Monday, September 30, 2019
The ocean at the end of the lane
There are several characters in the novel The Ocean at the End of the Lane. The characters in the book The Ocean at the End of the Lane are Little Hempstead and an UN-named protagonist. The UN-named protagonist is a seven years old boy and is the character that tells the story, on a first person point of view. †I was seven years old, no longer a little child, but I was wetting myself with fear, like a baby, and there was nothing I could do about it, while Ursula Monotone hung in the air above me and watched, dispassionately†(Caiman 75).The second main character is Little Hempstead; she is a twelve ears old girl and is the one who â€Å"invited†The UN-named protagonist to this magical world. For instance she is the one who brought the protagonist to the Hempstead farm and that is where he got the magic worm stuck to his feet. One can see how the principal characters of this novel are the UN-named protagonist and Little. Throughout Neil Gasman's book there has bee n a few settings revealed. Two settings that are in the novel are Sussex, England and the Hempstead Farm. One of the settings is Ileitis's farm because almost the entire volume takes place there.For instance it is where the climax occurred and where most of the symbolic events happened. The main setting is Sussex, England that is where the story takes place. â€Å"l drove along winding Sussex country roads I only half remembered†(Caiman 13). In this quote the character is forty-three years old and is going back to his homeland because the entire story is technically a flashback. To conclude one can see how the main settings are Sussex and the Hempstead Farm. Many element of figurative language have been demonstrated to the readers in this novel. Figurative examples in the story are personification and metaphor.Personification was used in the book because when Little and the protagonist were against the supernatural they gave human characteristics to the weather. â€Å"The g round hit my stomach, and the wind knocked out of me†(Caiman 125). Many metaphors where used throughout the book mostly when Little and the protagonist were fighting with Ursula. â€Å"She was the storm, she was the lighting she was the adult world with all it power and all it's secrets†(Caiman 76). Conclusively the readers can see how some element f figurative language in the book are metaphors and personification.The book has had many symbols presented to us. Symbols proven to the readers during the book were the pond and the Hempstead Farm. The Hempstead farm is one of the symbols because it represents the magical world and how this entire book revolves around it. For instance Ursula Monotone, she is the main conflict in the novel and she was originally being held in the Hempstead farm. Until the protagonist came and she was able to get inside him. Finally the main symbol is the pond, the pond is what permits tie to stay alive as she sacrificed herself for the prota gonist the pond gave her power to relive.Little says the pond is really an ocean and the protagonist understands why because at the end it is revealed that the lake is an ocean of all the knowledge in the world and represents knowledge and can do everything. â€Å"And it wasn't a pond. It was an ocean. Little Hemlock's ocean†(Caiman 17). â€Å"L knew that when was in the ocean, and knew everything. I understood it all†(Caiman 1 16). To finalize the audience can see how two significant symbols of this novel are the pond and the Hempstead Farm.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Discuss Nationalism in the ERa of Good Feelings Essay
Nationalism, not sectionalism, was the driving force during the era of good feelings. Nationalism became the leading ideology of the American republic. While sectionalism proceeded in bringing the nation into turmoil and constant bickering among the politicians, as in the case with dealings leading to the Missouri compromise, nationalism was able to unite the nation into a headstrong body, led by an ever-increasing, more powerful central government. Nationalism, many can argue, was a guiding light that helped the populous in Europe unite. As early as the late great Roman Empire, it was that notion of being a part of a uniform body of civil, governed people who helped these places flourish. In early 19th century America, during the â€Å"Era of Good Feelings†as one newspaper put it, Americans began to root themselves in all that the nation stood for which helped them in turn begin to think about moving the United States into a respectable position among the world’s super powers. For example, Stephen Decatur toasts the country and acknowledges that it is our country, for better or for worse. This is a sharp contrast to the views of our founding fathers because George Washington himself, the â€Å"father of our nation†, saluted king George although he was a part of the attempt to establish a separate nation. Poets and writers also began to capture the nation’s spirit. In her Address to the New York State Legislature, Emma Hart Willard, explains how America has no problem in setting precedents and taking risks for the benefit of the country. For example, did the country take a risk in having a democracy instead of a monarchy? The answer to this question is yes, because no one in the history of the world before America, was able to successfully run a government the way that new nation ran. Although they had to switch from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution, this just proved that the nation could adapt with its people, thus setting precedents. Sectionalism only succeeded in dividing the country. This is because sectionalists always had their own agendas, which often clashed with that of their opposition. The division of votes on the tariff of 1816 was a pretty noticeable one, although the final vote was not really affected by non-tariff votes. Sectionalism can be found here in the numbers of each region. The majority of New England Votes were cast against the tariff. This should be of no surprise because New England, which at the time was largely federalist, was against the whole war of 1812 effort from the get go. If it were not for the nationalistic pride of the western and southern regions, this protective tariff would have not been passed. Nationalism creates an atmosphere which attempts to propel the nation forward instead of becoming entangled in issues which cause a separation of agendas, thought, and eventually causes a rift in peoples beliefs. The nationalism brought about by the Era of Good feelings helped the United States get on track to becoming what it is today. If you look at current events, you can see that the United States operates with more fluidity when we have a common enemy instead of creating enemies out of our brethren because of our ideals.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Blood Analysis
Blood is a fluid substance that circulates in the arteries and veins of the body. Blood is bright red or scarlet when it has been oxygenated in the lungs and passes into the arteries; it becomes bluish red when it has given up its oxygen to nourish the tissues of the body and is returning to the lungs through the veins and the tiny vessels called capillaries. In the lungs, the blood gives up the carbon dioxide wastes it has taken from the tissues, receives a new supply of oxygen, and begins a new cycle. This movement of blood is brought about by the coordinate activity of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Plagiarism Detection >Blood is composed of a yellowish fluid, called plasma, in which are suspended the millions of cells that constitute about 45 percent by volume of whole blood. It has a characteristic odor and a specific gravity between 1.056 and 1.066. In an average healthy adult, the volume of blood is one-eleventh of the body weight, or between 4.5 and 6 liters (5 and 6 qt ). A great portion of the plasma is composed of water, a medium that facilitates the circulation of the many indispensable factors of which blood is composed. A cubic millimeter of human blood contains about 5 million red corpuscles called erythrocytes; 5000 to 10,000 white corpuscles called leukocytes; and 200,000 to 300,000 platelets called thrombocytes. The blood also carries many salts and organic substances in solution.Blood type, in medicine, classification of red blood cells by the presence of specific substances on their surface. Typing of red blood cells is a prerequisite for blood transfusion. In the early part of the 20th century, physicians discovered that blood transfusions often failed because the blood type of the recipient was not compatible with that of the donor. In 1901 the Austrian pathologist Karl Landsteiner classified blood types and discovered that they were transmitted by Mendelian heredity .The four blood types are known as A, B, AB, and O. Blood type A con tains red blood cells that have a substance A on their surface. This type of blood also contains an antibody directed against substance B, found on the red cells of persons with blood type B. Type B blood contains the reverse combination. Serum of blood type AB contains neither antibody, but red cells in this type of blood contain both A and B substances. In type O blood, neither substance is present on the red cells, but the individual is capable of forming antibodies directed against red cells containing substance A or B. If blood type A is transfused into a person with B type blood, anti-A antibodies in the recipient will destroy the transfused A red cells. Because O type blood has neither substance on its red cells, it can be given successfully to almost any person. Persons with blood type AB have no antibodies and can receive any of the four types of blood; thus blood types O and AB are called universal donors and universal recipients, respectively.Other hereditary blood-group systems have subsequently been discovered. The hereditary blood constituent called Rh factor is of great importance in obstetrics and blood transfusions because it creates reactions that can threaten the life of newborn infants. Blood types M and N have importance in legal cases involving proof of paternity.A chemist uses liquid chromatography to analyze a complex mixture of substances. The chromatograph utilizes an adsorbtive medium, which when placed in contact with a sample, adsorbs the various constituents of the sample at different rates. In this manner, the components of a mixture are separated. Chromatography has many valuable applications, such as determining the level of pollutants in air, analyzing drugs, and testing blood and urine samples.Gas chromatography separates the volatile constituents of a sample, and liquid/liquid chromatography separates small, neutral molecules in solution. The goal in conducting a separation is to produce a purified or partly purified form of the desired constituent for analytical measurement, or to eliminate other constituents that would interfere with the measurement, or both. Separation is often unnecessary when the method is highly specific, or selective, and responds to the desired constituent while ignoring others. Measuring the pH, or hydrogen ion content, of blood with a glass electrode is an example of a measurement that does not require a separation step.QHP 7694 Head Space Sampler is a machine that equilibrates the sample vials at the desired temperature for the specified time period. A needle then punctures the teflon coated septum at the top of the vial and draws a measured sample of the vapor which it sends to the Gas Chromatograph.HP 5890 Gas Chromatograph. This machine takes the vapor from the Head Space Sampler and passes it through a packed column designed specifically for alcohol in blood. As the vapor passes through this column, different compounds will travel at different rates thus exiting at diffe rent times. As the separated compounds exit, they pass through a Flame Ionizing Device (FID) which consists of a hydrogen-oxygen flame and ionizing detectors. The intensity of the ionization is measured and sent to the computer for processing. Helium Carrier Gas carries the vapors through the Gas Chromatograph. A Power Macintosh 7600 is used for report generation, correspondence and on line communication. Reports are printed using a variety of laser printers to insure optimum print quality. Blood samples are quantitatively added to an aqueous solution into which an internal standard has been added in order to compensate for sampling fluctuations within the Gas Chromatograph. Static head space methodology is employed in which an aliquot of equilibrated vapor is injected and analyzed by a Flame Ionization Detector in the Gas Chromatograph,which consists of a hydrogen-oxygen flame and ionizing detectors. The intensity of the ionization is measured and sent to the computer for processin g. Helium Carrier Gas carries the vapors through the Gas Chromatograph.Blood analysis is very important in many different situations. For example, in forensics, if a bloodstain pattern is obtained, analysis is vital. BPA (Bloodstain Pattern Analysis) may on many occasions, clearly define the location of the victim or the assailant by establishing the actions of either or both. Possible and impossible scenarios may be established to determine if the victim, witness, orassailant is accurately describing what took place.Some questions that may be answered are: What type of weapon or impact occurred to cause the bloodstains present? How many times was the victim struck ? Where was the victim at the time the injuries were inflicted? Where was the assailant during and following the assault? Is the bloodstain evidence consistent with the medical examiner findings? Is the bloodstain evidence on the suspect and his clothing consistent with the crime scene? Numerous courts throughout the coun try have upheld the value and scientific reliability of BPA. Court case information is available upon request. BPA is a valuable asset during and after the initial investigation. BPA has been extremely valuable during the establishment of the courtroom trial strategy.Blood analysis can be very important in testing for drugs. If drugs are in your system, your blood can be tested using more sophisticated means than static head space gas chromatography. You can also use urine tests and breath tests. Urine, however is the least reliable, while blood is the most.DNA Detection is a very important part of blood analysis. Thanks to a powerful biochemical tool called polymerase chain reaction (PCR), it is possible to detect incredibly tiny amounts of particular DNA molecules. Even one single molecule can be enough!DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the central molecule of life. It contains sequences of information coded along its length. The information tells cells how to build protein molecules . PCR uses proteins called enzymes, combined with small pieces of DNA called primers. The primers match the sequence of the target molecule (the one being looked for) and the enzymes make lots more of any matching molecules. The result is that one matching molecule is multiplied into billions! DNA is very important because nobody has the same DNA pattern. Every single person’s is different. DNA also lasts forever, it never disappears.Bibliography:Bibliography Plagiarism Detection >Blood Encarta Encyclopedia Blood Type Encarta EncyclopediaForensics- Encarta Encyclopedia
Friday, September 27, 2019
Australopithecus sediba Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Australopithecus sediba - Assignment Example At the same time, I applied the piecemeal approach which involves reading key sections of the paper and skimming the figures first. There is a lot of information about Australopithecus sediba among other pre-humans in the scientific article while the press articles emphasized on the key features of the fossils. The two press articles are like a summary of the scientific article written in a more-easy-to understand language. The science article also has details like the actual size of the various parts of the fossil while such information is omitted in the press articles. The methodologies of the study are explained in details in the scientific article while using scientific terminologies that ordinary people find difficult to understand. The press articles have not described the methodology applied while conducting the study because the reporters were targeting ordinary people who might have very little or no understanding of the scientific terminologies used to describe scientific methodologies. The methodologies described in the scientific article confirm that the study is reliable and that the findings made are accurate. The scientific paper is more detailed compared to the two press articles. The scientific article had background information like the relationship between Australopithecus sediba and other pre-humans such as the Australopithecus Africanus while the press articles focused on the Australopithecus sediba alone. Opinions of the researchers that are beyond the findings made are left out in the scientific paper while in-depth scientific details such as the scientific methodologies applied during the research were left out in the press articles. Some of the comments are in the press articles are supporting the argument raised and further elaborating the topic at hand while others are criticizing the argument. For instance, some people argue
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Leadership - Essay Example There are some people in the organization who have tremendous qualities, which can be used for the growth of the organization. A good leader exploits those qualities and makes them unlocked for the attainment of the ultimate objectives of the organization. Some people get misunderstood with leaders and managers. An ideal leader always focuses on the people. The leaders inspire the people; motivate them to do right things and to shape the entities. A leadership has to perform the common activities on the organizational scenario, such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling. It has always been a debate whether the leaders are born or they are made. This debate between nature and nurture in leadership context has been an age-old topic of debate in management field. It is because some people have the innate leadership qualities. For example they are quite outspoken, very aggressive. Further they have natural intelligence. But an effective leadership needs some more traits beyo nd these qualities. The above mentioned qualities certainly are very useful for being good leaders, but it doesn’t mean that if they are absent in the persons, they cannot prove themselves as leaders. The best example of this was Mahatma Gandhi, a charismatic leader, who has a tremendous influence on people. The complicated and huge Indian society despite all its heterogeneous aspects, stood behind him, followed his ideals. Controlling such a hug and diverse nation like India was definitely not an easy task. Mahatma never stood in the benchmark of a good leadership; still he was one of the most influential leaders in the whole world. There are some exclusive qualities of the leaders, which are not found in some of the most influential leaders of the world. Still they have proved themselves as the leaders. No doubt, there are some born leaders. Many leaders have honed their leadership through extensive practice. It is because of their readiness to adapt them and equipped them with some qualities which were previously not in them. Importance of Effective Leadership on Organizational Scenario: In the changing market dynamics the people with various profiles join the organizations. There is fierce competition in the business world. In such crucial circumstances, the organization cannot survive just on the basis of knowledge. No doubt, the sound business knowledge is advantageous but for making things happen. However the effective leadership qualities cannot be neglected. For the survival and growth of the organization, it needs to develop certain strategies effectively. If there is a competition between equally competent organizations, and if the one organization is lacking effective leadership, and the other has a very strong leadership, ultimately the winner will be the organization with effective leadership. Effective leadership is regarded as the highest level of interpersonal dynamics. Learning Outcomes from playing scenarios: To sharpen the leadership qualities among the leaders the simulation has become a smart method. Simulation is nothing but a real life situation in which the trainers have been given the training of becoming the perfect leaders and not just a boss. For this I played games in which five different scenarios were given to me. I played the role the boss. I was not supposed to be just a boss, but to show my leadership qualities. All these scenes were useful for developing the fundamental skill of leadership and
Cause and Effect On Honolulu Rail Transit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cause and Effect On Honolulu Rail Transit - Essay Example Thus, many pros and cons have been raised about the proposed construction of the rail transit. Although, the Honolulu rail transit will ease movement of commodities and people from urban areas to outlying areas, it will lead to budget cuts on the capital projects and contribute to environmental, health as well as aesthetic issues. The Honolulu Rail Transit project is costly; thus, it will cause the budget cuts. The rail debt will rise contributing to the reduction of spending on other capital projects. The construction of the rail transit will enable the government to incur additional debt for other projects such as flood control programs, police equipment and road repairs. This is because the financial resources of the city will be directed to the rail construction, as the city will be forced to alter al the city expenses to the rail construction. For instance, the report from the financial director of Honolulu, Toy Arre, revealed that the fiscal budget proposal of 2013 on health and safety alone is $ 17 million dollars (Levine pr 3). The public health and safety is on the front line, but this will be impacted by the proposed rail construction because the government will not manage to meet all other proposal fiscal budget. Hence, this will contribute to the government relying on foreign aid and borr owing money from other developed states with an aim of meeting other capital projects; thus increasing the national balance deficit. The Honolulu project may pose environmental, health and aesthetic issues. This is because the construction activities will contribute to varied consequences on the environment and the health of human being; thus, the project poses legal issues. The plaintiffs included in the environmental and legal issues indicated that the construction of the rail will lead to environmental pollution. For instance, the electric train will be powered by fossil fuel because this comes from burning of petroleum products. This
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
US Economic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
US Economic - Research Paper Example In the past, people used to undertake transaction using barter trade, but currently it is done by various mediums of exchange. The achievement of economic stability is not an easy task as it is usually influenced by internal and external factors. This paper seeks to give an in-depth analysis of the current USA economic situation taking into account analysis of labor, marketing, growth, and investing. Economy In the United States of America, numerous changes have been achieved in the economic system. In the year 2008, the recession threatened the economy which has since then been recovering until this year when the European region crises affected various economies across the globe. The reason for the impact to be felt in the United States of America is that there is not a single economy in the world that is entirely independent. This is mainly because economic activities, such as international trade, involve different countries which usually have differences in their economic capacity . In the achievement of the improved overall American economy, the following factors have played a significant part. (A).Technological Evolution It is evident that technological advancements have had great impact on the society, as well as the country as a whole. One of the biggest technological advancement made is the invention of computers and the internet. Through the internet, communication between various persons have been greatly improved which has generally affected the conduction of business transactions. Moreover, the internet provides a platform at which US traders can advertise and sell to various persons across the globe. This has been very rewarding and is evident in the ever-increasing number of organizations conducting both online and offline businesses, with a preference to online transactions. In the industrial sector, the technological advancement has led to the development of more efficient and high capacity machinery, which has significantly reduced the input cos ts and increased production. This directly translates to increased returns, which are currently achieved by many companies. The National security is very essential in ensuring that the economic activities run smoothly in the United States of America. In this regard, the technological advancement has ensured continuous improvement of the security system. This has helped to control various threats from our enemies, as no American citizen would wish to observe our economy being affected by terrorist activities, as in the case of September 11 attack. As for the consumers, technology has ensured that the products availed to them are fit for consumption and they have been provided with various means of payment, such as the use of debit card. (B). Geography The location of United States of America in the geographical map is good to its economic development. The country has a large stretch of it national boundary along the sea. This is equipped with numerous harbors, which have ensured that exports are made timely and effectively. In achieving this, improvements in the ports have been conducted in the twenty first century. A good example is the renovation conducted after the destruction caused by Katrina in 2005. (c). Social Organization The interaction between the American in their daily activities is very essential in the achievement of national success. Major revolutions in these issues were achieved in mid twentieth century with the passage of the Civic rights bill of 1964. Currently, the government has enforced laws that have ensured that discrimination by race, gender
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
DB marketing 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
DB marketing 10 - Essay Example Higher preference is given to those individuals who have at least masters’ level of education in business administration. In order to become a sales manager an individual needs to have worked in entry level positions of the sales department such as the sales man, sales executive and should have around one to five years of experience in the same department. The pay scale of sales manager varies from the industry and the organization they work in. At an average a sales manager works for at a pay scale of more than $100,000 per year (, 2014). The BLS has projected that between the 10 year periods of 2012 to 2022 the job growth rate of this particular position is eight percent (, 2014). This position will be a great achievement in my life because I believe that I have the required knowledge, skills and abilities to work as a sales manager. I have always aimed at working in a position where my skills and traits can be used. I believe that if my skills and traits are u tilized in the position of sales manager, then I will end up experiencing job satisfaction. Secondly, I am majoring in the subject of sales and I am fully committed to learn the ins and outs of sales in order to pursue a career in the field of
Monday, September 23, 2019
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Out of various strategies that businesses use for ensuring business success, change itself is a strategy that the business needs to take careful attention in implementing of it, managing it and managing its resistance as well. First part of this piece of research paper presents a brief discussion on organizational success and analyzes how Cadbury’s organizational structure will have to change especially in relation to Mintzberg’s theory of organizational structure. Second part of the paper discusses strategic change and how effectively it can be implemented and managed in Cadbury. Organizing for Success Organizational strategy and organizational structure are closely interrelated. Organizational strategy refers to a special way that the organization positions itself in relation to its stakeholders, given the organization’s resources, capabilities and mission etc (Stonehouse, Campbell, 2004, p. 354). Strategic choices of a firm influences the structure and design of the organization as well. As argued by Alfred Chandler, the structure follows the strategy mainly because the decision maker in a firm develops managerial and growth strategies that become the basis for designing the structure of the organization (Stonehouse, Campbell, 2004, p. 354). ... The strategy being implemented influences the structure and design of the firm. For instance, if a firm implements customer focus strategy or customer relationship strategy, it will have to focus on delivering greater values to customers by concentrating on value propositions and the whole organization attempts to gain attractions from the customers. Strategy thus affects organization’s structure. Though there are various approaches to organizational structure, Mintzberg’s theory of organizational structure seems to have gained considerable attention in recent years as many researchers have widely studied its significance in organizational behaviour. According to his theory, there are two basic approaches to the formation of organizational structure, they are contingency approach and configuration approach (Stonehouse, Campbell, 2004, p. 364). Contingency approach has been described as a structure that the organization depends largely on various factors like the nature of its business, nature of its strategy, its size, geographical span of its activities, its age and history etc. according to Mintzberg’s view, it is better for an organization to base its structure on configuration approach rather than basing on contingency approach because factors like span of control, need for formalization, centralization or decentralization etc are to be logically configured in to internal consistent groups (Stonehouse and Campbell, 2004, p. 364). Contingency approach and configuration approach are considered to be the main determinants of organizational structure according to Mintzberg’s theory. According to Mintzberg’s organizational structure theory, an existing organization will be fit in
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Clearwater Technologies Essay Example for Free
Clearwater Technologies Essay Clearwater set a per-seat manufacturers suggested retail price (MSRP) that decreased with higher quantity seat purchases, reflecting the customer perception of declining manufacturing cost per seat. Clearwater also saw this as advantageous because it encouraged customers to maximize their initial seat purchase. Clearwater typically sold its products through value-added resellers (VARs). A VAR was typically a small local firm that provided sales and support to end users. The value added by these resellers was that they provided a complete solution to the end user/customer from a single point of purchase and had multiple information technology products available from various vendors. Using VARs reduced Clearwaters sales and service expense significantly and increased its market coverage. These intermediaries operated in several steps. First, the VAR combined the QTX from Clearwater with database software from other suppliers to form a turnkey customer solution. Second, the VAR loaded the software with customer-specific information and linked it to the customers existing sales history databases. Finally, the VAR installed the product at the customers site and trained the customer on its use. Clearwater sold the QTX to resellers at a 50 percent discount from the MSRP, allowing the VARs to sell to the end user at or below the MSRP. The discount allowed the VARs room to negotiate with the customer and still achieve a profit. The Upgrade Initially, the expectation had been that the 30-seat unit would be the largest volume seller. In order to gain economies of scale in manufacturing, reduce inventory configurations, and reduce engineering design and testing expense to a single assembly, Clearwater decided to manufacture only the 30-seat server with the appropriate number of seats enabled for the buyer. Clearwater was effectively giving away extra memory and absorbing the higher cost rather than manufacturing the various sizes. If a customer wanted a 10-seat server, the company shipped a 30-seat capable unit, with only the requested 10 seats enabled through software configuration. The proposed upgrade was, in reality, allowing customers to access capability already built into the product. Clearwater knew that many original customers were ready to use the additional capacity in the QTX. Some customers had added seats by buying a second box, but because the original product contained the capability to expand by accessing the disabled seats, Clearwater saw an opportunity to expand the product line and increase sales to a captive customer base. Customers could double or triple their seat capacity by purchasing either a 10- or a 20-seat upgrade and getting an access code to enable the additional number of seats. No other competitor offered the possibility of an upgrade. To gain additional seats from the competitor, the customer purchased and installed an additional box. Because customers performed a significant amount of acceptance testing, which they would have to repeat before switching brands, the likelihood of changing brands to add capacity was low. The objective of this mornings meeting was to set the price for the two upgrades. As QTX product manager Rob Erickson stopped to collect his most recent notes from his desk, he reflected: What a way to start the week. Every time we have one of these meetings, senior management only looks at margins. I spent the whole weekend cranking numbers and Im going in there using the highest margin weve got today. How can anybody say thats too low? He grabbed his notes, calculator, and coffee and headed down the hall. From the other wing of the building, financial analyst Hillary Hanson was crossing the lobby towards the conference room. She was thinking about the conversation she had late Number MSRP to VAR Unit Unit of Seats End User Price Cost* Margin** 10 $8,000 $4,000 $500 87. 5% 20 $14,000 $7,000 $700 90. 0% 30 $17,250 $8,625 $900 89. % TABLE 1 *Unit cost reflects additional $200 for memory capability for each additional 10 seats. **Margin _ VAR Price _ Unit Cost VAR Price Number Original Original Actual Actual of Seats Unit Cost Unit Margin Unit Cost Unit Margin 10 $500 87. 5% $900 77. 5% 20 $700 90. 0% $900 87. 1% 30 $900 89. 6% $900 89. 6% TABLE 2 Friday afternoon with her boss, Alicia Fisher, Clear waters CFO. They had been discussing this upcoming meeting and Alicia had given Hillary very clear instructions. I want you to go in and argue for the highest price possible. We should absolutely maximize the profitability on the upgrade. The customers are already committed to us and they have no alternative for an upgrade but with us. The switching costs to change at this point are too high since theyve already been trained in our system and software. Lets go for it. Besides, we really need to show some serious revenue generation for the year-end report to the stockholders. Hillary had not actually finalized a number. She figured she could see what the others proposed and then argue for a significant premium over that. She had the CFOs backing so she could keep pushing for more. From the parking lot, Brian James, the district sales manager, headed for the rear entrance. He, too, was thinking about the upcoming meeting and anticipating a long morning. I wish marketing would realize that when they come up with some grandiose number for a new product, sales takes the hit in the field. Its a killer to have to explain to customers that they have to pay big bucks for something thats essentially built in. Its gonna be even tougher to justify on this upgrade. At least with the QTX, we have something the buyer can see. Its hardware. With the upgrade, there isnt even a physical product. Were just giving customers a code to access the capability thats already built into the machine. Telling customers that they have to pay several thousand dollars never makes you popular. If you think about it, thats a lot of money for an access code, but you wont hear me say that out loud. Maybe I can get them to agree to something reasonable this time. I spent the weekend working this one out, and I think my logic is pretty solid. Price Proposals Once everyone was settled in the conference room, Rob spoke first: I know we have to come up with prices for both the 10-seat and 20-seat upgrades, but to keep things manageable, lets discuss the 20-seat price first. Once that number is set, the 10-seat price should be simple. Because the margin on the 30-seat unit is the highest in the line, I think we should use that as the basis to the price for the upgrade. He went to a whiteboard to show an example: If a customer is upgrading from a 10-seat unit to a 30-seat unit, they are adding two steps of capacity costing $200 each to us, or $400. $400 /1-0. 90 _ $4,000 to the reseller, and $8,000 to the end user. We keep the margin structure in place at the highest point in the line. The customer gets additional capacity, and we keep our margins consistent. He sat down feeling pleased. He had fired the first shot, had been consistent with the existing margin structure, and had rounded up the highest margin point in the line. Brian looked at Robs calculations and commented: I think thats going to be hard for the customer to see without us giving away information about our margins, and we dont want to do that, since they are pretty aggressive to begin with. However, I think I have solved this one for us. Ive finally come up with a simple, fair solution to pricing the upgrade that works for us and the customers. He walked over to a whiteboard and grabbed a marker: If we assume an existing 10-seat customer has decided to upgrade to 30-seat capability, we should charge that customer the difference between what the buyer has already paid and the price of the new capacity. So . . . New 30-seat unit $17,250 Original 10-seat unit $8,000 Price for 20-seat upgrade $9,250 Its consistent with our current pricing for the QTX. Its fair to the customer. Its easy for the customer to understand and it still makes wads of money for us. It also is easy for the customer to see that were being good to them. If they bought a 20-seat box in addition to the 10-seat box they already have, it would be costing them more. He wrote: New 20-seat unit $14,000 A new unit provides customers with redundancy by having two boxes, which they might want in the event of product failure, but the cost is pretty stiff. Upgrading becomes the logical and affordable option. Hillary looked at the numbers and knew just what she was going to do. That all looks very logical, but I dont see that either of you has the companys best interests at heart. Brian, you just want a simple sale that your sales people and the customers will buy into, and Rob, you are charging even less than Brian. We need to consider the revenue issue as well. These people have already bought from us; are trained on our hardware and software and dont want to have to repeat the process with someone else. It would take too long. Theyve got no desire to make a change and that means weve got them. The sky is really the limit on how much we can charge them because they have no real alternative. We should take this opportunity to really go for the gold, say $15,000 or even $20,000. We can and should be as aggressive as possible. All three continued to argue the relative merits of their pricing positions, without notable success. Jefferies listened to each of them and after they finished, he turned to a clean whiteboard and took the marker. Ive done some more thinking on this. In order to meet the needs of all three departments, there are three very important points that the price structure for these upgrades must accomplish: 1. The pricing for the upgrades shouldnt undercut the existing pricing for the 30-seat QTX. 2. We want to motivate our buyers to purchase the maximum number of seats at the initial purchase. A dollar now is better than a potential dollar later. We never know for sure that they will make that second purchase. If we dont do this right, were going to encourage customers to reduce their initial purchase. Theyll figure they can add capacity whenever, so why buy it if they dont need it. That would kill upfront sales of the QTX. 3. We dont want to leave any revenue on the table when buyers decide to buy more capacity. They are already committed to us and our technology and we should capitalize on that, without totally ripping them off. Therefore, while Hillary says the skys the limit, I think there is a limit and we need to determine what it is and how close we can come to it. If we assume that those are the objectives, none of the prices youve put together thus far answers all three of those criteria. Some come close, but each one fails. See if you can put your heads together and come to a consensus price that satisfies all three objectives. OK? Heads nodded and with that, Jefferies left the conference room. The three remaining occupants looked at one another. Brian got up to wipe the previous numbers off the whiteboards and said: OK, one more time. If our numbers dont work, why not and what is the right price for the 20-seat upgrade?
Friday, September 20, 2019
Effect of Sun Protection on Children
Effect of Sun Protection on Children Queenie J. Magadia Introduction Research and evaluation are both characterized by same features that focuses on answering a question using data collection and analysis methods. Evaluation is a set of research process and practice that critically examines the existing programs. The purpose of evaluation is providing judgments about a programs actions, activities and outcomes to improve its effectiveness and policy making (Elliot, 2005). Health program evaluation is important to ensure the effectiveness of the quality of a programs goal. It can also help in identifying areas of program design and implementation that needs improvement. Evaluation can demonstrate outcomes or impact of program success and by the health sector to continuously monitor the progress of the programs goal more effectively and efficiently. Background of the Study Skin cancer is the most common cancer in New Zealand and they have the highest rates in the world. It is characterized as melanoma or non-melanoma skin cancer. According to Cancer Society (2015), there are 486 New Zealanders died from skin cancer in year 2012 and over 90% skin cancer cases are due to excessive sun exposure. Furthermore, there are about 67,000 new cases of non-melanoma skin cancer a year and it plays around 80% of all new cancers registration each year. As early as possible, early detection is the best chance of treating skin cancer successfully. New Zealand high skin cancer rates are due to high level of UV radiation during daylights saving months, low ozone levels, outdoor lifestyle and large number of people with fair skin. Skin cancer is largely preventable by reducing the excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun or sunbeds through encouraging people to be SunSmart and to slip, slop, slap and wrap in the months when UV radiation are very high between September and April from 10am-4pm (Cancer Society, 2015). This paper will review the five (5) recent evaluation research about skin cancer programmes in different countries and critically evaluate their significance, methodology, and quality that can provide information in identifying its success and effectiveness for every individual. This will also analyze the four (4) audit and evaluation processes and approaches evaluated which are process, economic, impact and outcome process evaluation. Economic evaluation of the US Environmental Protection Agencys SunWise program: sun protection education for young children This study assessed the clinical or health benefits and economic impact of school-based SunWise sun protection education programme for young children from 5-15 years of age to protect them from overexposure to the sun and prevent them from having skin cancers. The researchers used the quantitative methods to conduct a surveys in a participating school. They also used standard cost/ benefit and cost effectiveness analytical approach as a method to explain any reduction in sun exposure into decrease occurrence of skin cancer and measure the estimated intervention cost to be sustained by the US government which funds the SunWise program (Kyle, et al., 2009). For results of the study, the economic analysis showed that if the SunWise Educational School Program remains through 2015 at current funding levels, it should prevent more than 50 premature deaths, approximately 11,000 skin cancers and 960 quality adjusted life-years amongst participants (Kyle, et al., 2009). This study contributes to the knowledge of educating children about sun safety for the reduction of incidence and mortality of skin cancer. Economic evaluation of skin cancer prevention in Australia This research evaluated the cost effectiveness of SunSmart skin cancer prevention program as an upgraded and ongoing national program in Australia. The significance of the study is to prevent the occurrence of skin cancer using the prevention program. They used the quantitative method to express the results of the reduction of melanoma skin cancer incidence rates used to showed key health outcomes and non-melanoma skin cancer was separately showed based on national survey results (Shih, Carter, Heward, Sinclair, 2009). The results of the study estimated that SunSmart has avoided 28,000 disablity-adjusted life years (DALYs), similar to 22,000 life-years saved since it was introduced in 1988 in addition to saving money from cost balance in skin cancer management (Shih, Carter, Heward, Sinclair, 2009). This study contributes to prove that a continuous modest investment in skin cancer like sun protection program is possibly provide an excellent value for money. Evaluation of a health promotion intervention for skin cancer prevention in Spain: The SolSano program. This study was done to evaluate the effects of SolSano sun protection program on students knowledge, practices and attitudes about SunSafety. The researchers used a non-randomized, community intervention without control group, and with schools as the unit of intervention. There are 5845 children from 215 Argonese Primary Schools are participated in the program. The pre and post-test surveys were consisted of two parts, the Draw and Write research strategy and the questionnaires. Majority of interventions are improved and presented a significant change in knowledge and behaviors based on the increase in the total of students score of using sun protective methods (Gilaberte, Alonso, Teruel, Granizo, Gallego, 2008). This study demonstrates the achievement on improving the knowledge and habits of the children about the sun damage and protection. It contributes the importance of the use of sunscreen for the children to protect them from the effects of radiation coming the sun and to change the sun protection behavior by promoting and developing a well-designed educational programs. Australian primary schools sun protection policy and practice: evaluating the impact of the National SunSmart Schools Program This study examined the trends in sun protection policy and practice of Australian primary schools and the impact of the National SunSmart Schools Program. The researchers used the quantitative methods to conduct a survey to all primary schools from all states and territories of Australia. They were surveyed their sun protection policy and practice between September and November 2005 to compared and analyzed it into 1998 and 2001 data using descriptive statistics and chi-square tests (Jone, Beckmann, Rayner, 2008). The results of the study, there was an increase to 80% in the percentage of primary schools with written sun protection policy, even though some parts of policy were less expected to be included in 2005 than in 2001(Jone, et al., 2008). The researchers found that the SunSmart Schools have a higher level of protection policy and practice than non-SunSmart schools. This study contributes the need of encouraging the development of complete written sun protection policies in all primary schools and a continuous supporting the primary school sun protection activities. Continued Impact of SunSmart Advertising on Youth and Adults Behaviors This research examined whether the exposure to summer campaigns in the past decade has sustained to impact sun protection behavior and to study the age groups behavioral impact. The researchers used quantitative research method and conducted a cross-sectional weekly telephone survey of Melbourne residents from 1987-1988 to 2010-2011 over summers and evaluated in 2012-2014 to determine the frequency of a particular point of exposure, their sun-related attitudes and sun protection. Furthermore, the exposure level of SunSmart TV advertising campaign with tanning preference and behavioral outcomes was calculated as cumulated weekly target audience rating points (TARPs) in terms of reach and frequency for four (4) weeks (Dobbinson, Volkov, Wakefield, 2015). The findings showed that there was an increase TARPs related to increased preference for no tan, sunscreen use, and reduction in the percentage of sun exposure and these effects are inadequately related with age group, gender, skin type or time period (Dobbinson, Volkov, Wakefield, 2015). This study contributes on the importance of continuous advertising health promotion campaign that focused on adolescents and young adult especially on summer months with reliable useful effect on sun protection behaviors. Audit and Evaluation Processes Economic evaluation of the US Environmental Protection Agencys SunWise program: sun protection education for young children Economic evaluation is a type of evaluation that identify and measure the inputs and outcomes of using societys resources which can be defined as a comparative analysis of different courses of action based on both their costs and consequences (Brouwer Georgiou, 2012). The researchers used the standard cost/benefits and cost effectiveness analysis, a form of economic evaluation to evaluate the SunWise health benefits and regulate the programs net benefits and cost-effectiveness. The intervention costs were measured as program cost and health outcomes were measured as skin cancer and premature mortalities (Kyle, et al., 2009). They used the effectiveness evaluation of SunWise to represent the health outcomes based on pretest and posttest surveys administered to students who joined in the program. This evaluation showed that if the SunWise School Program lasts through 2015 with the present funding levels, then it should prevent premature deaths and productivity losses are saved, depending on the funding situation (Kyle, et al., 2009). The study showed the importance of educating children about sunsafety and it may result in decreasing the incidence and mortality of skin cancer. Economic evaluation of skin cancer prevention in Australia The researchers used the economic evaluation to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the ongoing national program of Australia which is SunSmart skin cancer prevention program. The reduction in melanoma rate due to SunSmart was showed as the primary end-point. Melanoma incidence rate were used to modelled the key health outcomes from Australian states and non-melanoma skin cancer was showed separately based on national survey result (Shih, Carter, Heward, Sinclair, 2009). The main purpose of cost-effectiveness analysis is to identify the most effective decision or course of action for accomplishing an objective that is not measurable in economic terms like health goal outcomes relating mortality and morbidity effects of intervention (Brouwer Georgiou, 2012). The study showed that an upgraded national program SunSmart can saved more life-years and estimated to prevent disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) with reductions in the use of health care resources for the next 20 years (Shih, Carter, Heward, Sinclair, 2009). Evaluation of a health promotion intervention for skin cancer prevention in Spain: The SolSano program. Outcome evaluation investigates the programme effects in the target population by evaluating the progress in the outcomes or objectives (Trochim, 2006). This study evaluates the effects of SolSano SunSafety health promotion programme on students knowledge, attributes and practices. The researcher used pretest and posttest surveys which is composed of two parts: the Draw and Write research strategy and questionnaires. Pretest and posttest design are used to compare participant groups and evaluate the degree of change happening or the effectiveness of SolSano on students as an outcome of intervention (Shuttleworth, 2009). The findings showed that SolSano programme accomplished a reduction in the percentage of reported sunburns and there was a significantly increased in the use of sunsafety resources after the intervention. The evaluation demonstrates that significant knowledge can be learned, attitudes about the healthiness of a tan can be changed and behavior regarding sun protection can be developed by educational programs (Gilaberte, et al., 2008). Australian primary schools sun protection policy and practice: evaluating the impact of the National SunSmart Schools Program Impact evaluation is an analysis of how the intervention being assessed affects outcomes of the programme (OECD, 2001). This research evaluated trends of Australian primary schools sun protection policy and practice and the impact of the National SunSmart Schools program. The researchers conducted a survey on primary schools from all states of Australia to gather data about their sun protection policy and analyzed the data using descriptive statistics and chi-square (Jone, Beckmann, Rayner, 2008). Impact evaluation showed that there has been an increase in the percentage of schools with written sun protection policy and have a higher level of policy and practice found in SunSmart schools compared to non-SunSmart schools. This evaluation highlights the Importance of encouraging and giving support for the development of sun protection policies in primary schools (Jone, Beckmann, Rayner, 2008). Continued Impact of SunSmart Advertising on Youth and Adults Behaviors. The researchers make use of process and impact evaluation to determine the outcome of the study. Through process evaluation, it monitors the process of delivering the programme or technology which is Televised advertising SunSmart campaign and this evaluation showed how accessible and acceptable the program to the youth and adults (Trochim, 2006). This also evaluates the influence of SunSmart campaign to sun protection attitudes and behaviors. The results of a process evaluation will use to strengthen the program and use to improve the future activities for the good outcomes of the campaign. If the campaign program did not produce the expected outcomes, it may be due to some implementation issues (Trochim, 2006). Therefore, it is useful to conduct process evaluation while implementing impact evaluation. Impact evaluation was done to evaluate the effectiveness of the ssadvertising campaign to the youth and adults since the televised advertisement plays an important role in public education for preventing skin cancer in Australia (Dobbinson, Volkov, Wakefield, 2015). Figure 1: Logic Evaluation Model Source: University of Idaho (1999) Retrieved from: The Logic Model  The Logic Model process is a tool similar to evaluation models that has been used by program managers and evaluators to demonstrate the effectiveness of the programs. It explains the logical relationships among programs resources and activities, interventions, audiences, and short and long-term outcomes related to a situation or problem. Logic models demonstrate a system of cause and effect relationship- which is an approach to achieve the desired outcome. This model has four (4) basic essential components, the inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes. (Frye Hemmer, 2012). The Inputs evaluation includes all the related resources, skills, fundings and facilities that delivers an opportunity to communicate the quality of the program. Evaluating the effectiveness of the program is made easier when the prearranged inputs are effectively described. The second component of Logic Model is Activities, it is the set of treatments, strategies or planned for the program. On the other hand, the outputs purpose is to establish the relationships between the problem and the impact or the intended outcome of the program. The outcomes evaluation can be short-term, medium-term or long term results of the program activities. It includes the learners skill acquisition, program participants implementation of new knowledge or any changes in health status of participants from the effectiveness of the program (Frye Hemmer, 2012). This evaluation model can contribute in the implementation of health promotion campaign programme of preventing skin cancer especially in New Zealand which has the highest rates in the world. It can provide and improve the attitudes, knowledge and behaviours about sun damage and protection policy and practices. Furthermore, this model can identify the critical measures of performance and effectiveness of the skin cancer programme. The Logic model is useful for recognizing the element of the skin cancer program and measuring the progress in the outcomes of the skin cancer prevention. Conclusions Evaluation research is an important process of examining and assessing the programs achievements. It is an important tool to provide and achieve the objectives for the improvement and success of the program. Evaluation is important to an organization ensure the effectiveness of quality of the program design and implementation and monitor the progress of the goal more effectively. Brouwer, R., Georgiou, S. (2012). Economic Evaluation. Retrieved from World Health Organization: Cancer Society. (2015, April). About skin cancer. Retrieved from Cancer Society: Dobbinson, S., Volkov, A., Wakefield, M. (2015). Continued Impact of SunSmart Advertising on Youth and Adults Behaviors. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 49(1), 20-28. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2015.01.011 Elliot, S. (2005). Evaluation Research Methods. Retrieved from Sage Publishing: Frye, A., Hemmer, P. (2012). Program evaluation models and related. Medical Teacher, 34(5), e288-e299. doi:10.3109/0142159x.2012.668637 Gilaberte, Y., Alonso, J. P., Teruel, M. P., Granizo, C., Gallego, J. (2008). Evaluation of a health promotion intervention for skin cancer prevention in Spain: the SolSano program. Health Promotion International, 23(3), 209-219. doi:10.1093/heapro/dan020 Jone, S., Beckmann, K., Rayner, J. (2008, August). Australian primary schools sun protection policy and practice: evaluating the impact of the National SunSmart Schools Program. Health Promotion, 19(2), 86-90. Retrieved from Kyle, J., Hammitt, J., Lim, H., Geller, A., Hall-Jordan, L., Maibach, E., . . . Wagner, M. (2009). Economic evaluation of the US Environmental Protection Agencys SunWise program: sun protection education for young children. Pediatrics, 121(5), 1074-1084. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-1400 OECD. (2001). Outline of principles of impact evaluation. Retrieved from OECD: Shih, S. T., Carter, R., Heward, S., Sinclair, C. (2009). Economic evaluation of future skin cancer prevention in Australia. Preventive Medicine. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2017.01.013 Shuttleworth, M. (2009). Pretest-Posttest Designs. Retrieved from Explorable: Trochim, W. (2006, October 20). Introduction to Evaluation . Retrieved from Social Research Methods: University of Idaho Extension. (1999). The Logic Model for program planning and evaluation. Retrieved from University of Idaho Extension:
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner :: essays research papers
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Coleridge's poem â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†is written about a Mariner telling his tale of sin and forgiveness to a small group of young men on their way to attend a wedding. The Mariner claims to be responsible for the deaths of everyone on board of a ship he once sailed because he killed a creature that was supposed to bring them the wind they needed to resume sailing after hitting a plateau in the ship’s movement. Through the writing style in â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,†Coleridge tries to convince the reader that the events told in the poem could possibly have been real, thus leaving the reader to partially believe the strange story and Coleridge is right to do so. The theme of â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†is God’s forgiveness. The Mariner believes that God has forgiven him for his sins and is telling his tale to the young men on their way to a wedding. The Mariner explains that he killed an albatross, and the entire crew dies because of it. The Mariner, however, survives and asks God’s to forgive him for his sins. When the Mariner prays for forgiveness, the curse preventing the souls of the crew from entering Heaven is broken, the Mariner’s life is spared and Angels from Heaven escort the souls of the dead crewman to the afterlife. In closing, the whole point of the story becomes clear in the following lines. "Farewell, farewell! but this I tell To thee, thou Wedding Guest! He prayeth well, who loveth well Both man and bird and beast. "He prayeth best, who loveth best All things both great and small; For the dear God who loveth us, 03 He made and loveth all." The Mariner, whose eye is bright,
Multi Track History :: essays research papers
60s Research Document 4.1.1,2 History and development of the Multitrack Recorder Multitrack recorders were originally developed in the early 1950s in Germany. The initial principle of multitracks was to divide a tape in two parts and record different sounds onto each and play them back concurrently. The fact that both tracks would be on the same tape would mean they would be synchronised exactly. In classical music recordings of the 1950s, the early two track machines were first used and recorded in stereo. Two different mics would be used and these signals would be recorded simultaneously. Pop and jazz recordings however, remained in mono until the mid sixties. The first three track recorder is attributed to Les Paul who developed the system with his wife, singer Mary Ford. Ampex were soon to realise the possibilities of such a machine and bought the device from Paul. Ampex quickly released a refined version of the three track which was in common use until the birth of 4-track in the mid 1960s. Many Motown hits and, maybe most famously, Phil Spector’s â⠂¬ËœWall Of Sound’ were recorded on three track machines. When 4-track was born, a new world of recording and bouncing possibilities was opened up to the recording industry. Most Beatles and Rolling Stones albums were recorded in 4-track and Abbey Road became world renowned in the art of 4-track recording. Their engineers seemed to be able to create vast recordings, which required numerous bounces, whilst keeping unwanted bounce noise to a minimum. 4-track also paved the way for innovations in sound such as Quadraphonic. This system used each track as a means of creating a 360 ° mix. Albums like Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’ and Mike Oldfield’s ‘Tubular Bells’ were recorded in Quadraphonic (as well as Stereo) but the system never really took off. It did however have a significant part to play in the development of surround sound. By 1970 the 16-track recorder was emerging in the rock scene of the United States though the Beatles stuck with the 8-track to record their final albums. Split bank designs became popular offering a main bank of faders used for the mic/line inputs, a separate bank controlling monitor levels and cue mixes and a final section used for other submixes and reverb chambers. The typical price for a 16-track recorder was around $35,000 however the problem of noise build up with numerous tracks still existed (this is the main reason for the lack of interest in 24-track machines at the time).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The runabout car :: essays research papers fc
In the 1920s, the automobile industry was being quickly innovated by companies coming out with new cars, very quickly. In 1901 the new Detroit factory burned down and the only automobile to be rescued from the flames was a gasoline powered runabout, the â€Å"curved dash†Oldsmobile. Also in 1901, there was a discovery of a seemingly â€Å"inexhaustible†supply of oil near Beaumont, Texas. These rich deposits of petroleum made gasoline readily available and gave added impetus to the internal combustion engine in its competition with steam and electric power. In March, fires destroyed most of the Olds Plant and the only car that was saved was the Curved Dash olds. Olds rebuilt immediately and put all the production resources into the little Curved Dash Olds, the â€Å"Merry Oldsmobile†. A car was envisioned which weighed 500 pounds and could be sold for $500. Actually, when the famous Curved-Dash Oldsmobile runabout car was finished, it weighed 700 pounds and was sold for $650. Between 1901 and 1904, over 12,000 Oldsmobile cars were built and sold. This was the first volume production car in the world. Speedometers appear first on Oldsmobile. To serve as an advertisement, a Curved Dash Olds was driven from Detroit to New York. This was the longest automobile trip that had been made in the U.S. until that time. Later, in about 1923, standard equipment included four wheel brakes, foot-controlled headlamp dimmer switches, and power operated windshield wipers. On Feb. 2, "Ethyl" gas was first put on the market. The lowest priced T was the runabout, selling at $265. 1908 October 1, Henry Ford put the first of his T's on the road. The 4-cylinder, 20-horsepower T was available in two styles. The runabout sold for $825, the touring for $850. During the last three months of 1908, the Ford Motor Company sold 6,000 cars. William C. Durant sold 9,000 Buick’s during 1908. The Ford Motor Company greatly outpaced its competitors in reconc iling state-of-the-art design with moderate price. Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal called the four-cylinder, fifteen-horsepower, $600 Ford N (1906-1907) "the very first instance of a low-cost motorcar driven by a gas engine having cylinders enough to give the shaft a turning impulse in each shaft turn which was well built and offered in large numbers." Deluged with orders, Ford installed improved production equipment and after 1906 was able to make deliveries of a hundred cars a day.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Renaissance Art and Culture
Although the Renaissance saw revolutions in many intellectual activities, as well as social and political confusion, it is perhaps best known for its artistic developments. Leonardo dad Vinci and Michelangelo were inspired by the term â€Å"Renaissance man†. Renaissance influence was felt in literature, philosophy, art, music, politics, science, religion, and other aspects of intellectual study. Renaissance scholars used the humanist method in study, and searched for realism and human emotion in art. The civilizations of Greece and Rome were rediscovered, inspiring an interest in Classical learning which challenged medieval beliefs and ideas.The population was becoming wealthier which led to an increase in trade and travel and the spread of new ideas. The rise in prosperity also generated an interest in education, supported the flourishing of the arts and promoted scientific discoveries and new inventions. Perhaps the most important of these was the printing press, which allow ed the distribution of information to a much wider audience than ever before, further increasing the demand for more knowledge. INFLUENCE OF RENAISSANCE Renaissance was much more than a rebirth of classical art. It was a rejection of the middle Ages, which were Just ending.During medieval times, the arts were concerned mainly with religion, with the life of the spirit, with the hereafter. Little importance was given to life on earth except as a preparation for the next world. But as the 1 5th century began, Italians were turning their attention to the world about them. People started to think more about nonstructural, or nonreligious, matters. They began placing faith in their own qualities and their own importance. This new spirit was called humanism. Discipline, unquestioning faith, obedience to authority–these medieval benefits were o longer blindly accepted.People asked questions and wanted to find their own answers. Artists were among the first affected by the new spirit of humanism. In their work they began to focus on human life on earth. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE ART The Italian Renaissance was one of the most productive periods in the history of art, with large numbers of outstanding masters to be found in many centers and in all the major fields painting, sculpture, and architecture. In Florence, in the first half of the fifteenth century, there were great innovators in all these fields, whose work raked a beginning off new era in the history of art.The idea of artistic genius became popular; Michelangelo was called â€Å"divine†because of the greatness of his creative powers. In the Renaissance, art and science were closely connected. Both the artist and the scientist strove for the mastery of the physical world, and the art of painting profited by two fields of study that may be called scientific: anatomy, which made possible a more accurate representation of the human body, and mathematical perspective. Humanistic education, based on ethi cs and the liberal arts, was pushed s a way to create experienced citizens who could actively participate in the political process.Humanists celebrated the mind, beauty, power, and enormous potential of human beings. They believed that people were able to experience God directly and should have a personal, emotional relationship to their faith. God had made the world but humans were able to share in his glory by becoming creators themselves. INFLUENCE ON PAINTING The painting in France was known as Florentine painting. The techniques favored by the Florentine were tempera and fresco. The Tempera Painting: In tempera painting a dry surface was used. A wooden panel was grounded with several coats of plaster in glue, and the work was then copied from a drawing.The colors were tempered with egg or vegetable albumin. The Fresco Painting: The fresco technique, used for the mural paintings in Florentine churches, involved painting on wet plaster. The sketch was first copied on the plaster wall in rough outline, and the part on which the painter was going to work during a given day was then covered with fresh plaster. The painter had to redraw the part that had been covered by the new plaster and add the colors. As the plaster dried, the colors came a permanent part of it. ARTISTS DURING RENAISSANCE The beginning of the great Florentine school of painting came in the middle Ages.Leonardo dad Vinci 0 Michelangelo The climax of late 1 5th-century painting came in the work of Leonardo dad Vinci (1452-1519). Leonardo studied painting in Florence, but he spent much of his life working in Milan. The last few years of his life were spent in France in the service of King Francis l. Leonardo is the perfect example of the â€Å"Renaissance man†because he was interested in and well informed about a great many subjects: literature, science, thematic, art–almost everything about man and nature. Like many artists of the time, he was a sculptor and an architect as wel l as a painter.His paintings, particularly The Last Supper, the Mona Lisa, and The Madonna of the Rocks, have made him famous. The unique way he handled light and shadow is his most unusual characteristic. Leonardo remarkable ability to grasp and express the mysteries of man and nature made him one of the greatest of all painters. He worked on the painting OF THE LAST SUPER from about 1495 to 1497. When compared to previous paintings of the same subject, its originality becomes evident. All extras have been eliminated; the distant landscape, seen through the windows, increases rather than distracts from the main subject.There are no human figures other than Jesus and his disciples. All are placed on one side of a long table; earlier artists had placed Judas across the table from the rest. To give dynamic character to a scene pictured in standing terms, Leonardo chose the moment when Jesus announced one of the disciples would betray him. This terrible declaration sends a shock wave o f feeling through the twelve. Each is clearly differentiated from the others in the attitude and sutures with which he reacts to the Master's words, and yet all form a unity. The twelve are divided into four groups of three, each group having its own distinct character.In the center is Jesus, whose posture forms a triangle, a form on which Leonardo paintings were normally based. Jesus is serene and unmoved by the effect of his words. These are the qualities of the High Renaissance style: simplicity; austere rejection of the incidental and the merely pretty; nobility and grandeur in the figures involved in actions of depth and significance. Michelangelo One of the greatest 16th-century artists was Michelangelo Bonaparte (1475-1564). In sculpture, architecture, and painting he was so outstanding that he was called divine.He became fascinated with the problems of representing the human body, and he devoted himself completely to mastering them. In 1505 Michelangelo was called by Pope Ju lius II to Rome, where he was assigned to work on a number of projects. The most important were: The Pope's tomb, The decoration of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican The new basilica of SST. Pewter's The Sistine ceiling, which took 4 years to paint under difficult conditions, is composed of hundreds of figures from the Old Testament. In all his representations of the human figure, whether in sculpture or in painting, Michelangelo strove to make them monuments.With the art of Michelangelo the High Renaissance came to its climax. His work, in fact, betrayed signs of a changing attitude in the art of the day. The twisted, tortured figures and the compressed space of his painting of The Last Judgment. Influence of Renaissance on Venice and Northern Italy Venice was the most important northern Italian city of the Renaissance. The Venetians lived a happy and luxurious life. Enjoying the benefits of an active trade tit the east, they imported silks, Jewels, slaves, and exoti c foods. Close connections with Eastern art and a naturally colorful location inspired the Venetian painters to use bright color.They were influenced by the new â€Å"scientific†developments in Florentine art. But their use of anatomy and perspective was combined with their love of color and pageantry. One of the most important north Italian painters was Andrea Antenna (1431-1506). Born in Pads, a city not far from Venice, Antenna introduced many Florentine characteristics into north Italian painting. He particularly admired the realism of Tangelo's sculptures, and like Donated, he studied ancient Roman art. He used perspective to create the effect of a stage on which his figures perform.The greatest of the 1 5th-century Venetian painters was Giovanni Beeline Antenna's friendship with Beeline had a direct influence on Venetian painting. Bellini's rich, mellow color and warm lighting bring out the human qualities of his serene Madonna and saints. He was one of the first Itali ans to use oil paint on canvas. Two of Giovanni Bellini's pupils became the most outstanding Venetian painters of the High Renaissance. They were Giorgio and Titian. Goriness's colorful and poetic pictures attracted a large following of artists known as Egregiousness painters.Titian began as a Egregiousness painter but developed far beyond this style. He achieved such mastery in the handling of bright, warm color that he was considered to be the equal of Michelangelo. In his late works figures and objects melt into a glow of light and color–a treatment of painting that seems very modern. Renaissance in the North Oil painting had become popular in Venice by the end of the 15th century. The Venetians learned a great deal from Flemish artists. The Flemish painter Jan van is often given the credit for developing an important oil technique.The Flemish and German styles of the early 1 5th century were completely different from the early Renaissance style of the Florentine. Instead of simple geometric arrangements of three-dimensional figures, as in Mosaic's paintings, the northern Europeans aimed at creating realistic pictures by rendering countless details–intricate floor patterns, drapery designs, and miniature landscapes. This complex style of the north did not develop from a humanistic classical art but from the Gothic tradition of mysticism and tortured realism. Flemish Painting Van Cock's Madonna painted in 1436, is an excellent example of Flemish realism.All the details of the room–the patterned carpet, the armor of Saint George, and the architecture–make this picture seem very real. There is no sign of the Italian sense of beauty here: the figures are not idealized. In the faces of the people can be seen the wrinkles and imperfections of real life. One of the best-known Flemish artists of the second half of the 1 5th century was Hugo van deer Goes. When the Florentine painters saw Hog's work, they were impressed by its lifelike qu ality. This Flemish influence can be seen in later Florentine nettings.Gradually the hard outlines of the Flemish style became softer because of Italian influences, and by the middle of the 16th century the ideas of the Renaissance had been absorbed into Flemish art. German Painting The German artist Albrecht Udder went to Italy, where he was impressed by the countryside and by the art he saw. While in Venice, he came to know and admire Giovanni Beeline. Beeline, in turn, admired Udder's work. Udder had been trained in the Gothic tradition of German art. He had learned to imitate nature accurately and painstakingly. He was a master in the use of sensitive line in drawings, woodcuts, engravings, and paintings.The End of the Renaissance During the second quarter of the 16th century, mannerism began to take hold in European art. This was the first truly international European style. Renaissance art had been typically Italian in style, but mannerism developed throughout Europe and combi ned many traditions. The art of northern painters such as Pitter Burgher the Elder and Udder can be considered part of this school. So can the work of Michelangelo and Tinderbox and many other 16th-century Italian artists. The work of the French painters of Fontainebleau and that of El Greece in Spain is also part of the mannerist style.Mannerism was both a reaction against and an outgrowth of the High Renaissance. It was typified by abnormally lengthened or distorted figures and the replacement of perspective with a flatter and less organized type of space. By the end of the 16th century the High Renaissance in Italy had given way to late mannerism and the early baroque. But the discoveries and ideals of the Renaissance remained as a permanent heritage to all artists who came afterward. The most important contribution of the Renaissance was its vision of man as beautiful, noble, and independent.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Karl Marx’s
Karl Marx’s German Ideology is a relook at the foundation of Philosophy and all combined artistic expressions of man in the new focus of material activities and quests. Since Karl Marx was influenced by the disparities in human beings and wanted to explore the conditions that either give birth to, or arise from, these disparities, his philosophy is more aligned to the more mundane daily activities.German Ideology is a critically significant relook at the philosophies of the day to incorporate the basic needs of human being as the basis for the concepts of ownership, labor and family as a unit of the society. Marx argues that 1. Concept of ownership is a convenient work around of self interest, 2. Labor forms the basis of the social structure, and 3. The relationship between man and woman has a pragmatic basis of increasing and procuring labor (more than the element of love or companionship, which is propagated through every other form of philosophy).The main differentiator of Human beings and animals is that Man produces the means of his subsistence. Marx argues that the act of production defines human being and his existence.†This mode of production must not be considered simply as being the production of the physical existence of the individuals. Rather it is a definite form of activity of these individuals, a definite form of expressing their life, a definite mode of life on their part†.Therefore any interaction between two communities or two countries is essentially a discourse between tow productive forces. The act of productivity, in order to continue in a manner that serves the self interest of each of the individual unit as well as the dependant community around it gives birth to the earliest form of ownership. Great stretches of uncultivated lands give birth to the necessity of large ownership including that of an adequate labor force.All social interactions spring out of the necessary exchanges between the different producing classe s or the labor. According to Marx, social and political relations evolve over age from the life process of individuals, not out of any empirical or imaginary form of individuals, but a realistic, form – how they operate and how they produce. Marx goes on to theorize that the production of ideas, conception and consciousness are directly â€Å"interwoven with the material activity and the material intercourse of men, the language of real life.†Production as in the means of distinguishing human beings from animals as argued in point one and the production of more human forms are both two aspects of the same function, argues Marx. According to him, creation of new need (the act of satisfying one need gives rise to the need for instruments and the labor required to produce those instruments) is the first step of creating history. In this step of history, one of the first social interactions of man is to procreate or produce more of human beings and this is to be considered as the family that we know of today.Family and reproduction start of as the essentially production oriented early steps in social interactions. These interactions, when they happen on a macro level, give birth to huge feudal or any other form of community. Marx argues that the necessity of society in Man is equivalent to the herd mentality in animals but in this association instinct is replaced by consciousness.Karl Marx gives a truly â€Å"materialistic†twist to the motives of human endeavor and in this he philosophically captures the radical views of P.B.Shelly. Shelley has been highly sanitized by later day critics in that his works like â€Å"Ozymandias†always appear to be the defeatist or woefully inadequate human ramblings in the face of unattainable immortality or eternity. In reality the highly radical views of Shelly hint at a revolt.That might be one of the reasons why Shelly is considered a very high influence on pre Raphaelites and ultimately the precurs or for labor movement. Marx also subscribes to Shelly’s views of human materialistic quest being worthy of filling the annals of history. As one radical poet wrote in favor of Marxism, â€Å"History shall henceforth be the chronicle of the palanquin bearersâ€
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Health Care Information System Reflection Essay
In my previous job with a medical clinic there were two main technology systems that were used on a daily basis. These systems were CITRIX and MainFrame and were a necessity for the medical clinic in order for all to communicate. Of course there was also email that was used a daily basis throughout the medical clinic. On the CITRIX system is where all the patients’ information was stored from their office visits to the billing information as well as the demographics. All employees that dealt with any of the patient’s information had access to this system and they were able to update it for the patient in real time so that everyone who needed access to the most current information had it. On the MainFrame portion of the main system that the medical clinic used is where the claims were able to be adjusted and all of the billing information was stored. This is also where the employee would be able to transfer medical records or any other information that was needed by the insurance company to the insurance company for further claim processing. There were also other systems that the employee would have to log on to in order to review medical records on a patient but employees had limited access to this health care information system due to the privacy of the patients. This system was the Allscripts system that the medical clinic used. The information within this system was the medical records of any visits that the patient had and also the medications that were prescribed to the patients. Information was shared throughout the organization as all employees that had to receive this information or obtain it would be able to do so from their computer in their office or at their desk. The departments that used these systems the most would be the doctors’ offices and the billing departments. They needed to have access to this information in order to treat the patients correctly and to make sure that the claims were billed properly to the insurance companies so that the providers could receive reimbursement for their services in a timely fashion. It was also used in order to handle patients calls regarding any issues they may have with the billing information they had received in the mail.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Case About Anthony Tan
Concise Summary of Case – Anthony Tan was one of the most wanted men as he was allegedly charged for murder of Bosnian refugee and Rebels bikie, Edin â€Å"Boz†Smajovic. After 2 years building an export business in Vietnam, he read a media report from NSW, describing him as one of the state’s most wanted men. He was unaware for 2 years of the police hunt for him. He immediately got on the phone, first his lawyer, then to an airline. He was more than willing to return to Australia to fight his allegations.In the end he was arrested and charged for the murder and held on remand in prison for over a year. When he granted bail in August, his trial was to start that same week. Both Anthony Tan and co-accused Nathan Keith Reddy and taken to court. Once the case reached the Supreme Court, the case was dismissed even before the trial had started. This was because, it was understood that the case failed partly due to an alleged confession from a prosecution witness. Juri sdictions of all courts involved –The two courts involved in this case were the Central Local Court and the Supreme Court. The jurisdictions for the local court include the majority of criminal, summary prosecutions in NSW and with civil matters up to $100,000. It also conducts committal proceedings to determine whether or not indictable offences are to be committed to the District and Supreme Court. Meanwhile the jurisdictions for the Supreme Court has unlimited civil jurisdictions and handles claims of more than $750,000. It also deals with the most serious criminal matters, including murder and treason.The initial court for this case (Central Local Court) had refused bail, but when it reached the Supreme Court, the case was dismissed even before the trail had even started. Area of law – The Anthony Tan case was a public, criminal case, as Anthony allegedly broke the criminal law, which is part of the public law (also known as the Common law). The standard of proof i s the amount of evidence which a plaintiff or prosecuting attorney, in a criminal case, must be presented in a trial in order to win.As for a civil case the standard of proof is generally that the plaintiff must prove this case by majority (51%) of the evidence. The standard of proof for this case was it was beyond reasonable doubt. The standard of proof needed for a criminal case is that there must be no reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime in order to convict the defendant. The standard of proof in this criminal case, which resulted in the freedom of Mr. Tan, was an alleged confession from a prosecution witness, which led to the case to fail.Was a jury used? Why or why not? – A jury is usually used in the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court judge had dismissed the case on technical terms, therefore a jury was not needed. It was an interesting case due to the fact that Tan was innocent yet held in jail for more than 1 year. This had a major impact on Anth ony Tan’s life, reputation and his future. For a case that would of continued in the Supreme Court, a jury would have been selected, but due to the fact that the case was dismissed, a jury was not needed.Is a jury effective? – A jury is a group of citizens (usually of 12) who hears the testimony in legal disputes and determines what they believe is the truth. The word jury is derived from the French word jurer, which means, â€Å"to swear an oath. †The jury has generally been successful because their peers judge the accused and the public plays a role in the criminal justice system, as they make the community feel as though they have a voice in situations that concern society at large.The jury is there to represent a cross-section of society and they provide a range of perceptions. Also the responsibility for the verdict is spread across 12 jurors and the system acts as a safety net against corrupt and oppressive conduct by state and/or police force. The jury i s also carefully selected to avoid bias, prejudice, racist, sexist or any other form of discrimination, which can influence the verdict. Also the defense council can remove a juror, if they feel uncomfortable with them being in the jury.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Magic Realism and how it differs from surrealism Essay
Magic Realism and how it differs from surrealism - Essay Example The paper "Magic Realism and how it differs from surrealism" focuses on the realism and surrealism. This final unification is the supreme aim of surrealism: interior reality and exterior reality being, in the present form of society, in contradiction (and in this contradiction is the very cause of man’s unhappiness)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ From this definition, it is clear that surrealism delves into the conscious and subconscious of the human mind. Thus the element of reality is the social reality in which the character in the film is immersed in. The fantastic element is depicted in the subconscious state or dreams. Los Olvidados presents the stark reality of living in the slums of Mexico City. The film opens the eyes of the viewer to the exterior reality by letting him experience the cruelty and bullying. The viewer is bullied with the presentation of a boy charging directly at the camera and the throwing of an egg with the splashing of the yolk against the lens of the camera. The us e of monochrome or â€Å"black and white†film contributes to the theme of showing reality as it is without the trifles of color. The music used also matches the mood being depicted. It helps delineate the reality from the dream. The interior reality is introduced by the alteration in sound coupled with the technique of â€Å"slow motion†and â€Å"dream sequences†particularly in the dream of Pedro, wherein he sees Julian’s bloody dead body under the bed. His mother tried to sooth him by saying, â€Å"Listen, you’re not that bad.†... His mother's words consoled him and justified his actions of keeping the same a secret out of fear of Jaibo. In the dream he offers to help support his mother but she refused and instead, walking in slow motion, offers him a rotting slab of diseased-looking meat in her hand. This was taken by a hand which emerged from under the bed to be later revealed as that of Jaibo. Even in his subconscious state his fear and impression of Jaibo persists- Jaibo who will take life and money without remorse as he did to Julian and which, he can also do to Pedro. The film was successful in depicting surrealisms end goal that the presentation of both forces leading to a level of understanding that would provide cause for the reasons for the individual character to move and make decisions as such. The film ends there. The viewer is left with nothing. There are no happy thoughts, no impressions of hope or sentimental feeling. There is just the note of understanding that "that is just the way it is." Ac cordingly to Surrealists, this is what liberates the mind.3 In contrast, a film using Magic Realism leaves the viewer feeling alive and appreciative of the world around him. Magic realism gives a "fresh presentation of the everyday world we live in. The artist may choose unusual points of view, mysterious juxtapositions or common objects presented in uncanny ways. However everything we see is within the realm of the possible, although sometimes unlikely."4 It is for this reason that there is an infusion of beliefs and superstitions of different cultural groups.5 "Magic Realism presupposes that the individual has a bond with traditions and the faith of the community, that s/he is historically constructed and connected."6 This is clearly seen in the film Like Water
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Push and pull factors in Syrian migration Assignment - 4
Push and pull factors in Syrian migration - Assignment Example About 100 000 refugees have also managed to get asylum in European countries. David Williams also concurs with this by stating that â€Å"An average of almost 5,000 Syrians are fleeing into neighbouring countries every day.†This has resulted in the officials warning of the need for more humanitarian aid to the support communities. Many Syrians have been forced out of their homes and ultimately their country as a result of raging war. There is no peace in this country as a result of the war and it is hardly possible to live in such a place. It can also be seen that homes and other necessary infrastructure have been destroyed as a result of this war. As a result, the Syrians are left with no option but to migrate to other areas that are believed to be safe. Many people who have migrated from the war torn Syria have sought refuge in neighbouring countries as well as other European countries. These people are often forced to seek asylum or refuge as a result of the fact that they are left with nowhere to stay after their homes have been destroyed in the raging civil war in their country. Some people are also encouraged to migrate to other destinations by the favourable conditions thought to exist there. However, not all of them find their lives rosy in these far away destinations such as Europe. Yardly Jim and Planigiani, Gaia aptly state that â€Å"Having risked their lives in hopes of settling in prospering Northern Europe, many Syrians found themselves trapped in the south, living illegally in Italy, hiding from the police, as they tried to sneak past border guards and travel north to apply for asylum.†There are some lucky ones who have successfully applied for refuge and some have found employment. As a result of tough European laws on migration as well as asylum seeking, many people have found themselves trapped in these far off destinations believed to be safe havens. The children as well as the education sector have not been spared by the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Non-fiction essay about a London location below or above ground that
Non-fiction about a London location below or above ground that has significance. Include detailed description about sights, sounds, smells, and emotions a - Essay Example This took place in the 19th century. Soon, many big terraced houses were constructed in the Square that came to be inhabited by the upper and middle sectors of London society. While many of the structures have since been converted into hotels, some of them in the western and southern areas of Russell Square still stand intact to this day. While London Borough of Camden presently administers it, Russell Square is still owned by the Beresford Estate (‘Russell Square’, 2007). Russell Square underwent a major renovation in 2002 when famous architect Humphrey Repton embellished it in a distinctive form that corresponded to the first 19th century layout. The main feature of the renovated layout is the new fountain firing jets of water operating from the ground (‘Russell Square’, 2007). The fountain is in the centre of a large park located right in the middle of Russell Square. The park has many shady trees, a lot of green grass and a network of criss-crossing paths. A statue of Francis {one of the previous Dukes of Beresford} stands in the south portion of the park. The park is open from 7.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. (, 2006) at the behest of the London Borough of Camden as a precaution against ‘other undesirables,’ a veiled hint about homosexual men who made use of the park to search for partners to engage in sex (‘Russell Square’, 2007). Secondly, Russell Square has also derived its fame from many famous persons who lived there such as T.S. Eliot, Philip and Philip Charles Hardwick, and Thomas Lawrence. Thomas Stearns Eliot was a renowned poet and dramatist who worked in Russell Square for several years when he served in ‘Faber & Faber’ as poetry editor. There still exists a blue plaque on a building in the Square’s northwest corner stating that Eliot worked there. Noted architects Philip and his son Philip Charles
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