of Marriage
Running head: MARRIAGE AS AN INSTITUTION The Importance of Marriage Ana Vertz PS301 Mrs. Kathy Erickson August 30, 2009 The Importance of Marriage From Colonial times to present marriage has been an integral part of American culture. The importance is has been evident in that it is one of the few institutions that started with the country and is still very popular. What makes marriage an important institution? This paper will discuss the perceptions of the importance of marriage for men and women, children’s influence in the marriage relationship, the links between psychological distress and martial conflict, attitude towards same sex marriages and the effects of cohabitation and marriage commitment. The first section of this paper examines the importance of marriage from male and female perspectives. Research from the National Survey of Families and Households suggested the following trends: Men and women both feel that marriage is more important to men; women view marriage as optional for both men and women for having a satisfying life; women are more likely to think that men cannot have a satisfying life without marriage; youthful and more educated individuals are less likely to put emphasis on marriage; religious individuals and those married who have children predominantly more inclined to think that men nor women can have fulfilling lives without the institution of marriage. Research from the National Survey listed above also suggests that men get a greater benefit from marriage than do women as stated below from a study conducted on whether or not men need a spouse and the importance of marriage. In the article entitled â€Å"Do Men â€Å"Need†a Spouse more than Women? : Perceptions of The Importance of Marriage for Men and Women†the authors state: â€Å"As Nock (1998:3) states, â€Å"Men reap greater gains than women for virtually every outcome affected by marriage. Research results showing the greater benefit of marriage for men than for women on many dimensions, particularly physical and mental health (Bernard 1972; Grove 1973; Waite and Gallagher 2000), together with research has shown that women provide â€Å"kin-keeping†benefits to men by strengthening their relationships with their children and other relatives (Cooney and Uhlenberg 1990; Rossi and Rossi 1990), have led many to argue that it is men who â€Å"need†marriage more than women. This view is particularly prevalent among theorists of family who focus on its economic dimensions. By implication, they posit marriage to be a â€Å"normal good†for men but an â€Å"inferior good†for women when they argue that increased earnings lead men to â€Å"buy onto†family roles (Becker 1991; Cherlin 1992) while women use theirs to â€Å"buy out†of marriage (Espenshade 1985; Westoff 1986). †In many ways this research supports the fact that marriage meets the need of a man better than that of a woman. Next we will look at research conducted from the female perspective. An excerpt from the same article states: â€Å"The growth of female labor force participation that accelerated in the 1960’s (Goldin 1990), however, appeared to many observers to undermine what were by then conventional reasons for women to marry (Westoff 1986). As a result, women were thought to be questioning the desirability of a domestic life (Friedan 1962) and coming to believe that â€Å"women’s marriage†was less desirable than â€Å"men’s marriage†(Bernard 1972). Feminist theory has reinforced the notion that women and men face very different experiences in the family life and hence have different experiences in family life and hence have different interest’s vis-a-vis family roles, which are said to favor men (Ferree 1990). The benefits of simply â€Å"trading†housework for men’s wages (the basis for the economic argument) have declined, given the longer-term costs in terms of career development and the higher risks imposed by the increase in divorce (Thomson and Walker 1995), and the fact that wives’ expected role has added employment to their traditional household tasks (Hochschild 1989; DeVault 1990). Hence, modern women may have had more reason than men to reevaluate what they might gain from marriage. These speculations are at least partially reinforced by some research that does suggest men expect to benefit more from marriage than do women. The analyses of shifting attitudes make it plausible that men place more importance on marriage than women. While most people believe that the married are happier than those who are not married, this belief is more likely to be held by men than women (Axinn nd Thornton 2000). Indeed, women are more likely to disagree than men that it is better to be married than single (Thornton and Young-DeMArco 2001). These gender differences suggest that women, at least, are less sure that marriage is important, and they are likely to be thinking more about their own situation as women than about men’s. Therefore, we expect that in the 1990’s, men and women will see marriage as more necessary for men than women. These considerations, together with the paucity of research that addresses the question of who needs to be married more, men or women, motivate our research (Kaufman and Goldscheider, 2007). The above referenced article shows evidence that the more learned put off marriage, have less children and view family roles as less important. (This is based in relation to expectations to themselves and their children living in early adulthood). Spiritual or religious associations have also been connected across a vast array of family domains with grater support for the family. These religious cultures encourage marriage, martial stability, especially non-approval of non-martial child bearing, and encouragement for traditional descriptions of marriage. In looking at the importance of marriage from the viewpoint of male and female research conducted for this paper suggest that men and women view marriage as more important to men than women. (Kaufman and Goldscheider, 2007) Children’s Influence in the Marriage Relationship In the article â€Å"Children’s Influence in the Marriage Relationship†the research shows that there are reciprocal effects between children and marriage. The emotional security theory suggests that exposure to martial conflicts improves children’s negative emotions, resulting in emotional insecurity. This emotional insecurity promotes children’s impulses to go between, run away from or in other forms lessens the occurrence of martial discord. (Schermerhorn, Cummings, Mark, DeCarlo, Davies, Patrick, 2007) The article goes on to state: â€Å"Attempts to reduce exposure to discord indicate that the goal of preserving emotional security us activated, serving as a mechanism by which children maintain or achieve emotional security. The first two aims of the present article are to investigate reciprocity between the child and the martial system, including examination of both the influence of martial conflict on the child and child behavioral responses that influence martial functioning. †(Schermerhorn, Cummings, Mark, DeCarlo, Davies, Patrick, 2007) From the research we can see that children are more likely to be negatively impacted by martial discord. Many times the child resorts to mediation to help fix the problems. Overall the findings of my research showed that children engage in behaviors to by some means reduce discord between parents. This in return reduces the child’s exposure family threats. Another behavioral response is Behavioral dysregulation (i. e. , acts of verbal or physical aggression, misbehavior, or hurting oneself). Clinic literature indicates that discord in marriages corresponds to children’s behavior problems including aggressive behavior. Some have suggested that this behavior may show a taking on of the marriages problem to them self in demonstrating agentic behavior. This, from the child’s perspective, would distract parents from marital difficulties giving the child’s negative behavior a purpose to reduce martial discord over time. Schermerhorn, Cummings, Mark, DeCarlo, Davies, Patrick, 2007) The study also showed the effects on psychological adjustment. An excerpt from the article states: â€Å"The third aim of this study is to examine relations between children’s behavioral responses to martial discord and their adjustment. In one of the few studies examini ng this link, Patenaude (2000) found that for girls who believed they could control interparental conflict by engaging in parent-protecting behaviors, higher martial conflict was associated with better adjustment. In contrast, for boys believing in a parentified role in the martial relationship, higher martial conflict was associated with more internalized sysmptoms, albeit non-significantly. †(Schermerhorn, Cummings, Mark, DeCarlo, Davies, Patrick, 2007) The research I conducted on children next suggests that when children react in a proactive nature to interparental discord by attempting to mediate, conflict in fact decrease over time. Even though negative behavior is a form of insecurity concerning the marriage relationship, the present study suggests that children’s usage of negative attitudes and behavior as a constructive coping strategy can actually provide help towards reducing marital discord. In contrast to proactive behavior, children’s negative behavior was linked with more destructive interparental relations over a period of time. It is likely that these behaviors by children don’t take their parents attention away from the marital discord but actually contribute to it by increasing conflict. However the method of the child’s associates is unsure. The outcome of a child’s behavior may be best understood by looking at each situation. For example, parents who are able to see that the child is trying to help may be more inclined to decrease conflict. It’s not that the child solves the parent’s dilemma, but that the child’s actions allow the parent to see the child’s suffering and discomfort. This may guide parent’s ability to solve problems than the child’s ability to constructively cope with the situation. It is not suggested that children should become actively engaged in marital discord because there are findings that show children’s helping behavior can contribute to children’s depression. (Schermerhorn, Cummings, Mark, DeCarlo, Davies, Patrick, 2007) We will next discuss psychological distress and martial conflict in the home. References Avery, A. , Chase, J. , & Johansson, L. (2007). America's changing attitudes towards homosexuality, civil unions, and same-gender marriage: 1977-2004. Social Work, 52(1), 71-79. Fowers, B. , Lyons, E. , Montel, K. , & Shaked, N. (2001, March). Positive illusions about marriage among married and single individuals. Journal of Family Psychology, 15(1), 95-109. Retrieved September 01, 2009, doi:10. 1037/0893-3200. 15. 1. 95 Kaufman, G. , & Goldscheider, F. (2007). Do men ‘need' a spouse more than women? : Perceptions of the importance of marriage for men and women. Sociological Quarterly, 48(1), 29-46. Papp, L. M. , Goeke-Morey, M. C. , & Cummings, M. E. (2007). Linkages between spouses' psychological distress and marital conflict in the home. Journal of Family Psychology, 21(3), 533-537. Rhoades, G. K. , Stanley, S. M. , & Markman, H. J. (2006). Pre-engagement Cohabitation and Gender Asymmetry in Marital Commitment. Journal of Family Psychology, 20(4), 553-560. Schermerhorn, A. C. , Cummings, M. E. , & DeCarlo, C. A. (2007). Children's influence in the marital relationship. Journal of Family Psychology, 21(2), 259-269. Stolz, L. (1941, October). Review of Family BehaviorModern Marriage, and Modern Marriage. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 36(4), 608-610. Retrieved September 01, 2009, doi:10. 1037/h0052788 Neubeck, G. (1959, Sum). Review of Why Marriages Go Wrong. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 6(2), 168-169. Retrieved September 01, 2009, doi:10. 1037/h0039159
Friday, November 8, 2019
Pornography1 essays
Pornography1 essays A First Amendment Junkie Censoring pornography is wrong. Pornography should not be censored just be cause some people find it offensive. I cannot recall the last time someone made me look at a pornographic picture, or made me buy a pornographic magazine or movie. If you do not agree with the material then do not buy it. The people that enjoy these types of pictures do it on their on free will. No one makes them and to take this decision away is taking their freedom away and is going against everything the first amendment stands for. A large majority of Americans sometime in their life have enjoyed seeing someone naked or have desired to see that person naked. To many feminists this is pornography. Nudity is indeed an art and like most art it is one persons expression of their ideas. To take a persons ideas away from them is wrong and should not be allowed. The first amendment is about ensuring the people some authority and meaning in this government and by taking that away we are slaves to the United States. All of the problems with Kiddie Porn and children viewing pornography would virtually cease if parents would play a more active role in their childrens lives and not let the t.v. or the computer be the babysitter. It is like Jacoby said in her essay My friends tell me I dont know how it is because I dont have children. True, but I do have parents. It was her parents job to monitor what she saw and not the governments or anyone elses. The first amendment sets forth several right given to the American people. These rights are what give the people some dignity and place in society. If we take this away from ourselves, we are just hurting each other, Whether it concerns pornography, protests, or any of the like. Jacobys essay was well thought out and was simple to read. All of her points were supported with good fac ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
How to Tell Your Parents You Want to Transfer Colleges
How to Tell Your Parents You Want to Transfer Colleges Chances are, you and your parents spent a lot of time looking at, preparing for, applying to, and finally deciding on which college you wanted to attend. Which means, of course, that if you decide you really dont like where you are and you want to transfer to another institution, bringing the topic up to your folks presents quite a few challenges. So just where should you begin? Be Honest Its okay to admit that you dont like where you are; approximately 1 in 3 college students ends up transferring at some point, which means that your desire to head somewhere else certainly isnt unusual (or even unexpected). And even if you feel like youre letting your parents down or are otherwise creating problems, being honest about how your current experience is going is still really important. Its much easier to transfer before things become overwhelming, after all, and your parents need you to be honest if theyre going to be able to fully help and support you. Talk About What You Dont Like at Your Institution Is it the students? The classes? The professors? The overall culture? Talking through whats causing your stress and unhappiness can not just help you find a solution, it can help transform what feels like an overwhelming issue into smaller, conquerable problems. Additionally, if youre looking to transfer, youll be better able to identify what you dont want at your next college or university. Talk About What You Do Like Its unlikely that you dislike every single thing at your current school. It can be hard but also helpful to think about the things you really do like. What attracted you to your institution in the first place? What appealed to you? What do you still like? What did you learn to like? What would you like to see at any new place you transfer to? What do you find appealing about your classes, your campus, your living arrangement? Focus on the Fact that You Want to Continue Calling your parents to say you want to leave your school can be heard two ways: you want to transfer colleges or you want to drop out of college altogether. And for most parents, the former is a lot easier to handle than the latter. Focus on your desire to stay in school and to continue your education just at another college or university. That way, your parents can focus on making sure you find someplace with a better fit instead of worrying that youre throwing your future away. Be Specific Try to be very detailed about why you dont like where you are. While I just dont like it here and I want to come home/go somewhere else might adequately convey how youre feeling, broad statements like these make it difficult for your parents to know how to support you. Talk about what you like, what you dont like, when youd like to transfer, where (if you know) youd like to transfer, what you want to study, what your goals still are for your college education and career. That way, your parents can help you focus on the things that are most important in ways that are specific and actionable. Talk Through the Specifics If you really do want to transfer (and end up doing so), there are a lot of logistics to work out. Before you fully commit to leaving your current institution, make sure youre fully aware of how the process will work. Will your credits transfer? Will you have to pay back any scholarships? When will you have to start paying back your loans? What financial obligations do you have in your living environment? Will you lose any efforts youve made in the current semester and, consequently, would it be wiser to just stay a little while longer and finish up your current course load? Even if you want to transfer as soon as possible, you likely dont want to spend longer than needed cleaning up what you left behind. Make a plan of action, knowing deadlines for all of your to-dos, and then talk with your parents about how they can best support you during the transition.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Second Industrial Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Second Industrial Revolution - Essay Example the policy makers were much more concerned with the creation of a stable economy, which according to them would be achieved easily through service-based industries as compared to the manufacturing industries. With the US currently in a state of modifications as manufacturing jobs depart the country and service trades rocket, a lot of parallels to the Second Industrial Revolution have been brought forward. A lot of jobs have been mislaid in the manufacturing industry; thus, the country is simply short of innovations (Adler & Pouwels, 2011). The new generation broods do not want courses that deal with engineering, but prefer law, banking sector amongst others. The country has also gone through issues of balance trading, since its goods cannot compete well in the market. Due to the demands of the service industry, the government has been forced to take on in deficit spending, so as to continue to exist in the industry. This is without a doubt a great risk to both tax payers and the country at
Friday, November 1, 2019
Consider the extent to which burden of proofs conflict with the Essay
Consider the extent to which burden of proofs conflict with the presumption of innocence in English Law - Essay Example In English Law, the judges use legal precedent and their common sense to formulate the laws. In England, it is possible to amend or revoke the English common law by the Parliament. A few of the oldest English laws which still exist today include the Distress Act of 1267 and a few sections of the Magna Carta of 1215. W. M. Geldart( p.7, 1918) states We commonly speak both of law and lawsâ€â€the English Law, or the Laws of England ; and these terms, though not used with precision, point to two different aspects under which legal science may be approached. The laws of a country are thought of as separate, distinct, individual rules; the law of a country, however much we may analyze it into separate rules, is something more than the mere sum of such rules. It is rather a whole, a system which orders our conduct ; in which the separate rules have their place and their relation to each other and to the whole ; which is never completely exhausted by any analysis, however far the analysi s may be pushed, and however much the analysis may be necessary to our understanding of the whole. The Presumption of Innocence and the Burden of Proof are two very important laws which belong to the English Law. The Presumption of Innocence is the right that an accused gets in most modern countries of the world. Hence, until the persecution can gather further evidence to prove that the accused is guilty, the accused will be deemed as innocent. The prosecution on the other hand has a job which directly conflicts with the ‘Presumption of innocence’. Their job is to obtain the ‘The Burden of Proof’. So the proof that the prosecution needs to gather has to be convincing enough. This would make the jury pronounce that the accused is guilty without any doubt. But if there are certain doubts, the accused will be acquitted. The Presumption of Innocence is very similar to the Latin principle ‘Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat’, hence many consider it to be based on this
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Reading Response Questions for How to Think Theologically from page 1 Assignment
Reading Response Questions for How to Think Theologically from page 1 to 25 - Assignment Example As such, all Christians find themselves theologians by seeking vivid comprehension of the religion after believing and having faith in it. Getting a firm grasp on this requires a little more understanding of theology as a concept and matters related to it. Q2. Theological reflection is perpetual conversation that involves the current Christian generation and their predecessors. As such, it is not something to be invented, personalized or even put to perfection by an individual. All that one can do is perform his best based on who and where he is in as far as Christian theology is concerned. Consequently, the church as an institution should give Christians the opportunity of thinking for themselves without necessarily channelling their thoughts towards one direction if the whole idea of Church theology is to materialize. Q3. Besides the usual view, the whole idea can also be drawn from oral religious tradition. As portrayed in the grandmother’s version, the whole concept can be vividly understood in a more or less similar manner to the renowned church theology concept (Stone and Duke, 2013). With this, it implies that several approaches can be taken to arrive at almost similar conclusions. However, it is not many people who are aware of the other option, the oral theological tradition which is equally of essence in the eventual understanding of theology. Q4. As we are made to understand, the whole idea of theology involves better understanding and trust in God, and that goes hand in hand with faith. Christian theology to be accurate cannot be deemed complete without the comprehension of God’s will, nature and that of His son Jesus Christ alongside the Holy Spirit. Q5. The belief in question can be in two significant ways; as intellectual assent or as interpersonal relationships. Depending on one’s perception and relationship with God, none of the above can be considered superior to the other. This is
Monday, October 28, 2019
Crucible Projects Essay Example for Free
Crucible Projects Essay Select one of the following to complete independently or with a partner: People Magazine’s Love Triangle of the Year Produce a magazine article in which you try to piece together the story of this love triangle from the various characters’ points of view. Your article should include comments by John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, and Abigail Williams. The main goal here is to understand the effect their actions had on each of the others. Be sure to bring out the major events of the story in some way. Your finished product should look like a magazine article and include various pictures or whatever your creative minds can come up with! Look at some People Magazine articles for ideas. The Crucible: An Alphabet Book For your final project, you will create an alphabet book using one letter of the alphabet per page. It may be rhyming or nonrhyming. Give your book a cover and illustrate it. As this will be your final grade, I am particularly interested in seeing that you have an understanding of the major events and themes of the novel as well as relationships between the characters. (EXAMPLE: A is for adultery. M is for McCarthyism.) The Crucible Greeting Cards Design five greeting cards that you think John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Reverend Parris, and Abigail Williams would have sent to each other for a holiday. You choose the holiday/occasion and design the five cards, one from each of these characters. Include a picture and a quote or poem that they would have written in each card. They can be funny or serious. Be creative and make the cards look nice! I am particularly interested in seeing that you have an understanding of the major ideas and the relationships between the characters. Include an explanation with each card. The Crucible Soundtrack Create a soundtrack for the novel, choosing or composing five songs (ONE can be an instrumental). The songs must represent the main themes, moods, relationships, or events in the story in some way. Create a CD insert with appropriate artwork, artist information, dedications, and a booklet that includes lyrics and a paragraph for each song explaining how and why each relates to the book. You may burn the songs onto a CD if you’d like, but it is not required. The Crucible Diary Create a journal/diary for one of the three main characters. In that character’s voice (first person),you will create at least 10 one page, typed and dated entries based on what’s happening at the time. This will allow you to comment on the major events of the plot. You MUST comment on the following: The first appearance of the character in the story Any meeting that your character has with another of the characters Any important event that occurs in the story Any physical/psychological changes in the character Where the character leaves the story The story covers years in the character’s life so you will observe changes in the character’s acceptance in the community, the physical and/or mental condition of your character, and his/her relationship with the other characters. The main characters who will appear in your journal will be John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Abigail Williams, Reverend Hale, and/or Reverend Parris. You may choose any of these as your â€Å"journal writer†, but all of them will appear in your journal. The Crucible Times Develop a front page from a Salem newspaper during the time/setting of this story. Your front page will be full of the story of Abigail and Company, the scandal, and/or the aftermath. The goal is to show me that you have an understanding of the plot and characters in the play. Your front page should include several of the following: 1. A banner headline 2. At least one picture with a caption 3. The lead story (at least 300 words) 4. Related side bar stories 5. Horoscope 6. Title of newspaper 7. At least one advertisement that is play related 8. Advice column 9. Gossip column 10. Classifieds
Saturday, October 26, 2019
student :: essays research papers
Simple Machines      A windmill is a machine that uses the wind to turn a wheel of adjustable vanes, slats or sails. As the wheel turns, it turns a shaft, wheels, and gears that power machinery. It is more properly called a â€Å"wind pump,†but most people call it a â€Å"windmill.†Windmills have been used for hundred of years to power machinery used to grind grain such as wheat and corn. Today we also have windmills, called â€Å"wind turbines,†that generate electricity.     All machines are a combination of several simple machines or modifications of one. A simple machine is one that is moved by just one force. The six types of simple machines are the lever, the wheel and axle, the pulley, the inclined plane, the wedge, and the screw. A lever is a long plank, beam or bar that is used to move heavy loads. Examples of a lever are seesaws, scissors, broom, tweezers, and ice-tongs. A wheel is a cylindrical object that rotates about axis of the cylinder. Wheels are on cars and trains. Some wheels turn other wheels, like geared wheels on a bicycle or a clock. Some wheels turn together like the doorknobs, or the knobs on a televisions. A pulley is a grooved wheel. A rope is fitted into the grove and turns the wheel when pulled. An inclined plane is a very simple machine. It has a sloping surface that makes it easier to pull, push, or roll heavy objects. Examples are wheelchair ramps or a stairway. The screw is an inclined plane wound at its edge on a cylinder or cone. Examples of a screw includes faucets,      Saizan 2 screw-in bulbs, and screw-on bottle tops. The wedge is essentially an inclined plane such as knives, blades, nails, needles, pins, wood and axes.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Film Critique: Encoding and Decoding
Banshees and Griffin used the critically acclaimed film, The Lion King, as their case study. They decoded that the villainy Is linked to stereotypical traits of male homosexuality. Jamie Blanks encoded meaning Into the film. Blanks encoded Ideology of sexuality, class, and culture. Since the film Is In the horror genre, the film might not be taken serious, thus It may be seem to have little to say about actual human relations and Ideologies. According to the cultural studies model, the cultural artifact Storm Warning Is the text, Its producer IsJamie Blanks, and the readers are all the people that have seen the film since its release. Readers who enjoyed the film were most likely using dominant readings of the text, they cheered for the couple that were tormented throughout the movie hoping that they would find a way to defeat the â€Å"Three Bears†. Yet, whenever there are people that like something, there are always critics. The critics of the film use oppositional readings. For example, some readers may have been bothered that the film traumatized how three men living in the middle of nowhere with a â€Å"boorish†epistyle and negative upbringing must be monsters or animals.The film brings the idea that these men must be murders and rapist because that is the way they grew up thinking. That is almost as if to say that because many African-American grew up in environments that consist of murders and drugs, that they will all grow up to be murders and drug lords. The film made them a victim of their environment. It shows that people living isolated zones must live like animals and do socially unacceptable things like watch animal porn and attempt to rape the first female that comes around.Other oppositional that could be stated is that towards the beginning of the film, the leading lady, is viewed as very â€Å"feminine†. She seemed to be disgusted by the manly things that her male counterpart was doing, she didn't enjoy the brutality of t he killing of the fish nor the murder of the Kangaroo. Later, we see a change In her, showing more toughness after her boyfriend wasn't doing anything to get them out of this situation as his role says he should. Opposition may view this change as a way of showing that a female doesn't need a man to help them In situation as they have the mental toughness to help themselves.At the same time, It showed that the boyfriend was Indeed the â€Å"friendly†one. Whether it is intentional or non-intentional. Decoding is the viewer's interpretation of the meaning. The decoding varies from viewer to viewer based on individual social and historical upbringing. The manner in which the producers encoded the work acclaimed film, The Lion King, as their case study. They decoded that the villainy is into the film. Blanks encoded ideology of sexuality, class, and culture. Since the film is in the horror genre, the film might not be taken serious, thus it may be seem to eave little to say abou t actual human relations and ideologies.According to the cultural studies model, the cultural artifact Storm Warning is the text, its producer is around. Other oppositional that could be stated is that towards the beginning of by the manly things that her male counterpart was doing, she didn't enjoy the change in her, showing more toughness after her boyfriend wasn't doing anything to change as a way of showing that a female doesn't need a man to help them in situation as they have the mental toughness to help themselves. At the same time, it showed that the boyfriend was indeed the â€Å"feminine†one.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Singapore Company Law
SAMPLE ONLY MID-SEMESTER TEST COURSE:LAW2464 COMPANY LAW DATE:17/03/2012 TIME ALLOWED:1 hour 40 minutes (including 10mins reading time) QUESTION (Prospectus Topic) In July 2011, Ah Beng was at his accountant’s office to talk about taxation matters. Whilst there, his accountant gave him a prospectus issued by Ionic Ltd. , a company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, to take home to read and if interested, to follow the instructions about investing in new shares in the company which were to be quoted on the Exchange.After reading the prospectus, Ah Beng was convinced that he was going to make a lot of money investing in the company which had stated that it had discovered a huge gold deposit in Western Australia. The prospectus contained a report by a geologist which stated that the gold was near the surface and therefore, easily mined. The prospectus also contained estimations of the amount of profits which it could make based on the current high price of gold. (False and/o r Misleading Statements) Criminal Lability Under S253(Jail and/or fine company is liable if it is an entity. Directions are liable.Statements are materially adverse from viewpoint of investors including Ah Beng. Who else is liable? The Accountant? No advice or false or misleaeding statement. Did he act intentionally or recklessly? No. No Lability. Could Geologist be liable? Yes, as his a conman. Actions were intentional. S254 Civil Lability Directors liable any defences under s255 SFA? Any defences under s255 SFA? Reasonable reliance on geologist, reports is reliance here reasonable. He is a conman. Not reasonable. Inquries Defence, May fail. Geologist liable to compensate no defence. Accountant assuming he made statements.Yes, if not. No. Ah beng will receive compensation for his loss. ALTERNATIVE Misrepresentaton. False Statement Made during negotiation that induces one into contract Geologist is dishonest and fraudulent misrepresentation. Recession of contract of sale of shares a nd damages for the tort of deceit. After applying for the shares, Ah Beng was issued 50,000 shares at the price of $1. 00 per share in September 2011. In January 2012, the local newspaper published an article about the arrest of a geologist in Western Australia who was claiming discovery of mines which turned out to be non-existent.A week later, news broke out that the arrested conman was the geologist whose report was contained in the Ionic Ltd’s prospectus and there was actually a very small deposit of gold very deep in the ground which would make any mining a loss-making venture. The price of the shares in Ionic Ltd immediately plunged and trading in the shares had to be halted. Ah Beng has now come to you for advise as he has been informed that Ioninc Ltd shares are now worthless and that the company will soon be wound-up. REQUIRED:Can Ah Beng take action against any one or more persons with regard to his loss? Explain. (8 marks) QUESTION TWO Dinosaur Rocks Pte Ltd (Dinos aur Rocks) is a family company whose two shareholders and directors are Fred and his wife, Betty. They live in a house in Pasir Panjang owned by the company. The company owns a business of supplying rocks and sand to construction companies. In August 2011, Fred borrowed $1 million from U-O-Me Bank. The loan was secured by a mortgage charge over the Pasir Panjang property owned by Dinosaur Rocks.The loan was to be used by Fred for personal expenses. According to the articles of association, the mortgage/charge document was to be executed by way of affixing the common seal in the presence of two directors as witnesses. Fred signed the document as witness but he also forged Betty’s signature. By early January 2012, Fred had defaulted on his last two loan repayments. It has since emerged that Fred had skipped the country with the $1 million in October 2011 and is now purportedly living the high life in the Maldives.U-O-Me Bank has started proceedings to enforce the mortgage/charg e against the Pasir Panjang property owned by Dinosaur Rocks. Betty comes to you for advice. She is more distressed about losing the Pasir Panjang property than losing Fred and does not want to vacate the house which she will have to when the Bank sells the property. REQUIRED: Advise Betty as to whether the mortgage/charge is valid and enforceable against the company. (8 marks) QUESTION THREE (Separating of legal entity concept, Lifting of corporate veil and evasion of legal obligations, case GM v Horne, Jones V Lipman fraud.Re Darby. Solution is to lift the veil and consider Athena and Grecian as one. Each is liable for the acts of debts of the other. Athena is a hair-dresser. Two months ago, she agreed to sell all the hair-dressing machines and supplies in her salon in Bukit Timah to Hera as she was moving to a new business location in Orchard Road. The purchase price was to be paid three months later whereupon Athena would deliver all the goods to Hera. Athena was intending to bu y new machines and supplies for her new salon but a month ago, her application to obtain a bank loan was not approved.Needing equipment and supplies at the Orchard Road location, Athena registered a company called Grecian Pte Ltd (Grecian) with herself as the sole director and member last week. She immediately moved all the machines and supplies from her Bukit Timah salon to the new Orchard Road location of Grecian. Athena then told Hera the deal was off as she no longer owned the machines and supplies. Hera wants the machines and supplies as agreed under the contract as the machines are identical to the ones in her own salon. REQUIRED: Advise Hera. (6 marks) QUESTION FOURWhen incorporated in January 2010, the memorandum and articles of association of Coffee Addict Pte Ltd (Coffee Addict) contained the following clauses:- 1. The objects of the company is the import and supply coffee beans to retail outletsin Singapore; 2. 3. Gloria is to be employed as the sales manager of the compa ny for a period of five years at an annual salary of $100,000. In January 2012, Coffee Addict entered into a joint-venture agreement with Jean Ltd to build a row of ten shops in Clementi Road. Both parties are to inject $2 million each into the project.Also in January 2012, the Board of Directors of Coffee Addict resolved to terminate Gloria’s appointment as the sales manager. REQUIRED: a) Is the contract with Jeans Ltd a valid contract since it is contravenes the objects clause. Explain. (4 marks) b) Can Gloria prevent her removal as sales manager? Would it make any difference if she is also a shareholder? Explain. (4 marks) Total: 4 + 4 = 8 marks QUESTION FIVE Potterfied Ltd ( Potterfied) has its own set of articles which entitles preference shareholders to an annual dividend of ten cents per share.The Board of Directors of Potterfield wanted the articles amended so that the dividends are to be reduced to four cents per share and last week, persuaded more than half of the m embers to pass a resolution at a members’ meeting to the effect. The members were also told that there was nothing they could do as long as the majority of all shareholders agreed to the change. Harriet is a preference-shareholder who voted against the amendment to the articles at the members’ meeting last week. REQUIRED: Advise Harriet. Assupmtion that this variation of class rights affects all preferences shareholders rights to receive dividentds of 10cent per share, S74(1) applies. If 5% or more of shareholders dissent then can apply to court to stay the resolution to change the article until and unless the court confirms it, the change is ineffective. ) (6 marks) QUESTION SIX REQUIRED: Discuss the validity of the following statement: ’ The Privy Council in the case of Lee v Lee’s Air Farming Ltd did not apply the principle set out in Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd. ’ (4 marks) *Separating entity was applied Singapore Company Law SAMPLE ONLY MID-SEMESTER TEST COURSE:LAW2464 COMPANY LAW DATE:17/03/2012 TIME ALLOWED:1 hour 40 minutes (including 10mins reading time) QUESTION (Prospectus Topic) In July 2011, Ah Beng was at his accountant’s office to talk about taxation matters. Whilst there, his accountant gave him a prospectus issued by Ionic Ltd. , a company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, to take home to read and if interested, to follow the instructions about investing in new shares in the company which were to be quoted on the Exchange.After reading the prospectus, Ah Beng was convinced that he was going to make a lot of money investing in the company which had stated that it had discovered a huge gold deposit in Western Australia. The prospectus contained a report by a geologist which stated that the gold was near the surface and therefore, easily mined. The prospectus also contained estimations of the amount of profits which it could make based on the current high price of gold. (False and/o r Misleading Statements) Criminal Lability Under S253(Jail and/or fine company is liable if it is an entity. Directions are liable.Statements are materially adverse from viewpoint of investors including Ah Beng. Who else is liable? The Accountant? No advice or false or misleaeding statement. Did he act intentionally or recklessly? No. No Lability. Could Geologist be liable? Yes, as his a conman. Actions were intentional. S254 Civil Lability Directors liable any defences under s255 SFA? Any defences under s255 SFA? Reasonable reliance on geologist, reports is reliance here reasonable. He is a conman. Not reasonable. Inquries Defence, May fail. Geologist liable to compensate no defence. Accountant assuming he made statements.Yes, if not. No. Ah beng will receive compensation for his loss. ALTERNATIVE Misrepresentaton. False Statement Made during negotiation that induces one into contract Geologist is dishonest and fraudulent misrepresentation. Recession of contract of sale of shares a nd damages for the tort of deceit. After applying for the shares, Ah Beng was issued 50,000 shares at the price of $1. 00 per share in September 2011. In January 2012, the local newspaper published an article about the arrest of a geologist in Western Australia who was claiming discovery of mines which turned out to be non-existent.A week later, news broke out that the arrested conman was the geologist whose report was contained in the Ionic Ltd’s prospectus and there was actually a very small deposit of gold very deep in the ground which would make any mining a loss-making venture. The price of the shares in Ionic Ltd immediately plunged and trading in the shares had to be halted. Ah Beng has now come to you for advise as he has been informed that Ioninc Ltd shares are now worthless and that the company will soon be wound-up. REQUIRED:Can Ah Beng take action against any one or more persons with regard to his loss? Explain. (8 marks) QUESTION TWO Dinosaur Rocks Pte Ltd (Dinos aur Rocks) is a family company whose two shareholders and directors are Fred and his wife, Betty. They live in a house in Pasir Panjang owned by the company. The company owns a business of supplying rocks and sand to construction companies. In August 2011, Fred borrowed $1 million from U-O-Me Bank. The loan was secured by a mortgage charge over the Pasir Panjang property owned by Dinosaur Rocks.The loan was to be used by Fred for personal expenses. According to the articles of association, the mortgage/charge document was to be executed by way of affixing the common seal in the presence of two directors as witnesses. Fred signed the document as witness but he also forged Betty’s signature. By early January 2012, Fred had defaulted on his last two loan repayments. It has since emerged that Fred had skipped the country with the $1 million in October 2011 and is now purportedly living the high life in the Maldives.U-O-Me Bank has started proceedings to enforce the mortgage/charg e against the Pasir Panjang property owned by Dinosaur Rocks. Betty comes to you for advice. She is more distressed about losing the Pasir Panjang property than losing Fred and does not want to vacate the house which she will have to when the Bank sells the property. REQUIRED: Advise Betty as to whether the mortgage/charge is valid and enforceable against the company. (8 marks) QUESTION THREE (Separating of legal entity concept, Lifting of corporate veil and evasion of legal obligations, case GM v Horne, Jones V Lipman fraud.Re Darby. Solution is to lift the veil and consider Athena and Grecian as one. Each is liable for the acts of debts of the other. Athena is a hair-dresser. Two months ago, she agreed to sell all the hair-dressing machines and supplies in her salon in Bukit Timah to Hera as she was moving to a new business location in Orchard Road. The purchase price was to be paid three months later whereupon Athena would deliver all the goods to Hera. Athena was intending to bu y new machines and supplies for her new salon but a month ago, her application to obtain a bank loan was not approved.Needing equipment and supplies at the Orchard Road location, Athena registered a company called Grecian Pte Ltd (Grecian) with herself as the sole director and member last week. She immediately moved all the machines and supplies from her Bukit Timah salon to the new Orchard Road location of Grecian. Athena then told Hera the deal was off as she no longer owned the machines and supplies. Hera wants the machines and supplies as agreed under the contract as the machines are identical to the ones in her own salon. REQUIRED: Advise Hera. (6 marks) QUESTION FOURWhen incorporated in January 2010, the memorandum and articles of association of Coffee Addict Pte Ltd (Coffee Addict) contained the following clauses:- 1. The objects of the company is the import and supply coffee beans to retail outletsin Singapore; 2. 3. Gloria is to be employed as the sales manager of the compa ny for a period of five years at an annual salary of $100,000. In January 2012, Coffee Addict entered into a joint-venture agreement with Jean Ltd to build a row of ten shops in Clementi Road. Both parties are to inject $2 million each into the project.Also in January 2012, the Board of Directors of Coffee Addict resolved to terminate Gloria’s appointment as the sales manager. REQUIRED: a) Is the contract with Jeans Ltd a valid contract since it is contravenes the objects clause. Explain. (4 marks) b) Can Gloria prevent her removal as sales manager? Would it make any difference if she is also a shareholder? Explain. (4 marks) Total: 4 + 4 = 8 marks QUESTION FIVE Potterfied Ltd ( Potterfied) has its own set of articles which entitles preference shareholders to an annual dividend of ten cents per share.The Board of Directors of Potterfield wanted the articles amended so that the dividends are to be reduced to four cents per share and last week, persuaded more than half of the m embers to pass a resolution at a members’ meeting to the effect. The members were also told that there was nothing they could do as long as the majority of all shareholders agreed to the change. Harriet is a preference-shareholder who voted against the amendment to the articles at the members’ meeting last week. REQUIRED: Advise Harriet. Assupmtion that this variation of class rights affects all preferences shareholders rights to receive dividentds of 10cent per share, S74(1) applies. If 5% or more of shareholders dissent then can apply to court to stay the resolution to change the article until and unless the court confirms it, the change is ineffective. ) (6 marks) QUESTION SIX REQUIRED: Discuss the validity of the following statement: ’ The Privy Council in the case of Lee v Lee’s Air Farming Ltd did not apply the principle set out in Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd. ’ (4 marks) *Separating entity was applied
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