Thursday, August 27, 2020
Spanish Verbs Related to Tener
Spanish Verbs Related to Tener Tener is one of numerous action words in Spanish that can be joined with a few prefixes to shape new action words. Albeit tener doesnt have a related (a proportionate word with a typical precursor) in English, the action words got from it do, and they are among the English action words finishing off with - tain. Subsequently detener has a similar root as the English keep, mantener is identified with keep up, etc. In any case, on the grounds that Englishs - tain words are identified with Spanishs - tener action words doesnt imply that they are definite matches. For instance, detener and retener are regularly exchangeable in Spanish as their implications can be very comparative, however the English action words are more averse to be utilized interchangeably. Likewise, the implications of to hold something up and to safeguard a perspective can both be communicated in Spanish with sostener and mantener, while the English action words will in general have less cover in significance. The Nine Verbs Here are the nine most normal Spanish action words got from tener alongside a portion of their most common implications and test sentences: Abstener Abstener is normally utilized in its reflexive structure abstenerse and commonly intends to purposely cease from something. It is normally trailed by de. Mi padre tiene que abstenerse del liquor. (My dad needs to keep away from alcohol.)Me abstengo de pensar en las cosas malas que han pasado. (I will not consider the terrible things that have happened.)El presidente fue interrumpido por su abogado para que abstuviera de atacar a su rival polã tica. (The president was hindered by legal advisor with the goal that he would shield from assaulting his political adversary. Atener Atener alludes to keeping inside some metaphorical limits, for example, by noticing directions or complying with the law. In increasingly broad use, it can allude to only focusing on or managing a circumstance. As in the initial two models beneath, it is frequently utilized in the reflexive. Es importante que nos atenemos la ley. (It is significant that we comply with the law.)Pero no puedo atenerme an ella task el tiempo. (I cannot go to myself to her all the time.)Las autoridades no atienen el problema. (The specialists arent managing the issue.) Contener Contener has two classifications of importance: to control or limit, and to contain or incorporate. La jarra contiene dos litros. (The container contains two liters.)Muchas vecesâ contuvo su enojo. (She regularly controlled her anger.)Los champã ºs de limpieza profunda contienen un ingrediente cido como vinagre de manzana. (The profound cleaning shampoos incorporate a high-corrosive fixing, for example, apple vinegar.) Detener Detener as a rule intends to quit something or confine somebody, for example, by capturing. La policã a detuvo a once personas. (The police captured eleven people.)Es importante que detengas task ese caos. (It is significant that you stop this turmoil.) Entretener Implications of entretener incorporate to occupy, to engage, to delay, and to keep up. Se entretuvieron buscando un coche. (They got occupied searching for a car.)No ha entretenido su coche. (He has not kept up his car.)Se entretenã a por tocar el piano. (She engaged herself by playing the piano.) Mantener Mantener can allude to keeping up in the expansive feeling of the word, for example, by genuinely supporting, continuing, remaining, and keeping. Los precios se mantuvieron estables. (Costs remained stable.)Mantenga limpia Espaã ±a. (Keep Spain clean.)Roberto se mantiene con caramelos. (Roberto props himself up with candy.)Se ha mantenido como nuevo. (It has been kept up like new.) Obtener Obtener is the related of acquire however is utilized more casually and every now and again than the English word. It is frequently made an interpretation of as to get. Obtuve la firma del on-screen character. (I got the on-screen characters signature.)Quiere obtener dos archivos de sound. (She needs to get two sound records.) Retener Retener has a large portion of the implications of to hold, for example, to hold, to keep down, to deduct, and to keep. Retenieron el aviã ³n presidencial por una deuda. (They kept down the presidential plane on account of a debt.)Muchas empresas retienen impuestos. (Numerous organizations deduct taxes.)Retengo en la cabeza tasks los lugares que he visto. (I hold in my mind each spot I have seen.) Sostener Like continue, sostener alludes to supporting something. Los tres bloques sostienen la casa. (The three squares hold up the house.)No puedo sostener mi opiniã ³n. (I cant supportâ my position.) Related Words Here are a few words that are gotten from or in any case identified with the above action words alongside some normal implications: abstemio (nondrinker), abstenciã ³n (abstention), abstencionismo (abstentionism)contenedor (compartment), contenido (contents)detenciã ³n (capture, a halt)entretenido (engaging), entretenimiento (amusement, pastime)mantenimiento (upkeep, upkeep)obtenciã ³n (an obtaining)retenciã ³n (confinement, derivation, retention)sostã ©n (a help), sostenido (continued) Conjugation of the ‘-tener’ Verbs The entirety of the action words dependent on tener are conjugated unpredictably similarly that tener is. For instance, the principal individual particular demonstrative is of tener is tengo, so a similar type of different action words are abstengo, atengo, contengo, and so on.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
BA Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
BA - Case Study Example It worked in huge scope with truly adaptable ways to deal with business choices concerning the pioneering abilities where there is chain of importance however the thoughts streams from the base up and top-down. This paper in this manner tries to evaluate the current plan of action for the bad habit and give suggestions of the options that will assist the organization with continueing to develop. Bad habit had a one of a kind substance that was given openly to all its crowd that was dispersed all over through its print media and online channels. For the video substance to be delivered viably and effectively there is should be a maker, the individual who will report and even the cameraperson that will remark on the occasions and record. For the venture, bad habit organization ought to have another monetary and operational base that that had not been a piece of the way of life of the organization. Financial specialists accordingly ought to guarantee that the bad habit organization has set up a framework that will bolster the system and to guarantee that there is quick development of the organization. Proceeded with development implies that there is more noteworthy consideration towards work guidelines for instance making the entry level position program formal and furthermore to guarantee that the representatives are given execution survey (Farzad 3). As far as the procedures, the bad habit ought to present another vital arranging vernacular that the bad habit will use to address the financial plan and the arrival on the speculation. For the bad habit to be viewed as standard it must consider expansion and propelling domains universally where the worldwide crowd can develop consistently and expend a kind of substance that must be offered by a couple of associations. As far as the income, the bad habit ought to consider adapting the substance of the video to be online at that point sell publicizing for online substance. The bad habit organization ought to consider to make redid activities for the organization brands where everything is considered from the brand system and
Friday, August 21, 2020
Student Term Papers - A Great Way to Improve Your GPA
Student Term Papers - A Great Way to Improve Your GPAEvery high school and college student have heard of the term papers. Student term paper, a student essay, student research papers. They are an integral part of our high school education and we should all consider ourselves fortunate to have this experience. Why not find a group of students that are willing to help you write papers for your class and what a great experience it will be to give them guidance from an expert writer?One great research paper is: How do these different forms of energy affect our economy? Perhaps you will talk about how to make the process of the paper better. Maybe a leader in your classroom might need a specific point or you can possibly talk about specific methods that you used to improve your paper. The more detail you can provide, the more help you will get. Also, try to think outside the box on the topic.Another important research paper would be: What are the causes of accidents? What can be done to p revent them from happening again. Help to solve this problem.We can go for a large board or some type of board with whiteboard paint. Whatever you think is the best way to organize your notes. This can be a great start.Remember to mention the person responsible for the problem. And you want to point out the school policies that need to be changed. Get the students to write down their problems as well as their suggestions and ideas.If you are given a variety of paper formats, look at each one carefully and use the best one for the purpose of your paper. Try to include all the information that was written on the paper when it was completed. Also, never plagiarize other's work.Student term papers can be very stressful for some people. You might need some help from an expert writer who can show you the ropes and give you some support.The other factor is that term papers are needed to graduate and if you do not have the time to write them by yourself then why bother? Help from experts an d people who know how to write term papers for college and high school is what you need.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Frederick Douglass Quotes on Womens Rights
Frederick Douglass was an American abolitionist and former slave, and one of the most famous 19th-century orators and lecturers. He was present at the Seneca Falls Womens Rights Convention of 1848 and advocated for womens rights along with abolition and the rights of African Americans. Douglass last speech was to the National Council of Women in 1895; he died of a heart attack suffered the evening of the speech. Selected Frederick Douglass Quotations [Masthead of his newspaper, North Star, founded 1847] Right is of no sex - Truth is of no color - God is the Father of us all, and we are all Brethren. When the true history of the antislavery cause shall be written, women will occupy a large space in its pages, for the cause of the slave has been peculiarly womans cause. [Life and Times of Frederick Douglass,1881] Observing womans agency, devotion and efficiency in pleading the cause of the slave, gratitude for this high service early moved me to give favorable attention to the subject of what is called womans rights and caused me to be denominated a womans rights man. I am glad to say I have never been ashamed to be thus designated. [Life and Times of Frederick Douglass,1881] [A] woman should have every honorable motive to exertion which is enjoyed by man, to the full extent of her capacities and endowments. The case is too plain for argument. Nature has given woman the same powers, and subjected her to the same earth, breathes the same air, subsists on the same food, physical, moral, mental and spiritual. She has, therefore, an equal right with man, in all efforts to obtain and maintain a perfect existence. Woman should have justice as well as praise, and if she is to dispense with either, she can better afford to part with the latter than the former. Woman, however, like the colored man, will never be taken by her brother and lifted to a position. What she desires, she must fight for. We hold woman to be justly entitled to all we claim for man. We go farther, and express our conviction that all political rights which it is expedient for man to exercise, it is equally so for women. [At the 1848 Womens Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, according to Stanton et al in [History of Woman Suffrage] A discussion of the rights of animals would be regarded with far more complacency by many of what are called the wise and the good of our land, than would be a discussion of the rights of woman. [From an 1848 article in the North Star about the Seneca Falls Womens Rights Convention and its reception by the general public] Should the females of New York be placed on a level of equality with males before the law? If so, let us petition for this impartial justice for women. In order to insure this equal justice should the females of New York, like the males, have a voice in appointing the law makers and the law administrators? If so, let us petition for Womans Right to Suffrage. [1853] On putting a priority, after the Civil War, on votes for African Americans males before women in general] When women, because they are women, are dragged from their homes and hung upon lampposts; when their children are torn from their arms and their brains dashed upon the pavement;... then they will have the urgency to obtain the ballot. When I ran away from slavery, it was for myself; when I advocated emancipation, it was for my people; but when I stood up for the rights of women, self was out of the question, and I found a little nobility in the act. [About Harriet Tubman] Much that you have done would seem improbable to those who do not know you as I know you. Quote collection assembled by Jone Johnson Lewis.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Panama Canal - History and Overview
The 48 mile-long (77 km) international waterway known as the Panama Canal allows ships to pass between the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean, saving about 8000 miles (12,875 km) from a journey around the southern tip of South America, Cape Horn. History of the Panama Canal The new Panamanian government authorized French businessman Philippe Bunau-Varilla, to negotiate a treaty with the United States. The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty allowed the U.S. to build the Panama Canal and provided for perpetual control of a zone five-miles wide on either side of the canal. Although the French had attempted construction of a canal in the 1880s, the Panama Canal was successfully built from 1904 to 1914. Once the canal was complete the U.S. held a swath of land running the approximately 50 miles across the isthmus of Panama. The division of the country of Panama into two parts by the U.S. territory of the Canal Zone caused tension throughout the twentieth century. Additionally, the self-contained Canal Zone (the official name for the U.S. territory in Panama) contributed little to the Panamanian economy. The residents of the Canal Zone were primarily U.S. citizens and West Indians who worked in the Zone and on the canal. Anger flared in the 1960s and led to anti-American riots. The U.S. and Panamanian governments began to work together to solve the territorial issue. In 1977, U.S. President Jimmy Carter signed a treaty which agreed to return 60% of the Canal Zone to Panama in 1979. The canal and remaining territory, known as the Canal Area, was returned to Panama at noon (local Panama time) on December 31, 1999. Additionally, from 1979 to 1999, a bi-national transitional Panama Canal Commission ran the canal, with an American leader for the first decade and a Panamanian administrator for the second. The transition at the end of 1999 was very smooth, for over 90% of the canal employees were Panamanian by 1996. The 1977 treaty established the canal as a neutral international waterway and even in times of war any vessel is guaranteed safe passage. After the 1999 hand-over, the U.S. and Panama jointly shared duties in defending the canal. Operation of the Panama Canal It takes approximately fifteen hours to traverse the canal through its three sets of locks (about half the time is spent waiting due to traffic). Ships passing through the canal from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean actually move from the northwest to the southeast, due to the east-west orientation of the Isthmus of Panama. Panama Canal Expansion In September, 2007 work began on a $5.2 billion project to expand the Panama Canal. Expected to be complete in 2014, the Panama Canal expansion project will allow ships double the size of current Panamax to pass through the canal, dramatically increasing the amount of goods that can pass through the canal.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Violence Against Women in India - 775 Words
Despite the uncertainty over the exact cause of greater numbers of reports of sexual violence against women in India, sexual violence remains an underreported crime because of the stigma and social repercussions associated with reporting such incidents (Asian Human Rights Commission cite). The most recent National Family Health Survey conducted in households across India (cite) from 2005 to 2006 showed that 85 percent of women did not tell anyone about sexual violence they had experienced, and only 8 percent of female victims of sexual violence approached someone for help. According to the survey, those women who came forward with their stories of abuse did so with family members. Less than 5 percent of women who had experienced sexual violence turned to law enforcement authorities, domestic non-profit organizations or non-governmental organizations with resources to help victims of such violence, or medical practitioners (cite). Specifically, just 2 percent of women who had experien ced abuse brought their allegations to the attention of police (cite). The classifications that India’s National Crime Records Bureau uses to group typify the violent crimes committed against women are indicative of the social environments in which such incidents can occur. Categories such as â€Å"rape,†â€Å"kidnapping and abduction,†â€Å"assault(s) on women with intent to outrage her modesty,†â€Å"insult to the modesty of women,†and â€Å"importation of girls from foreign country†all address violent crimes thatShow MoreRelatedViolence Against Women In India1556 Words  | 7 PagesViolence against women is not a problem of today; it is rooted decades before. It is present all over the world .The condition is getting worse day by day. It is crossing all the borders and races. Violence against women is a very serious and sensitive issue as it is one of the most pervasive of human rights violation denying fundamental rights to almost half of population (females and girls).Domestic violence is much more drastic than violence outside because home is a place where individual seeksRead MoreDomestic Marital Abuse Against Women1697 Words  | 7 PagesAbuse against Women In the United States, there are about ten people who die from domestic violence every single day. The U.N identifies October as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. What happens when ‘Home’ is not the safest place to be? Domestic abuse occurs across the world, in various cultures and affects society, irrespective of their economic status. Behaviors that are adopted by a person to control their partner in a relationship refers to domestic violence. Domestic violence againstRead MoreViolence against Women1684 Words  | 7 PagesVIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN The word applied to illustrate this discharge crisis of violence inside our residences is Domestic Violence (Panda Agarwal 2005). Since the ancient period, domestic violence has been a built-in division of the civilization we are breathing. In this century, it is the viciousness imposed on so many women and girls all over the world: sex trafficking, acid attacks, bride burnings and mass rape (Women 2009). The causative aspects might be the wants to manage a further partRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women : Statistical Analysis1595 Words  | 7 Pages2011 article, Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across India, and Hunter and Graham-Bermann s 2013 article, Intimate Partner Violence and Child Adjustment: Moderation by Father Contact?. Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across India The hypotheses for â€Å"Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across India†article was developed by reviewing obtainable writings on wife-beating in India and the efforts to conceptualizeRead MoreGender Based Violence Against Women1238 Words  | 5 PagesGENDER BASED VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: A CLOSER LOOK AT INDIA’S RAPE PROBLEM Background When the sex of a girl or a woman drives the infliction of violence towards them, it is regarded as a form of gender based violence (Heise et al., 2002). Violence against women, regardless of the form, can occur in various stages of the woman’s life (Murthy and Smith, 2010), and refers not only to physical and sexual acts of violence, but also encompasses verbal abuse, emotional torture, economic deprivation, andRead MoreLiving Free From Violence Is A Basic Human Right Essay1475 Words  | 6 PagesLiving free from violence is a basic human right, yet millions of women and girls suffer disproportionately from violence both in peace and in war, at the hands of the state, in the home and community. Across the globe, women are beaten, raped, mutilated, and killed with impunity. Violence against women is a technical term used to collectively refer to violent acts that are primarily or exclusively committed against women. Similar to a hate crime, this type of violence targets a specific group withRead MoreThe Indian History And The Status Of Women1275 Words  | 6 PagesThe Indian History and the Status of Women : Women’s security is closely connected to global security still they suffer simply because they differ in gender. According to the UN Commission on Human Security, ‘the security of one person, one community, one nation rests on the decisions of many others, sometimes fortuitously, sometimes precariously’’. However, in the interrelated world everyone is influenced either positively or negatively by the decisions of individuals or states (UNIFEM 2003).Read MoreDomestic Violence Against Women : Statistical Analysis1595 Words  | 7 Pages2011 article, Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across India, and Hunter and Graham-Bermann s 2013 article, Intimate Partner Violence and Child Adjustment: Moderation by Father Contact?. Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across India The hypotheses for â€Å"Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across India†article was developed by reviewing obtainable writings on wife-beating in India and the efforts to conceptualizeRead MoreGulabi Gang and the Fight on Violence against Women1258 Words  | 5 PagesGulabi Gang and the Fight on Violence against Women In Uttar Pradesh, India, a group of women wearing pink saris and sticks called lathis (batons used by policemen) have been making news worldwide because of its radical method of beating abusive men / husbands to their wives with their sticks. This group of women is called the Gulabi or Pink Gang, and their objective is to provide justice to abused wives / women by beating their husbands with sticks (and in some instances, throwing chili to theirRead MoreWays to Eliminate Violence Against Women1737 Words  | 7 PagesWays to eliminate violence against women How to stop violence being committed on pretext of alleged witchcraft practice: This sort of violence is visible only in tribal belts of eastern India. There is a need for stringent action against the culprits. Action need to be taken in all the cases. Science has made so much advancement and still people believe in such nonsense things like witchcraft. Illiteracy and blind following of religion are the main root causes of problem. Police always becomes mute
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Finance for Expected Stock Returns and Volatility
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Finance for Expected Stock Returns and Volatility. Answer: Mean Return Mean Return is the sum of all the returns of a certain security in a certain period divided by the number periods (French Schwert, 1987). This measure is important as it is used to determine which company has higher expected return and therefore it can be used by potential investors to make valuable decision on which company to invest. Company with high mean return is preferred by investors as compared to that with low mean return because high mean return means high expected returns to the investor. In the case of News Media Ltd and HR Resources Ltd, HR Resources Ltd will be attractive to the investor as it has a potential return of 0.3391 every month compared to News Media Ltd which has a potential return of 0.1696.However, the two companies mean return is far much below the market mean return which is 38.04.This means that the two companies are not expected to do well when compared to other companies in the market. The Standard Deviation It is a measure of how spread the returns are from the mean return. It is indeed the square root of the variance of the security returns ( Djulbegovic Hozo, 2005). The higher the standard deviation the higher the volatility of the company`s security return and vice versa. The standard deviation for News Media Ltd is 0.96%,this means that the likelihood of actual returns of this security to differ from the mean return is 0.96% and that of HR Resources Ltd is 0.84%.Thus according to the two standard deviation, News Media Ltd is considered more volatile than HR Resources Ltd and risker. The Coefficient Of Variation It is the ratio of standard deviation to the Mean (Brigham Houston, 2012). This measurement is useful when one wants to compare the outcomes from two scenarios or companies. For example the coefficient of variation of 5.68% in the case of New Media Ltd indicates that the returns for this company have a variation of 5.68% relative to the Mean and that for HR Resources Ltd has a variation of 2.47% relative to its Mean. Therefore New Media Ltd has more variation, relative to its Mean. This means that New Media Ltd is more risky compared to HR Resources Ltd. The Correlation Coefficient It measures the degree to which two factor`s movements are related (Mukaka, 2012). The range for correlation coefficient is -1 to 1.A value of -1 denotes a ``perfect negative correlation and that of 1 denotes a ``perfect positive correlation.The correlation between New Media Ltd and HR Resources Ltd is -0.45.This means that there exist weakly negative correlation between the two companies. Standard Deviation Of Returns For A Portfolio It measures how spread the funds returns are from the expected normal returns of a two or more combined stocks (Duchin Levy, 2009). The deviation in this case for New Media Ltd and HR Resources Ltd is -0.11.This means that deviation in case of a portfolio is less than of holding individual stock. Thus holding a portfolio of the two stocks would be less risky than holding individual stock. Beta Coefficient It measures how the sensitive the share price is to the movement in the market price. It is the best measure of systematic risk (Fabozzi Francis,1978). It is prevalently used in capital asset pricing model to get required rate of return. A beta of -1.29 for New Media Ltd indicates that this security has a risk and return that is below the average (the market risk and return).For HR Resources Ltd a beta of 2.55 indicates that this security has a risk and return that is above the average. Thus New Media Ltd has a lower risk and return while HR Resources Ltd has a higher risk and return. References French, K.R., Schwert, G.W., 1987. Expected stock returns and volatility. Journal of financial Economics, 19(1), pp.3-29. Djulbegovic, B. and Hozo, I., 2005. Estimating the mean and variance from the median, range, and the size of a sample. BMC medical research methodology, 5(1), p.13. Brigham, E.F. and Houston, J.F., 2012. Fundamentals of financial management. Cengage Learning. Mukaka, M.M., 2012. A guide to appropriate use of correlation coefficient in medical research. Malawi Medical Journal, 24(3), pp.69-71. Duchin, R. and Levy, H., 2009. Markowitz versus the Talmudic portfolio diversification strategies. The Journal of Portfolio Management, 35(2), pp.71-74. Fabozzi, F.J. and Francis, J.C., 1978. Beta as a random coefficient. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 13(1), pp.101-116.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Dehumanization of American Soldiers in the Vietnam War Essay Example
Dehumanization of American Soldiers in the Vietnam War Essay Dehumanization is, as defined by the American Heritage College Dictionary, the deprivation of human qualities such as compassion.In the film Apocalypse Now, dehumanization is shown to the fullest extent in many such cases.Whether it was the killing of an innocent civilian, the bombing of a peaceful area, or the mere use of a racial slur, dehumanization was definitely a major factor in the film.In this essay, I hope to thoroughly describe the horror (no pun intended) and dehumanization that occurred in the Vietnam War with the American soldiers. The most common and horrible form of dehumanization that occurred during the Vietnam war was the killing of totally innocent civilians.In Apocalypse Now, this was only showed in one scene but it was one of the most powerful scenes in the movie.In the scene, the boat pulls up to a small fishing boat and asks them for their papers that say if theyre authorized to be fishing.While one man is checking the boat, one of the women on the boat makes a sudden move and the soldiers kill everyone on the boat for no reason other then the woman making a sudden movement.The men didnt seem to even think about what they were doing.They acted on, what I believe to be, their fear of not knowing what the woman was going to do.The soldier whofirst started shooting simply said, She jumped for you.You find out a little later that in actuality, the woman was going to get a small puppy out of a basket.I can understand that they arent that comfortable with having to fear for their lives all the time; but after they kill five innocent people for no reason, they just pack up and leave like nothing happen.They dont even appear to be that upset about it.They check for helpful supplies and not another word is said about it. A very mild and not very harmful form of dehumanization was the very common and frequent use of racial slurs among the soldiers abou
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Prescriptive Approach To Decision Making Essays
Prescriptive Approach To Decision Making Essays Prescriptive Approach To Decision Making Essay Prescriptive Approach To Decision Making Essay Moral Philosophy: the principles and rules that are used to decide what is right or wrong; a moral philosophy States an ideal respective that most people accept Prescriptive approach to decision making: Consequential/Teleological: (consequences) the morality of behavior is evaluated on the basis of its consequences; behavior or conduct is morally right if it produces some desired result pleasure, promotion, profit; as such, the ends justify the means Utilitarianism: concerned for the greatest good for the greatest number; decisions are usually made on the basis of a cost benefit analysis. Efforts are made to look at the consequences for all possible alternatives before a decision is made Construction of a new road through your community: utilitarian rationale argues whether the benefits to the community increased development and employment, reduced traffic, fewer accidents) outweigh the harm to a few property holders noise pollution Challenge: can all the facts be obtained to make proper evaluation, projection and risk? Rights of the minority can be sacrificed for the benefit of the majority Deontological: (duties, obligations, principles) bases action/behavior on the Renville of equal rights, and respect for all persons; the focus is on the rights of individuals and the intentions that are associated with behavior Rights of individuals: (integrity) freedom of conscience, consent, privacy, speech and due process But what rule, principle or right to follow, when for example the right of the investor to profit conflict with the environmental rights of a community to clean air and water? Emmanuel Cants categorical imperative: act as if the maxim of thy action were to become by thy will a universal law of tauter, that is, whether the rationale for your action is suitable to become a universal law or principle for everyone to follow Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Challenge: which duty, right, principle takes precedence?
Sunday, February 23, 2020
International intercultural management Assignment
International intercultural management - Assignment Example 2. Hofstede’s Model in Relation to Cultural Aspects Every nation has its own set of standards that define the culture in terms of thinking, being and acting, and these differences have a very strong impact on the business communication and workplace values in any organization. Something that may be considered perfectly normal and natural in an organization of one country can be frowned upon and seen as offensive in another. Values will always differ across cultures. Therefore, we have to understand these varying differences in order to describe and forecast employee behaviour from various countries. Some cultures value decisions that are made in a group, while others think that the leader should take control of the decision-making. For almost all business organizations, it is crucial to be aware of how the cultures will affect the workplace values because it will provide them with a framework of assessing the different dimensions. One of the most determined studies of the cult ural differences and how they influence organizational issues was commenced by Geert Hofstede, a Dutch scholar which involved data on more than 116,000 employees of IBM representing forty countries. Many of these dimensions will be based on Geert Hofstede’s framework for assessing cultures (Brown, 2009). It is important to understand where the values across cultures stem from, or what the source is. Previous research has identified two clear forces that have an impact on the formation of values that managers who are engaged in international business possess (Ronen, 1986; Webber, 1969). These two forces can be categorized into national culture as well as business environment. Both the culture of the nation and the environment the business operates in will have a significant influence on the values that an organization will possess. Triandis et al. (1986) brings forth the proposal that a way to have an understanding of the culture is to identify the dimensions of the variations in the culture of the organization such as Hofstede (1980). In a study including more by Geert Hofstede, it was found out there were four basic dimensions along with work-related values that differed across cultures: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity/femininity, and individualism/collectivism. Later on, work by Bond presented with a fifth dimension i.e. the long-term/short-term orientation. Power Distance is related to the extent to which a culture’s members accept an imbalanced distribution of power. Hofstede’s Power distance Index measures the degree to which the less dominant members of establishments and institutions accept the unequal distribution. This will almost always represent discrimination, but defined from below instead of above. It proposes that a society’s level of variation is recognised by the followers as much as by the leaders. If we look at France, we see that the power distance index is comparatively higher than the rest of the countries; around 68. This means that in the management as well as the general lifestyle of France there is a big gap between the social classes, and there are clear definitions of status involved.
Friday, February 7, 2020
The law of contract demonstrates that the courts cling to an outdated Essay
The law of contract demonstrates that the courts cling to an outdated vision of the market, which privileges certainty, form and - Essay Example Equality as an opposing principle practiced under capital regimes exposes the markets to uncertainty before the courts with regard to compliance with the law of contract. Certainty is a key theme in courts of equity, which comes at a cost of overlooking relationships and fair dealings in the modern contract law setting. This implies that the government through the judiciary intervenes in various spheres of market operations by enforcing stipulated contract rules and procedures against all odds of relationships and fair dealings.4 The privilege given to certainty in contract law is seen in many cases, a case in point being Gibson v Manchester City Council.5 In the case, the Court of Appeal held that no contract had been established between the two parties, considering that the council’s letter did not present a contractual offer. In this case, there was no certainty regarding the offer. Another case that exemplifies the privilege given to certainty is Carlill v Carbolic Smoke B all Company.6 In this case, the Court of Appeal held that a contract had been formed between Carbolic Smoke Ball Company and Carlill, considering that the advert posted by the latter regarding the effectiveness of the product on offer presented all the elements of a binding contract.78 Certainty in the terms of the contract is emphasized in the words of Lord Justice Lindley ‘We are dealing with an express promise to pay $100 in certain events’.9 Freedom of contract encompasses the ideals of fairness and equality10. Equity as the main principle in contract law provides for certainty and clarity against other factors that complicate a judge’s perception of wisdom11. A formalized set of rules in the contract law jurisprudence affects the free market setting in which the modern economic procedures take place. In the description of the free market economies, application of a strict and rigid legal regime often translates into complication of freedom of contract, as th e economy requires. In this discussion, the principles of contract law in force illustrate the apparent disconnect with the freedom of contract, relationships and fair dealing. Mitigating principles under contract law implies that the parties to a contract must accept the exchange value forwarded by the other party to avoid sustaining avoidable loss.12 In terms of fairness interpretation, mitigation principles may not apply in cases where the relationship between the parties does not allow such cooperation as would reduce loss. Market setting based on business rivalry and competition may not allow such conditions as would enable the parties to partake in contractual obligations of mitigating losses even when aggrieved. In terms of remoteness as observed in Transfield Shipping Inc. v Mercator Shipping Inc. (The Achilleas),13 mitigation is particularly difficult in realization of contractual obligations. It is impossible for mitigating procedures to be distinguished from acceptance of the contract, which makes contract law unfair on
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Emergence and Impact of Regional Parties Essay Example for Free
Emergence and Impact of Regional Parties Essay It is raining acronyms in politics and the vibrant Indian political landscape is flooded. Well, almost so as Regional parties gain ground with amazing alacrity in a diverse India where a fast-transforming political map now promises a never before variety. SAD in Punjab on one side, SP, BSP in Uttar Pradesh on the other, RJD, JD(U) in Bihar as also DMK, AIADMK, PMK, MDMK and DMDK in the deep South and TMC, AGP and others in North-East â€â€they seem to be flowing in from all nooks and corners to lend a different hue, their own hue, to the political waters as they flow in our country today. Though the experiment with regional politics first succeeded in the late 1960s when many parties won against the Congress, it was only post-1989 that regional politics really became a phenomenon, here to stay, courtesy the National Parties themselves. The alphabet-soup illustrating the striking transformation of Indias politics over the past two decades, brewed on the fire provided by the space vacated by National Parties to be wedded to the cause of regional issues, local aspirations and territorial priorities. Also, shrinking space of the National Parties led to creation of a vacuum which the Regional parties were happy to fill. They sprung up and marched ahead as a consequence of the leanings of the public to advance its aspirations. Essentially individualistic, personality-driven parties bound by a lose chain of thought rather than a cohesive coordinated ideology, these pandered to regional populism with a much narrower vision of things sans any broad-based National consensus on ideology and issues. But, then, what did the mushrooming of these regional parties, finally, find reflection in? While it strengthened the federal structure with assertion by the States of the Union for its share in power, privileges, taxes, revenues and benefits of micro-macro schemes, it also led to a certain amount of healthy competition inter se states, making us the republic that we really are. It also gave rise to the concept of shared sovereignty, marked by an increase in the capacity of the state to influence its own development performance while enhancing the representative character of India’s democracy. The relentless rise of these regional home-grown parties, sharing the one common attribute of having a mass base in only the state of their birth, led to a spate of constitutional and legislative reforms in terms of judicial, administrative and centre-state relations. Not only this, it weaved together an interplay of forces, prompting National parties to not only rope them in for support but also brought about a dependence which lent a Regional flavor to National Policies. Then, it is in this that emerged the beauty of the dove-tailing of the National and these Regional entities. But, then, since beauty is never blemish-free, there is a flip side too. Given their â€Å"strategic†positioning, the Regional parties have not only exploited this dependence of the National Parties for their own advantage but, at times, even arm-twisted the latter to get their way. There’s a way out of this of labyrinth in which National Parties find themselves lost in and it does not lie in a top-down approach which, in the present times, seems not only inadequate but also outdated. We have an India defined by mobilization of a plethora of identity and interest groups which have taken the shape and form of Regional parties to diffuse real power from the Centre to the states. The National Parties need to wake up and smell the coffee. The crutches of dependence on Regional parties have to go and they have to not only learn to stand on their own feet but even walk that extra mile to fulfill regional aspirations to show that each one of the 28 states matters as much. For this, they must permit regional units to function at the local level as semi-independent units with adequate flexibility for leadership-building at the regional level. This will help balance the regional interest with the National interest which many a times end upconflicting with each other. Besides, a cohesive National party with semiindependent regional strait-jacketed unit to cater to regional interests is the only guarantee for ensuring continuous unification within India’s multi-ethnic diversity which weaves the many strands of region, religion, culture and politics into one social fabric we call India.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Now and Then :: Technology Media Essays
Now and Then Once upon a time, there were friendly places near and far... Boy is that an understatement in today's society! Today's society depends upon fighting for you and you alone. Not caring what the other person wants, needs or deserves. Fifteen years ago a small community, such as the one Jen's grandmother lives in today, was very friendly. Small communities pulled together in times of need. If your neighbor ran out of sugar, she didnt care to come knocking on your door with a measuring cup, instead of going all the way to the store to get more, simply because you were her friend. In todays society, if you run out of sugar, you hop in your car and drive 25 minutes to get 5lb of sugar in order to drive 25 minutes back home. You dont know your neighbors, and your neighbors dont know you. There is no hope in wanting to know them and vice versa. Our society has changed drastically over the past twenty years. We have become an information society. Relying on our televisions, radios, and computers to obtain information that was once obtained by going to the local beauty parlor or stopping for a cup of coffee and chatting with the judge executive of your town. Cell phones have also become a major source of information. Instead of going out and having a nice serene sit on your front porch in the afternoon of a warm day, people would rather sit in front of their television and watch Oprah, Judge Judy, and The John Walsh Show. Could the reason that we dont leave our homes as much as we used to, be because of all the violence that today's society has brought with it? The local news on television has publicized roughly five murders in the past week. All these murders have been in the state. Is the television shaping societys view of the world, causing citizens to become couch potatoes? Television is one of the biggest society shaping effects that there is in todays world. There are various cable companies and numerous channels within each company. The view you take on life all depends on what channel you are going to watch on television. If you watch the presidential debate on one channel, that channel may make Mr. Snuggles, whose platform is terrific, and who is an all out good guy, look like a cruel and evil villain in a bad comic book, while another channel shows his true identity.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Edgar Allan Poe’s Influence on Literature Essay
Edgar Allan Poe’s influence on American literature was nothing short of great; not only was he the creator of the detective story and the horror thriller, but he also influenced many great writers, among those William Faulkner and Fyodor Dostoevsky. While Poe is best known for his horror thrillers, being the creator of that particular genre, he has also fashioned two other literary genres, like the detective and the science fiction genre. Throughout his life, Poe read, reviewed, and critiqued many books for various magazines and papers. Poe did not hesitate to attack what he deemed inferior. â€Å"Is purely too imbecile to merit an extended critique,†he once wrote of a novel. Because of his readiness to attack what he believed to be unworthy, Poe helped set high standards for American literature (Meltzer 64). Poe had an influence on both American and non-American writers, like William Faulkner, and Fyodor Dostoevsky. Faulkner, who is considered to be the South’s most renowned novelist, will be forever linked to Poe. Both writers were fanatically obsessed with what made mankind good and what made it evil. Their writings also dealt with common elements, like narcissistic doubling, vengeance, and violence (Wyatt-Brown). In Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury, the incestuous relationship between two of the characters, Quentin and Caddy Compson, draws a parallel between Poe’s own incestuous relationship with his first cousin, Virginia (Wyatt-Brown). Fyodor Dostoevsky, a Russian novelist, was also greatly influenced by Poe. Dostoevsky’s novel, Crime and Punishment depicts a man who commits murder and becomes increasingly guilty throughout the novel because of it, until he is finally urged to confess by the woman he loves. The novel’s plot was prefigured in Poe’s A Tell Tale Heart, which portrays a man who commits a murder and is driven insane by the guilt as he hears the heart beating from underneath the floorboards, where he had stored the body. Dostoevsky once declared that Poe: â€Å"almost always takes the most exceptional reality and endows it with such details that the reader is convinced of its possibility, of its reality, when objectively the event or situation is impossible. †(Wyatt-Brown) Dostoevsky’s opinion on the matter relates exceptionally with Poe’s A Tell Tale Heart. One would not believe the story to hold even a semblance of reality, as Poe has infused the short story with the most absurd of details that make it so obviously impossible; however, while reading one becomes entirely immersed in the story that it does not seem so absurd anymore. According to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, writer of the famous detective series, Sherlock Holmes, Edgar Allan Poe is the father of the detective story (Meltzer 83). Doyle was of the opinion that Poe had covered the genre’s limits so completely, that he could not see how his followers could find any fresh ground of their own (83). Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s very own character, Sherlock Holmes, was inspired by C. Auguste Dupin, the detective of the stories who began the detective genre (Binns 114). Among many of Edgar Allan Poe’s writings is The Murders in the Rue Morgue, one of the Dupin stories. This story was the first ever detective story to be printed, which made it the archetype for the modern detective story (Meltzer 83). Although The Murders in the Rue Morgue was the first ever detective story to ever see print, Poe did incorporate new elements into other works that writers of detective fiction still make use of. For example, in The Purloined Letter and Thou Art the Man, Poe introduced post-mortem examinations, ballistic evidence, and the frame-up (104). Many believe Poe had begun the science fiction genre (Binns 114). His first attempt was Hans Pfall, a story in which a man travels to the moon on a revolutionized balloon. Poe included actual facts into his story, mixing it with entirely false scientific â€Å"facts†to make the story believable (Meltzer 64). Poe’s innovations would later expand the modern science fiction genre. His vivid imagination veered off from scientific facts to create believable details to incorporate into his stories. These details anticipated later discoveries in both geography and astronomy (64). Science fiction writers like H. G. Wells and Jules Verne learned a great deal from Poe, which they integrated into their own writings. The belief that Poe began the science fiction genre may also be attributed to Poe’s complicated piece of writing which explained his own view of the universe. Eureka: A Prose Poem was published in March of 1848, and in it, Poe introduced his theory, a mixture of science, theology, and intuition. Poe theorized that: â€Å"God existed before matter. God created the first atoms. They scattered to create the universe. They are all trying to join back together, but when they do, they will be scattered again. †Poe’s theory caused an upset in society, as it was not Christian; however, others believed it to be brilliant, as it showed both insight and clear thought (Binns 100). Poe’s influence has not limited itself on just literature. Alfred Hitchcock, director of classic suspense films like Vertigo and Psycho has stated that Poe was the reason he began directing films (Burlingame 100). And, as Hitchcock has become an influential being himself, with many other directors using elements from his films, Poe has indirectly influenced them as well. Aside from literature and films, Poe’s name and lyrics have been used among many musicians. Thirty Seconds to Mars uses a quote from The Raven: â€Å"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. at the end of their video for Hurricane. The quote seems entirely fitting, as the video, which embraces some of Poe’s own elements, like vengeance and violence, is entirely surreal and evokes a sense of fear as they’re being pursued by masked men. However, they fight back, not letting the men take control of them, refusing to become martyrs. Like many of Poe’s writi ngs, the video seems ambiguous, open for many interpretations. Although Poe has long passed away, he still continues to influence today’s society. Writers will continue to use the elements he created in their stories. Film directors will continue to use his stylistic elements to portray a sense of Poe into their films. Musicians will continue to use Poe’s lyrics in their music, as well as use different aspects of his writings in their videos. Not only will Poe continue to influence them, but he will also continue to communicate with people through his works. People will continue to connect with Poe, just like previous generations have, through the themes of his writings, and through the understanding that Poe was just as misunderstood and criticized as the rest of us.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
My Dream Of Computer Science Essay - 1112 Words
MAGNUM OPUS Billions of men and women have trodden the earth and passed by it to the after-life with a view that the earth was no more than a passage. They kept to traditions religiously, lived for themselves, maintained the status quo, and only dared to breath in and out. They read about great works of men before and what that could mean in the future. But they never found it necessary or a worthwhile venture to travel into the unknown. However, there are a handful of men and women the earth would ever be grateful to. They risked all and travelled far away from their comfort zone to bring us into where we are now. Amongst such people is my beloved Steve Jobs of blessed memory. Steve Jobs 2005 Stanford Commencement Address is the reason I decided to chase my dream of studying computer science in a bid to implement positive changes especially in the educational sector, starting from Africa to the rest of the world. I don’t want people to truncate their studies for any reason because I did when my dad died and the scars are there. I have the video of that speech always with me and do ask myself same question Stevie used to ask himself when I want to make a decision;†What would you do if today were your last on earth?†He also taught me how to see something positive in every seemingly bad situation just like he did when he got fired from Apple he co-founded but later on excelled and came back, anyway. He taught me how to deal with loses as I have had great ones in my lifeShow MoreRelatedComputers Way Before Computer Science1161 Words  | 5 Pagesstudying computers way before computer science was introduced in the curriculum when I was in 5th-grade, years ago. I was the youngest among my sister and cousins. 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