Saturday, August 31, 2019
Different Ideas of Beauty
Exploring the different ideas of Beauty. Within a span of four months, we have explored the idea of beauty and the various definitions of it. We have learned that beauty can be interpreted in various way and found in anything. Like the saying goes â€Å"beauty is the eye of the beholder,†the notion of what is beautiful can be very subjective depending on the ones personal preferences at the same time we can have a collective evaluation and agree on something that every one considers to have some sense of artistic feel to it.In Edmund Burke’s book the philosophical enquiry, he share his ideas on â€Å"what is beautiful,†when explaining the traits of the sublime. In his philosophical work on the sublime and the beautiful, he tries to explain the distinctive qualities of the two categories, thus giving a new idea of beauty to explore apart from the conventional kind. He explores the sense of beauty one finds in the vastness of things. Beauty in the fear of the unk nown and greatness.Burke’s philosophy shakes the conventional aesthetic attitudes of the people. For example, normally when we think of beauty, we associate it with things that provide us pleasure, however, burke forces us to get in touch with our other senses. He claims that the â€Å"Awe†moments created by things with great magnitudes and power, enforcing fear and excitement, the sense of an overwhelming feeling of astonishment can also be considered to be beautiful.Additionally, studying the shock of the new, I personally have learned to appreciate and for a aesthetic attitude towards the visual art. Art is a means of communication for the artist to their audience. I learned that the notion of beauty can id different within this field as well, that not all art works are pleasing in to the eye.Apart from the collaboration of the colors, brush strokes, and frames, it is also the messages and the context the painting was created in that draws the people to it, regardl ess of if the painting is something anything that has a grotesque attribute. This leads to the poems of Mary Oliver, we read. Here she talks about beauty in nature, even in death, which is very peculiar. From this course, and the reading materials, I have learned that finding beauty in things, associating the term with anything is a difficult task.
Green Branding Effects on Attitude
Introduction There have been a lot of literature reviews over the years on consumers’ behaviors towards green products as well as green marketing resulting from consumers’ concern on environmental protection. Using Hallin (1995) and McCarty and Shrum (2001), Lorache, Bergeron, and Barbaro-Forleo (2001) and Yam-Tang and Chan (1998), the study was conducted to test among New Zealand consumers’ behavior towards purchasing green products. This study was done on New Zealand’s consumer as the country has always been perceived as a â€Å"clean and green†country and its consumers were assumed with high environmental conscious.Review of the Literature The authors begin with a brief review of literature that supports the ideas that consumers’ indication of positive attitude towards environmental issues do not necessarily lead to actual environmental friendly purchasing behavior (Laroche et al. , 2002). This research provided theoretical and managerial implication. Theoretical implication is to add support to previous research which showed that consumers are concerned about the environment, but not necessarily prepared to seek out or buy green products (Foster, 1989: Wasik 1992).In terms of managerial implication, it provides indication to marketers on targeted consumers that purchase green products. This research also identified factors that discriminate between those who purchase green products and those who don’t. The authors point out the gaps in existing literature. They mentioned that most studies have focused on general environmental behavior. Therefore, the authors suggest studies on more specific consumers’ purchasing behavior are done. The authors conclude that their study provides some important contribution to the green marketing theory for future research agenda.Method of the Study The authors state they used qualitative choice models in analyzing participation in a variety of activities. Data collectio n from mail surveys that were sent to households in New Zealand are described in considerable detail. The authors state that â€Å"reliability test†of each construct was conducted to ensure reliability and validity of data obtained. The gathered information was retained for data analysis. Findings The analysis in this study was tested for green purchasing behavior only.Environmentally conscious behavior also relates to different types of behavior like recycling and energy saving. However, testing and literature on these behaviors was not mentioned in this study. In future, research on New Zealand consumers should also incorporate cultural and psychological factors. In Table 1, pp 97-98, number of tested respondents are 521 i. e. 296 male and 225 female. However, errors were spotted in this table where a total respondent is not consistent for other categories in the same analysis.For example for Age Group and Number of Dependant Children categories, numbers of respondents sud denly become 522. For other categories, total number of respondents reduced: Marital Status (520), Education Background (517), Household Income (498) and Ethnic Group (521). However, the statistical method used in this study is appropriate to determine factors that influence consumers’ purchasing behavior. Conclusion The authors relate their research findings with the overall purpose of the study i. e. to reveal that consumers behavior towards purchasing green products.From the study we learned that even if consumers are profess strong support towards environmental like New Zealanders, they are not necessary purchase green products. From other literatures, we found that similar results would also affecting consumers in other countries. This is because most consumers are more price sensitive, quality sensitive and brand sensitive/loyalty. Other factors affecting consumers’ behavior are socio-economic characteristic, convenience in locating products and transparent infor mation on green products label.In summary, further studies must be done and better procedures must be developed. Larger samples should be used to improve our understanding concerning the factors affecting consumers behavior. Suggestion for future research, analysis on respondents from other developed countries should also be undertaken for comparison purposes and it would further conclude the factors affecting consumers’ behavior globally. Information from the findings would assist marketers to strategies on green marketing.
Friday, August 30, 2019
A Comparative Study of the Field Criminal Justice and Criminology
A Comparative Study of the Fields Criminal Justice and Criminology Javier Landa-Miranda Ivy Tech Community College CRIM 101 What is Criminal Justice and what is Criminology? They are the same? Those are the questions that people ask their selves when they talk about those fields. There might be many controversies about the differences and similarities about Criminal Justice and Criminology. People must think that these two fields are totally different or just the same thing. The reality is that Criminal Justice and Criminology are two fields that have many differences but at the same time many similarities.To identify the differences and similarities first, we have to identify what is Criminal Justice and Criminology. What is Criminal Justice? Well, for sure is not specific job training or a class that someone can take and considered him or herself ready to serve as a police officer, detective, etc. On the other hand, Criminal Justice is the study of how justice is dispensed in our s ystem of government and around the world. Also Criminal Justice is the system of practice of governments directed at upholding social control, deterring crime, and sanctioning those who violate the law.The study of Criminal Justice will help anyone to identify the different jobs where people can get involved with a degree in Criminal Justice. Another important factor to note is that police agencies, courts, and corrections are part of the system of Criminal Justice. Each of those three components plays different functions in the Criminal Justice System (Judge Harold). Actually, society has a conflict with Criminal Justice System about Individual Rights and Public Order. This conflict refers to the question: what are more important Individual rights or Public order?This has been a serious issue for the Criminal Justice System because they try to balance both to maintain order in society. Is important to know that Criminal Justice has a process, know as Due process or Bill of Rights. This process protect criminals rights and is required by the U. S. constitution and force Criminal Justice case processing be conducted with fairness and equity. This means that a criminal can’t be arrested or send it to jail without fallowing the correct process that will protect criminal’s rights. Criminal Justice lso has several conflicts inside his own field with his agencies (The Defendants). The consensus model and conflict model are the more common. Consensus model refers to government agencies that work together against crime to maintain order. In the other hand, conflict model means that agencies win more when they compete each other instead of working together to maintain order; this last model has been a serious issue to Criminal Justice System because this can make complicated to maintain public order and keep safety in the streets.People as police, detectives or special agents that work in the criminal justice field have a lot of purposes in democratic soc iety, but the most important for them are: enforce the law of the society, apprehend criminals, prevent crime, preserve domestic peace and tranquility, and provide the community with needed enforcement-related services (Major Cities). Criminology is the study the origin, extent, and criminal behavior including factors and causes of crime. College students that follow Criminology as a career, learn about different types of crime and how public responds to crime.This field focuses more in the psychology and ideology of a criminal (Criminology 2010). Criminology always is trying to solve the question, why crime occurred and why people commit them? This is why Criminology prepares a student to understand criminal’s behavior. Criminologists are mainly concerned with identifying the suspected cause of crime. Even though some criminologists devote their research to justice and social control and are concerned with how the agencies of justice operate. Criminology, 2000). Unlike Crimi nal Justice, Criminology has different methods of research as: surveys, experiments, observing and intensive interviewing, research using existing data, and comparative and historical research. This process has to be done to prove theories and hypothesis related to a crime investigation. Even though, is common for Criminology courses to evaluate the agencies of justice and for Criminal Justice programs to feature courses on Criminology.The higher level of education the more possibilities to get a higher position at any agency related with his career. Sometimes people find hard and cannot differentiate between Criminal Justice and Criminology. This happen because between these two fields there are not many differences, on the other hand there is more similarities then people think. The only differences between these two fields are: Criminal Justice is more related with crime control and how is punished. That is why Criminal Justice focuses more in policing, corrections and criminal c ourts.The main purpose of Criminal Justice is to prevent crime and apply the law to whoever broke the law (Criminal Justice 2013). On the other hand, criminology focuses more in the behavioral and social science that explores the origins of criminal behavior and the social response to crime. Another difference of Criminology is the application of the scientific method to understand and explain interactions of why people commit crime, law-making, law-breaking, and the reactions of society to these processes (Criminology and Criminal Justice).On the other hand the similarities of these two fields are easier to understand and explain. Sometimes Criminology is called Criminal Justice and other people thinks that these two fields are so inter-related that they should be considering as a discipline. As well as Criminal Justice, Criminology is related to courts, and police departments, the only difference is that Criminology focuses in why people commit crime, when Criminal Justice in how and what punishment the criminal should received (Criminology and Criminal Justice).Both fields Criminal Justice and Criminology agree that the cause of violence is related to: socialization, exposure to violence, cultural values subculture of violence, personal traits and human instinct (Criminology 2010). A student in Criminology as well as a student in Criminal Justice can become member of a police department, a special agency, or courts. Even with a Criminology degree that same person can perform the work of another person with a Criminal Justice degree.Criminal Justice and Criminology are two different fields; however might be hard to some people to distinguish these two fields due to the similar aspects. Even though, the study of these fields had brought many controversies and different point of view about the relation between these fields. People, who are interested in these two fields as a future career, might find hard to identify the differences and similarities. It is imp ortant to have a clear idea what is the role of each field before choose one.This essay might not clarify everyone’s questions but gives an idea of how Criminal Justice and Criminology works and how each field performs its work. Even thought, there might be appear new questions and controversies about these two fields that will need to be solve. References For a good overview of the issues involved, see Judge Harold J. Rothwax, Guilty: The Collapse of Criminal Justice (New York: Random House, 1996) â€Å"The Defendants’ Rights at a Criminal Trial,†http://www. mycounsel. om//content/arrest/courts/rights. html (accessed February 10, 2010). Major Cities Chiefs Association, Terrorism: The Impact on State and Local Law Enforcement, Intelligence Commanders Conference Report, June 2002, http://www. neiassociates. org/mccintelligencereport. pdf (Accessed September 30, 2009). Criminology and criminal justice frequently asked questions. Informally published manuscript, S lippery Rock University, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, Retrieved from http://academics. ru. edu/sasw/criminology/faq. html Criminal justice. (2013). Informally published manuscript, Department of Justice, Indiana University South Bend, Indianapolis. Indiana, Retrieved from https://www. iusb. edu/criminal-justice/index. php Criminology. (2000). Informally published manuscript, Department of Criminology, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, New Jersey, Retrieved from http://criminology. pages. tcnj. edu/ (2010). Criminology theories, patterns, and typologies. . (10th ed. , p. 554). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Information flows and financial management Essay
Information flows and financial management - Essay Example The first scenario is a simple procedure for adding a new project code to the system. One needs to enter the user name to get access into the production screen. To create a new project code, project code form has to be filled by entering all the required information. We can also confirm the submission of the project code and review the route log. There are some new features that are added in the KFS module. For instance Kuali automatically directs the routing of the eDocs for online approval. The built in Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW) sends documents to the users set up by the organization. There are also control points established to ensure that the system does not allow duplicate entries and displays appropriate error messages. The system also allows us to send ad hoc requests even after the product code is created which makes it easier for the end users. . The second scenario incorporates transferring funds from one account to another account using eDoc. To create a new transfer of funds eDoc, the description, account number and document overview field needs to be filled out. If invalid information is filled out, the application would indicate an error message. Once all the information is filled in, the eDoc can be submitted for Routing and approval. If the value is known to the user, it can be directly entered in eDoc otherwise the lookup icon is a very useful field which helps us search for the right values. There is another important KFS feature which allows importing of accounting lines from comma separated values (CSV). We can access the templates from accounting fields, fill in the data and add the accounting lines by attaching the template. My assessment of this system is that the KFS design includes a base system of general ledger, transactions, reporting and workflow hence this system can be adapted and customized to any institution as per the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Hacking the Accounting Information System Research Paper
Hacking the Accounting Information System - Research Paper Example One of the companies which got hacked in recent times is Microsoft .inc. According to ( Smith,2012)â€Å"In simple terms computer hacking and cracking reflects, the intentional, unauthorized access to an organization’s computer system†. So the companies need to be alert and take considerable responsibility to secure its Accounting Information System (Thesis).Accounting Information System is a process which needs high security as many crucial and essential data are handled in it. Any business concern needs to take the responsibility to secure the confidential data so as to protect the company from hackers and unidentified encroachment. The business organisations have the responsibility to invent and install upgraded security system to ensure confidentiality and risk free environment for the company and its customers. Microsoft being the most prominent company in the world had been hacked few times .Thus the accounting information system along with the management has undergone many challenges and losses. The company was hacked in 2012 by a group of Chinese hackers and in 2013 a java script was injected in the business system of the company. The Microsoft security response centre states the Microsoft Active Protection was a program that provide security for program that gives anti –hacking tool facility. However, the Microsoft did deny that hacking was not done by Chinese group but it was a â€Å"rookie mistake†. They said it was due to dodgy email attachment. So here we can see that hacking can be done even if the e- mails which are socially engineered to disrupt the business system. As per (Peter,2013 ) â€Å"As reported by Face book and Apple, Microsoft can confirm that we also recently experienced a similar security intrusion," wrote Matt Thomlinson, General Manager of Microsofts Trustworthy Computing Security. Unlike the New York Times and the Wall
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Toyota Economic and Recall Crisis Research Paper
Toyota Economic and Recall Crisis - Research Paper Example Toyota has 522 subsidiaries, more than 320,000 staff worldwide, more than 12 Japanese factories, and more than 51 locations in 26 countries. As of 2009, Toyota faced a crisis that almost brought about its down fall. The company had earlier faced an economic crisis that started in 2007 spreading across auto industries worldwide. Consequently, in March 2008, the company recorded its first ever loss after 70 years. Other problems that have faced Toyota include the problem with acceleration in 2009 that led to a recall of millions of vehicles. As a result of this, consumer attitudes towards the brand changed. In January 2010, complaints from customers continued and the number of recalls continued to rise. This continued through April 2010, causing a further drop in customer’s feelings towards the brand. In an attempt to retain its customers, and maintain its position as the number one global auto industry, Toyota changed its motto to â€Å"Moving Forward!†Through this, the company communicated its desire to create a new and better beginning. Gradually, the company has been gaining positive disposition from its customers. Today, Toyota has been able to rise again, even though it has lost its number one spot. Keywords: Toyota, Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota Production System, Manufacturers, Crisis, Automobile, Auto-maker, Gas Pedals, Acceleration, Recalls For many years, Toyota Motor Corporation has been the biggest automobile manufacturer in the world. It also is a leading advocate eco-friendly and technological cars. The company has exported millions of vehicles worldwide. Through this, it earned the reputation of being the best automobile manufacturer and exporter. Since 2007, the company has however faced a number of problems affecting both its reputation and positive customer disposition. Today, the company has however gradually regained its reputation. Toyota Motor Company was established in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda. In 1952, the company rapidly grew becoming successful (Borowski, 2010). Initially, the company exported its vehicles to South America. After five years, it was able to penetrate markets in North America. Having sold its products in North America, Toyota was able to penetrate the United States market in the business of exporting automobiles. Borowski (2010) points out that â€Å"In 1982, Toyota Motor Company and Toyota Motor Sales Company joined forces to Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC)†( p.3). â€Å"The company now has 522 subsidiaries, 320,808 staff worldwide and is producing not only in the 12 Japanese factories but also in 51 other locations in 26 countries†(Borowski, 2010, p.3). In 2007, Toyota Motor Corporation had the highest share price value among all car-manufacturers. In, 2008, Toyota made an annual turnover worth billions of United States dollars after selling millions of vehicles.. Consequently, the company gained the status of being the biggest manufacturer of automobiles. This has however changed due to the financial crisis that began in 2007, damaging Toyota’s image, and also due to over sticking gas pedals that led to many recalls worldwide. According to Ohno, a structure of theories and procedures for improving collaborative strength known as the Toyota Production System is used at Toyota to maintain the company’s productivity, and at the same time, ensure that customers are satisfied with the quality and efficient delivery of vehicles (1998). The production of Toyota automobiles evolved from Henry Ford’s historic manufacturing systems. Herny Ford manufacturing system thus paved way for the foundation of the Toyota Production System. Due to conditions in Japan, there was inherent need to make considerable improvements to Ford’
Monday, August 26, 2019
Learing protfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Learing protfolio - Essay Example We did majority of the work but he was the one on the limelight and this made him take all the success for himself and not acknowledging the team. He tried charming customers with his looks once the team disintegrated but he only received failure reports after that as only looks alone do not work to gain success. Research by (Judge, Hurst & Simon, 2009) indicates that success of leaders is an accumulation of different attributes from the physical appearance to the mental ability as well as their core self-evaluation which basically deal with the confidence level of the leader. What this means is that without all these attributes mentioned above which are integrate with team work, a leader cannot be successful. When a leader is unaware of the factors that make him or her successful, when failure come s along, the leader is unlikely to rise back to the success domain again as he took the success as purely a fundamental attribute. The other thing highlighted by the article by (Gino & Pisano, 2011) that is mentioned in the topic is that overconfidence is one of the main impediments of learning about success and failure as a leader. An overconfident leader tends to be overshadowed by biasness as well as the fundamental attribution error. This therefore leads them to failing to ask for guidance or assistance even when they are on the verge of plunging into failure. What these does is that is leads the organization into eminent failure and underperformance that they cannot recover from to reach their levels of success once again. The topic basically is full of advice on how a leader should behave and what attributes to consider and remember when they are successful so that they can use them in case of any failure. The tips on success depending largely on mental ability, physical attractiveness and self-evaluation will really come in handy in future when I will have a chance to be a leader or even now in case I am chosen as a group
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Ethics in a free market economic system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Ethics in a free market economic system - Essay Example This is partly the concept of a free market is inextricably tied to capitalism which is an equally if not more abrasive topic. Essentially, â€Å"natural†market forces, and individual innovation as well as the underlying notion that hard work and ingenuity are rewarded by success drive a free market economy. The reason for the existence of businesses is to make a profit, ergo, successful business in the free market is bound to make the most profits irrespective of what they are dealing with or its effect on the community or even other business. The free market promoted competition which in turn provides the best possible products to customers at the most affordable price. Ideally, when a new product is launched, it starts off at a high price and then as competitors copy it the cost eventually reduces.While this paper does not offer an answer to the age-old question of the ethics of the free market economy; it will examine the various arguments that have been put forward suppo rting or disproving the assertion that the free market is an ethical and moral paradigm. A market can only be as ethical as the participants that ran it, ultimately it cannot exist in a vacuum and it is in most cases a reflection of a specific cultural environment. Far too little attention has been afforded to the connection between the free market and the totality of culture, in the most discourse on the subject, the fact that the market economy is depended on a framework of ethical presupposition is rarely ever addressed.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Secure Software Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words
Secure Software Development - Research Paper Example This research is aimed to assess and analyze some of major areas and aspects regarding â€Å"Secure Software Development†. This research will present some of major reasons for the security based issues in software development process. Here I will also present some of major initiatives that we can formulate to develop software application in a much better way. Computer software applications are more and more experiencing both external and internal penetrations. One key idea intended for this is the reality that software applications are yet through development faults that yet make them to be susceptible. This has taken problems regarding security into intelligent focus for the reason those businesses, comprising administrations, reliant mostly on software application for their every day processes. The situation becomes more insightful in situations where software applications are employed intended for dangerous missions. For this reason most of the building security applications are gaining more and more concentration these days. In this scenario, most of companies all through the world in field of security are paying attention to improve and enhance the security of overall technology based systems. As well, because clients (companies) have practiced unlucky security breaches, there is augmented awareness as well as disturbance intended f or Secure Software Development. Though, in building security applications, many have to be done. Safety methods have to be applied in the entire the software development stages of software engineering model. In this scenario, Devanbu and Stubblebine (2000) outlined that safety concerns have to inform each stage of system development, from system development requirements elicitation to design, execution, testing as well as application deployment. This is essential for the reason that system developer might naively insert defects in the entire phases of the software development procedure. Devanbu, P.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Delta Synthetics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Delta Synthetics - Essay Example Both the three plant produce a capacity of 5.5 million kilogram's per year but when the annual closure and maintenance take place, the company's capacity of production is 5 million kilogram's per year. The company wants to introduce a new product and so it has to improve the capacity of its production. Within six years, it is expected that the production capacity will increase and so the forecast and planning has to be done. The forecasted result show that the result for the britelene demand is falling but it is not likely to go to zero but it is going to reach a residual demand level .From the year 1996 to 1998, it is only the britelene that was produced. There is a reduction in the demand of the product due to some resources which could have been used to promote the sales was diverted in the production of the new substance. In the year 1999, the company started producing Briton. The production of this product led to the decrease in the demand of brutlene while the Briton continued to increase in its demand as the years go by. In the year 2002, the demand of bretlene is 10 million kilograms while that of Briton is 29 million kilograms. The total sales of both the products remain the same from the year 2002 to 2002 whereby in 2000, 39 million kilograms were sold, in 2001; 38 million kilogram's were sold while in 2002 the total was 2002 million kilograms. The results are reflected in the table below. Year Brutlene in million kilogram's Difference in million kilograms between successive years Briton in million kilograms Difference in million kilograms between successive years Total of the products in million kilograms. 1999 17 3 30 2000 13 (4) 16 13 39 2001 11 (2) 27 9 38 2002 10 (1) 29 2 39 The total remains the same and so the likely trend of total sales is likely to remain the same or show a negligible difference. Since the sales of brutlene are reducing and it should have a reserve level of sales, the focus for the reduction in sales is likely to be at a level of one million kilograms per annum. .Due to this, the value of sales of brutelene for the next six years from 2002 is as follow. In 2003, the sales are likely to be 9 million kilogram's. In 2004,the likely sales is 8 million kilograms .In 2005,the likely sales is 7million kilogram's. In the year2006,the likely sales is 6 million kilograms. in the year 2007,the likely sales is 5 million kilograms while in 2008,the likely sales is going to be 4million kilogram's. For the Briton, the sales in the next six years are obtained by the difference in total sales which is constant for each year from the predicted sales of each year. In the year 2003, the likely sale of Briton is 30 million kilograms. In the year 2004, the likely sales are 31 million kilograms. In the year 2005, the sales are likely to be 32 million kilograms. In the year 2006, the likely sales is33 million kilogram's.. In the year 2007, the likely sales is 34 million kilograms .In the year 2008, the predicted sales is likely to be 35 million kilograms. To obtain the required capacity, several plans have to be considered. These are the financial plan, marketing plan, operations plan, risk management plan and the management plan. Eric Versuh, John Wiley and sons (1999). In the financial plan they should look for more capital which can be obtained from borrowing from banks, ploughing back of the profit obtained from the
The Importance of Ethics in Criminal Justice Essay
The Importance of Ethics in Criminal Justice - Essay Example From the report it is clear that the process involves a suspected criminal, the police to whom the criminal activity is first reported, witnesses to the criminal incident and the judiciary. The four category of people is supposed to conduct themselves in a manner that will ensure that justice. The process is essential as it leads to judgement that is supposed to punish the culprit. When the justice is not reached and an innocent person is jailed, or a suspect freed, then the judicial process will not have accomplished its purpose. As the discussion stresses ethics is an important aspect that the police should have in their daily life when handling a suspect. They should handle and interrogate a suspect in a manner that the suspect will not feel mishandled. In some situations where suspects may be innocent; it would be wise not to cause pain to them in the search of evidence. Applying ethics in this situation gives the suspected criminals to give evidence that may lead to the arrest of the actual criminals. The police could lose this information if they were to be brutal towards the citizens. The citizens would choose to keep quite instead of giving an information to an unfriendly corps. The lack of the cooperation between the police and the citizens will mean that the criminal cases will rise, and justice will not be achieved. Police are worldwide known to miss handle suspect that mostly lead to serious injuries and sometimes the loose of life.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
History of 5 Bowen Road Essay Example for Free
History of 5 Bowen Road Essay Look at any old photo of pre-1950 Hong Kong and the hillsides above the city were dotted with handsome verandah type homes like this one. From the Mid-levels up to The Peak, every successful European merchant, official, compradore or trader scrambled to put up a mansion befitting their perceived status in colonial society. This home was built in 1914 by the property company, Hongkong Land Investment and Agency Company Ltd. Its Devonian name ’Iddesleigh’ (pronounced Idslee) derived from the origins of its occupant, A Mr.  Mowbray Stafford Northcote secretary of the Hongkong Land Investment and Agency Company, who was an honorary correspondent to the magazine ‘Devonia’ and was related to the Earl of Iddesleigh. In common with many structures which were built on Hong Kongs precipitous hillsides, the house stands on a handsome, terraced granite base. When built, the house would have had sweeping views across the harbour and its verandahs would have been open to the elements. Three-storey building built in neo-classical style, Corinthian columns, bow arch, decorated with carved eaves and rich ornate interior decoration, showing the lofty building owner socioeconomic status. The top of the building facade reflects its ornate pediment architectural style influenced by the Baroque. During the Japanese Occupation (1942-1945), this building was requisitioned as the home for the Japanese Imperial Naval commander. After liberation at the end of the Second World War, the house was occupied by the Royal Navy and it would later become the official residence of the senior RN officer in Hong Kong, the Commodore-in-Charge and has been better known as the Commodores House since 1952. In 1979, the building was handed over to the Hong Kong Government. In 1990, the building was allocated for charity Mothers Choice Baby Nursing and residential special child care centers.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Performance Management Initiative
Performance Management Initiative Significance of Performance Management Initiatives It is known that the performance management is having importance for the both, the employers and the employees. In relevance, employers having the implementation of the performance management system results in having the adequate understanding regarding the effectiveness of the employees contribution to the achievement of the organizational objectives. Kuvaas, Dysvik, Buch (2014), stated that the presence of the effective performance management system enables the HR managers to evaluate the levels of the employee contribution, based on which the changes are considered, either through training and learning development, or analyzing the gaps, in the performances, which can be filled with motivational practices. The integration of the performance management initiatives is perceived as the influential practice. It is mainly because the presence of either of the initiatives reflects the presence of the transparency in the working environment for the employees and the organization contrib ution for their betterment and increasing their value, serves as the motivational attributes Belogolovsky Bamberger (2014). Therefore, through employee performance management, the organizations not only sustain the employees productivity but also structure the directional paths for their future growth. Performance Management System and the Initiatives In concerned with the MiningCo, isolated location and circumstances of working, also involving the frequent traveling, will consecutively result in the de-motivation of the employees or might result in growing number of the employee quitting, overall resulting in the decrease of the organizational productivity. Thus, it is perceived that MiningCo is having the critical need for implementing the performance management and initiative program. According to He, Zhu, Zheng (2014), in order to achieve the superior organizational performance, the major role is played by the employee engagement and devotion, towards the task performance. Therefore, the presence of the performance management system will support in improving the employee productivity, which is reflected in the outcome generated. Also, the improvement of the employee morale, which is built through time to time performance feedback and appraisals, or the rewards employees received based on their contributions. It is also percei ved that the consideration of the performance initiatives, also effectively contributes to the retention of the loyal and skillful employees, efficient for the mining operations, resulting in the increased profitability. Further, the performance management in the isolated mining location can also be sustained through the effective communication. Pulakos, et al (2015), explained that the performance management is a significant communication, which occurs between the managers and the employees, arriving together at the objective point, through engaging the participative behavior. It is perceived that in order to sustain the morale of the employees participative leadership will be required, which indulges motivational gains, through welcoming the inputs of the employees in the decision-making levels. Further, in accordance with the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs theory and pyramid, the presence of the participative communication among the managers, achieves the belongingness and the love s tage (Jerome 2013). However, perceiving the criticality and distinctiveness of the human behaviors, the major issue is that all the employees are not having the similar intrinsic or extrinsic motivational grounds (Ajmal et al. 2015). The level of the physiological needs, such as the water, food, shelter, etc are often covered through the income distribution, but in the case of retention and achieving the strengths for the future growth additional initiatives are significant, while taking into account the employee behavior identification and understanding is mandatory. Hence, it is perceived that apart from the positive feedback, effective communication, and participative leadership, employees working at the isolated mining location, also requires the achievement of the safety and security, the self-esteem development, and the self-actualization levels. Iverson Zatzick (2011), asserted the frequent feedback from the manager within teamwork, delivers the perception to the employees of being valued, consi dered as the morale-raising investment. Moreover, either the intangible or the tangible, such as the appreciations through certificates, medals, or the financial rewards, also develops the valuable perspective for the employees, motivating them to invest more of their hidden and polished skills. However, considering the critical work description in the mining field, the employees might prefer the financial incentive, as the major motivational initiative. Belogolovsky Bamberger (2014), based on the financial incentives, suggested the use of the direct cash bonuses, medical insurances, or the initiation of the retirement plan, or the profit sharing plans, which provides the employees with the future stability. However, it is critiqued that the financial initiatives only work, when combined with the verbal appreciation and the recognition value. Recommendations Under the developed perspectives, generated through the theoretical implications and based on the practical environment analysis of the working at the isolated mining location, it is recommended that the location requires the integration of the motivational performance management system. It is because of the frequent traveling and the criticality of working in the mining fields results in the stressful conditions, which might decrease the intrinsic motivational circumstances of the employees, resulting in increased efforts to be invested in the employee retentions. Further, in regards to the performance initiatives, it significant to sustain the employee interest, based on which the financial initiatives, such as the quarterly or the annual bonuses, the medical insurance, profit sharing or the retirement plan is highly required. The major rationale behind the integration of these initiatives is to enhance the employee morale, through maintaining their intrinsic and extrinsic motivati onal factors, which is supportive for the organization productivity. It is mainly beneficial for the organizational performance, while on the other hand, it will not only enhance the employees skills and their future career growth but will also support in positive decision making for moving forward. Case Two: Staff Rotation Retention Issues Criticality in Single Entity Operations Leisenring et al (2012), defined single entity business operations, as the separate out departments, subsidiaries, or any of the business unit, for which the financial information is reported to the parent company and to the operational legal agencies. However, in the current era, in which the businesses are widely expanded, the single entity exposed to the major issues of external threats, and requires, adequate environmental management. The similar are the circumstances, reflected by the provided case. Iossa Martimort (2012), explained the rationale behind corporate perceiving the use of single entity operations, stating that through the single entity business structure, the risk allocations are effective, the operation costs remain low, and also include certain legal benefits. Nevertheless, in relevance to the Economic Theory, it is also reflected that the engaging of the single entity, in the present initiates the controlling and decision-making issues, for the managers; while o n the other hand, it makes the responsibilities of the managers, difficult for protecting the business assets (Foss, Foss, Nell 2012); (Ellis 2016). Therefore, it is perceived that although having certain benefits, the single entity business operations are comparatively having the critical issues, such as the protection of the operations and the business assets, the control management, the less staff rotation, and the criticality of decision making. Under similar consequences, the single entity operations at the isolated locations are also having the external threats, which are pressurizing the internal management of the skilled workers. The major issue at the MiningCo. single entity regions is the presence of the limited number of employees, which is mostly managed through the number of fly-in and fly-out, however, overall increasing the complexity in the staff rotations. Further, another complication is the growing exposure to the terrorist threats, such as the presence of the ISIS in the Middle East regions. In addition, the economic crisis of Greece, are further acting as the major de-motivational consequences, which are potentially provoking the senior executives to quit from the company. Altogether, for the MiningCo, it will create the drastic impact, as the continuous threatening will result in the inefficient decision making, loss of the control, and the emergence of the retention complexities. Nevertheless, under such c ritical circumstances, the corporate is not having the significant control on the external threat reductions, however, the motivational rationales and the employee retentions can be considered at the prior level. The Motivational Attributes Retention Policies Van De Voorde, Paauwe Van Veldhoven (2012), stated that the considering the significant concept of motivation is associated with the number of factors, which the companies considers and integrates, in order to either obtain the satisfactory levels of the organizational performances or in order to manage the critical issue occurred. It is evaluated that for integration of the motivational options, the development of the motivational strategies and its planning is critical, as the human behavior and understanding of the motivational aspects are distinctive. Further, if the company is previously having financial incentives, as the major motivational factor, the major issue will be satisfying the employees on the new motivational grounds (Kehoe Wright 2013). In the light of the Maslows Hierarchy of needs, the major issue at the MiningCo is related to the ineffective management at the isolated location, that is reflecting the absence of the physiological and the safety motivational fact ors, which are having the potential impact of the external threats and the absence of fundamental employee retention policies. Under such circumstances, the corporate can consider the initiation and distribution of the potential security plans, not only provide the monetary safety for the employees, such as the profitability share or the retirement plan but the environmental security, which can develop the perspective of working in the secure environment. In accordance to the Hawthorne Effect, the change in the physical working environment, such as through lightening effects, the safety and security systems, or the comfortable working and break hours, results in increased employee productivity (Miller Cockrell 2015). In addition, Twemlow (2012), revealed that generally in the economic crisis the leaders or the managers, get engaged with the one-sided focus, taking organizational pressures. However, it is more effective to actively engage with the employees, involving the support and feedback mechanism, which results in the positive impact on the employees, signifying the attribute of value, and hence, resulting in increased productivity. Similarly, perceiving the financial motivation critical during economic crisis, employees motivation and their retention can be practiced by rewarding the individual contributions, increasing the attribute of recognition in the working environment. Recommendations For the MiningCo, the two of the major issues, faced by the entity, mainly include the isolated workplace environment and the outside security threats. In order to overcome this, the recommended option is given in the light of the Maslows hierarchy of needs, whereby, the entity needs to focus on the physiological needs of employees. It is the second most important need of employees, that they want security at their workplace, and in their job, from the inside, as well as, the outside threats. Otherwise, such the security threats disrupt employees, in fulfilling their duties, and put unnecessary pressure on them, leads decline in the level of productivity. The second recommendation is provided to MiningCo, in the light of the Hawthorne Effect, that suggests that employees want the attractive working environment, group involvement, appreciation and attention of the management. Such the factors have importance, more than the financial incentives, provided to the workers, mainly in the times of economic crisis. However, while making isolated sites of the company, it causes separate the workers, through the other sites, as well as, the head office. Hence, it needs to develop the innovative working environment, through installing hi-tech lightening and the safety and security systems. Further, the communication and coordination, and the feedback, among the different sites, are required, which will not only result in the requirement of the staff rotation but will develop the integration of the activities of the members of different sites, generating efficient productivity. Last, in regards of considering the economic crisis in Greece, it is recommended that the MiningCo, isolated fields, should implement the individual reward perspective, along with the above-articulated recommendations. In case, the workers can be provided with the monetary rewards, such as discount vouchers, a gift or the complementary box, etc. However, the major criticality, which is to be considered, is the behavioral perceptions of the senior executives, analyzing the factors of their motivation, and hence, designs the motivational and the retention packages. Case Three: Crisis Management Team According to Vaiman Collings (2013), the Crisis Management Team is structured, in order to provide the support to the organizational management through reducing the level of the issues, which may reflect during the crisis time frames. Hence, below is the description for the need of structuring the CMT at the MiningCo, covering the increasing risk of talent management, knowledge transfer, and the employee retention. The Substantial Talent Gap Under my evaluation, the MiningCo, individual site, has impacted by the major talent gap, prevailing in the industry. It is identified that the employee retention is becoming difficult, while on the other hand, the workers talent pool, is shrinking in number and the productive skills, as the older generation, is either retiring or leaving the organization, taking the profound pool of knowledge and experience. Hence, it is perceived that within no time, the transfer of the adequate knowledge and the learning of skills will become non-existent. In addition, forming the collaboration, with the external learning and training schools of the mining industry, will require the additional investment and the long time durations, hence, making the worker shifts adjustments difficult. Therefore, in concerned with the substantially growing talent gap, I consider the development of the Crisis Management Team is the appropriate option, as for certain time, it will control the employee retention and the sustains the motivational grounds, based on which the talent gap generated will be recovered. Team Structure and Function The team structure of the Crisis Management Team (CMT), will be similar to the organizational structure of the MiningCo, under such circumstances, the employees will be having the adequate understating of the knowledge inflow and transfer and communication, exhibiting effective familiarity. Moreover, the structured team will act as, or resembles the structure and the functionality of the Regional Emergency Management Team. The selected members of the team will act as the knowledge and the support provider at the emergency sites, sharing their experience and the skills with the less experienced or the newly employed workers. The team will also be responsible for managing the specific region issues and the overall impacts, through effective communication with the workers, analyzing and discussing their concerns. It will also function, as the training personnel for the specific site region, developing the training agenda, the scheduling of the groups, and analyzing the aftereffects of t he training sessions, while also providing the active and spontaneous participative feedbacks. In addition, the leader of the team will be elected through the mutual consent of the potential stakeholders, generated through voting practice, and the leader, referred as the Regional Crisis Manager, is entitled to integrate the transformational and the participative behavior. Selection Criteria Referring to the selection criteria for the CMT, the most appropriate and the skilled members will be considered, comparatively having the valid and the significant experience. The skilled criteria will be developed, including the qualification bar, the presence of all the skills required, and the years of experience, additionally taking into account the past evaluations of the members of the crisis management. Further, the current employees, having the critical thinking ability, for analyzing the coming challenge and the ability of spontaneous decision making will be selected. However, it is considered that most of the senior executives will be positioned in the CMT, as it will act as the value for them, proving them with the substantial responsibility, while also covering the effectiveness of retention. Further, the member will be appointed through different regions, in order to perform the effective mechanism of the staff rotation, providing the opportunity to the members for revi talizing their skills and the motivational level. Team Format The positions within the CMT includes, the CMT (Regional Crisis) Manager, the Human Resource Advisor, and the two of the immediate HR training, retention, and strategic reporting officers, the Environmental Evaluator and the Advisor, responsible for analyzing the chances for the emerging crisis, through evaluating the internal and external environment. The position will also contribute to planning and decision making, coordinating the planned implementations, training needs, and scheduling, and updating the incident plans, in order to mitigate the threat of the uncertain or certain challenges. The Crisis Management Advisor will support the functions, through approving the decisions and the changes required, by taking into consideration, the legal, financial, and employee productivity and concerns. The CM Advisor will also be responsible for assigning the tasks or the changes in the regional operations. In addition, the Subject Matter Experts will be selected, for assisting the CMT Ma nager, the CM Advisor, and the HR training personnel, as needed. Reward Strategies The crisis management is the crucial responsibility for the employees, as it requires highly attentive behavior and the adequate and spontaneous decision making, which also results in the increase of the workload and the stress. However, under such circumstances, I perceived that major role will be played by the CMT leadership, that is the CMT Manager, high responsible for initiating and encouraging the effective communication. Hence, the employees will understand the value of their presence, resulting in holding of the motivational impact. Further, the feedback generation on the certain intervals will also exhibit the sense of recognition and responsibilities. In addition, as discussed earlier, small monetary rewards shall be provided to all the team members, such as participating bonuses, additional paid leaves, or either the certification for CMT skills, etc. In regards of overcoming the crisis of the continuous decline in the presence and the transfer of the adequate knowledge an d the learning of skills, the HR managers can be provided with the technological systems, for managing their responsibilities, resulting in decreased workload, through presence of hi-tech systems, under the influences of the innovative technology strategies. Further, the senior executives, considering leaving the organization should be hired in the CMT, exhibiting the staff rotation, and assigning them the role of the training leader, will provide them with the additional recognitions, as their service and experience will be transferred and recognized.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Overview of Green Wireless Networks
Overview of Green Wireless Networks Abstract: Traditional mobile networks largely focus on availability, variety, stability and large capacity. Due to the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry whose major constituent are the mobile networks, CO2 emissions have been increasing rapidly. This shows the need for energy efficient wireless networks or green wireless networks which will put emphasis on saving the energy and environmental protection. The current wireless networks concentrates mainly on non-energy related factors such as Quality of Service (QoS), throughput and reliability. So these factors have to kept in mind while transitioning to green wireless networks. The techniques that need to be implemented are aimed at improving energy efficiency but not compromising the QoS, throughput and reliability. In this paper the various metrics which help in evaluating performance of wireless networks are reviewed. Also different approaches to improve energy efficiency in wireless networks an d how to combine them for higher energy efficiency are discussed. Introduction: The latest mobile phones provide multiple services which led to rise of ICT traffic. ICT constitutes for 2% of total Green House Gas (GHG) and CO2 emissions worldwide. Within the ICT sector, mobile sector was responsible for 43% of emissions until 2002 while studies suggest that this number would go up to 51% by 2020 [1]. The predominant energy consuming part in a wireless network is the Radio Access Network (RAN). This comes from the fact the RF power amplifier within the RAN consumes a lot of input power for operation and releases a lot of heat contributing to energy wastage. In addition to this, the inconsistent distribution of real world mobile traffic among the BSs leads to underutilization of supplied energy [1]. These two reasons give us an idea of where the energy is being wasted or not utilized, helping us in formulating new techniques for energy efficient wireless networks. While discussing about various techniques for energy efficiency, we have to keep in mind that the QoS is not compromised at all. Because if an operator uses a technique, they should be able to serve the users by utilizing less energy but not by compromising users service. The various parts of a mobile network that consume power are data centers in backhaul, macro cells, femtocells, mobile stations or end hosts and their services. But the major part that consumes the highest power is the power amplifier section and Base station or RAN section. Hence the various techniques presented in this paper are aimed at energy efficiency in these sections only. Section II of the paper outlines various metrics which can be used to evaluate the energy performance of systems. Section III discusses cell layout adaptation techniques for reducing energy consumption and is divided into 3-subsections that outline various cell shaping algorithms. Section IV explains some challenges and research directions for energy efficient networks like Cognitive Radio (CR), M2M communication etc. Metrics for measuring energy performance: Energy efficiency can be achieved by employing better techniques. But in order to measure the energy consumption or utilization, metrics are needed. Energy efficiency metric can be defined as ratio of output to the input power supplied [1]. The output here may correspond to how much the distance of transmission is, number of bits transmitted or output power etc. The metrics for energy efficiency are broadly categorized into 3 levels: Component level metrics, Access node level metrics and network level metrics. Component level metrics mainly focus on power amplifier section, Access node level metrics focus on RAN or Base station, and network level metrics focus on performance of RAN [1]. These metrics help to quantify energy efficiency of various devices and therefore it becomes easier to compare which technique is better. Firstly, at the component level, where we focus on power amplifier section, there are 2 possible types of metric categories. One is Analog and the other is digital. The two important metrics of analog RF transmission are Power Amplifier efficiency (PA efficiency) and Peak to average power ratio (PAPR). PA efficiency is the ratio of PA output power to the input power supplied to it. Higher value of PA efficiency is desired, but in reality this is the part where most of the input power is wasted. PAPR, as the name suggests is the ratio of Peak power to average power. Lower value of PAPR is desired, as higher values tend to reduce the amplifier efficiency. The significant digital metrics in component level are millions of instructions per second per watt (MIPS/W) and millions of floating point operations per second per watt (MFLOPS/W). Higher value of MIPS/W and MFLOPS/W are desired as they refer to digital output generated for a given power input [1]. Secondly, at access node level there are 2 major metrics. Power efficiency and radio efficiency. Power efficiency refers to transmitted data rate over a given bandwidth and input power supplied. It is measured in bits per second per hertz per watt (b/S/Hz/W). Radio efficiency refers to transmitted data rate and transmitted distance over a given bandwidth and input power supplied. It is measured in bits meters per second per hertz per watt (b-m/S/Hz/W) [1]. Higher values of power and radio efficiency are desired as they measure the data rate and distance of transmission which are always desired to be a higher value for a given power input. Finally, at the network level also there are 2 metrics which measure the number of subscribers served during peak hours and coverage area respectively. The first metric measures the number of subscribers served during peak hour to the supplied input power and is measured in number of subscribers per watt (Subscribers/W) and the second metric measures the coverage area of the radio signal to the supplied input power and is measured in square meters per watt (m2/W) [1]. Higher values for both these metrics are desired as they signify serving more number of subscribers or a larger coverage area for a given power input. Hence when evaluating various techniques for wireless energy efficiency, it is better to know at whether energy efficiency is augmented in component level or access node level or network level. That way it would become easier to compare the efficiency in terms of various levels individual metrics. Reducing Energy consumption through Cell Layout Adaptation: Cell layout adaptation (CLA) techniques focus on energy efficiency at network level. But for these techniques to improve energy efficiency, it is important to improve efficiency in component level and access node level as well, because all these 3 levels are inter-related to each other and one works on the basis of another. Power is first supplied from power amplifier and then to RAN and at last to the network level, that means it is possible to save more energy in component level and access node level and the remaining energy that is used by the network can be efficiently utilized by implementing these cell layout adaptation techniques. CLA techniques are basically divided into 3 major categories. First part consists of cell shaping techniques like Base Stations (BSs) turning off and cell breathing, second part consists of hybrid macro femtocell deployments and the final part consists of relaying techniques [1]. A. Cell Shaping Techniques: As mentioned earlier, base stations turning off and cell breathing techniques encompass cell shaping techniques. The basic idea behind the former is turning off BSs and redistributing the remaining traffic to neighboring base stations. Here we need to make sure that we are turning off BSs which are idle or the ones which have very less traffic that can be taken up by neighboring cells. This way energy consumption is reduced and only the BSs that have traffic will operate and consume energy. Cell breathing scheme goes one step further by not actually turning off BSs, but by reducing the power consumption of a cell. This can be achieved by covering a low distance depending on the traffic. That means BSs experiencing higher traffic operate in full power mode while the BSs with medium traffic operate in medium power mode and cells with very less traffic operate at low power mode, thereby reducing the coverage area depending on subscriber traffic. This is analogous to a cell breathing acc ording to traffic patterns. As these cell shaping techniques are based on network level, number of subscribers served and coverage area metrics should be maintained in order to ensure good QoS and less call drop rate when implementing these techniques. The broader explanation of cell shaping techniques is mentioned above, but to implement those techniques there are 2 major algorithms: switching-off network planning algorithm and cell breathing coordination algorithm [1]. Firstly, switching-off network planning algorithm works on the basis of 3 factors, number of BSs to turn off, number of BSs to operate, and time period for which BSs are turned off. The ratio of number of BSs to turn off and BSs to operate and a specific time period for which turn-off is implemented based on the low traffic pattern is calculated. Once these values are calculated, it is made sure that the blocking probability limit is not exceeded, which means definite QoS is maintained. Cell breathing coordination algorithm works on the basis of a central node called a cell zooming server. The cell zooming server analyzes the incoming traffic and tries to turn of the BSs which do not have any traffic at all. Then it tries to distribute the traffic from less active BSs to busy BSs. It also makes sure to distribute traffic based on input traffic and turns on the sleep mode BSs when required. This centralized approach works good in smaller networks and when it comes to large scale networks, it would be very ineffective. The same applies to switching off network planning algorithm because there is no centralized node to turn on the BSs if needed, as the turn -off time if fixed based on traffic patterns [1]. The cell shaping techniques also bring up a new trade-off, i.e. SE-EE tradeoff (spectral efficiency-energy efficiency) [3]. SE-EE trade-off focuses on network level characteristics like number of subscribers served and coverage area for input power supplied. By implementing these cell shaping techniques although energy efficiency is obtained, there is always chance where coverage area is reduced and some subscribers are ignored. Ideally, higher the energy efficiency lower is the spectral efficiency. But in reality, because of component level energy issues, transmission distances, coding schemes the relationship between SE and EE is not inversely proportional, but it is of the form of a bell curve. So it is better to apply cell shaping techniques until the point where spectral efficiency is not compromised. B. Hybrid macro femtocell deployment: Femtocell deployment in combination with macro cells is a second method under cell layout adaptation. Femtocell deployments provide coverage in the order of 10 meters and utilize a small BS, which requires less power to operate. Femtocell deployment is advantageous as it provides good coverage and QoS to a set of users within its range with less operating expenses when compared to a macro BS [1]. Although femtocell deployment is a good concept, it is not desirable to have too many femtocells as it increases the power consumption and utilizes more network resources for a lesser coverage area. A better way of deployment is having hybrid macro and femtocell deployment. In the case of hybrid deployment, the macro BS provides coverage to users who are evenly spread over a long distance and the femtocell provides coverage to users who are located in a dense region. This way the energy is utilized efficiently, as a new macro BS is not being deployed to provide coverage to those dense set of users. The hybrid macro cell and -femtocell deployment poses a new challenge for handoffs, as macro BS and femtocell BS might have same signal strength in the others coverage region. The handoffs issue can be solved by defining a clear boundary between the macro and femtocell BS. Within the dense region, the femtocell should have higher signal strength and it should properly handoff at the bounda ry of macro BS. Also within the coverage area of macro BS, the femtocell BS should have very less signal strength [1]. This would give a clear idea to define a boundary. A better way of implementing this hybrid deployment is by utilizing the cell shaping techniques like BS turning off and cell breathing coordination. If there are a set of femtocells, and one of the coverage area is totally idle, then that femtocell BS can be turned off and basic coverage is provided by the macro BS at that location. Similarly, if incoming traffic is analyzed, femtocells and macro cells can use the cell breathing techniques to lower their power utilization [1]. Also the hybrid macro and femtocell deployment leads to a DE-EE tradeoff (deployment efficiency-energy efficiency) [3]. Ideally energy efficiency increases when more femtocells are deployed and deployment efficiency goes down because of increase in deployment expenses, network utilization and energy consumption. In a practical scenario, the relationship between DE and EE is more like a bell curve, with a peak point where deployment and energy efficiency are in good standing. Hence it is a good idea to use hybrid deployment until the point where it does not degrade the deployment efficiency and energy efficiency. C. Relaying techniques: Energy efficiency can be achieved through 2 types of relaying techniques. The first technique uses repeater stations or green antennas for relaying and the second technique uses mobile stations for relaying. In the first technique, a repeater station or a green antenna with receiver capability is connected to the macro BS through a coax cable or optical fiber, with the latter utilizing less energy. These green antennas are placed very near to the mobile stations, which helps to reduce the energy consumption in uplink by the mobile stations. Although this technique improves energy efficiency for mobile stations, it increases operating expenses for the service provider. In the second technique, the mobile stations work in coordination and perform the relaying operation. This way the transmission distance for the macro BS is reduced and it consumes less energy. Although this technique assumes mobile stations as relays which work selflessly. Practically, the mobile stations may not work in coordination which would break the link for relaying. One more drawback of this technique is that for maintaining coordination between the mobile stations, more energy is consumed [1]. Challenges and directions for energy efficient wireless networks: Cognitive Radio (CR) and M2M (Machine to Machine) communication systems provide new opportunities in the field of green wireless networks, but also pose significant challenges at the same time. Cognitive Radio can be defined as a RF transceiver that is used to switch users from a very busy spectrum to an unused one and vice versa if needed. The origin for this topic came from the fact that many RF spectrums are congested with several users and some other spectrums are underutilized. Hence the concept of CR would efficiently manage users in various spectrums and help to deliver better QoS. Indirectly this switching of spectrums or utilizing unused spectrums is resulting in energy efficiency as spectrums with more users will not utilize additional energy as users are transferred to other spectrum. Also underutilized spectrums which were consuming energy for operation, now serve the new users efficiently resulting in energy and spectrum utilization. The only disadvantage of CR technique is that monitoring various RF spectrums and switching users from one spectrum to another requires significant energy. Hence this technique would be energy efficient only if more energy is saved by intelligently switching users than that is utilized for monitoring spectrums or users [2]. M2M wireless communication systems are aimed at connecting various wireless devices directly. This approach also helps in reducing energy consumption from the point of view of a mobile station. M2M helps to reduce the computation required by various physical devices and also tries to offload them to the network itself. This way the mobile stations consume less energy as the number of computations is reduced. The major disadvantage with this approach is that if more computation is offloaded to the main network, it might consume more energy that that is being saved by mobile stations by utilizing this approach. Hence this technique would be energy efficient if the main network does not consume a lot of energy for some additional computations [2]. Conclusion and Future Scope: The rise in carbon footprint, especially the contribution to it from the ICT sector and consequently mobile sector led to interest in energy efficient wireless networks. Energy efficiency can be achieved at various levels such as power amplifier, RAN and network. The techniques proposed in the paper focus on energy efficiency in RAN and network levels. But they also have trade-offs like DE-EE and SE-EE, which can be vanquished by emerging techniques like CR and M2M communications. These emerging techniques can be improved in a way where they consume less energy for monitoring in comparison with the prevailing levels. Alongside that, at the power amplifier level, the current solution for energy efficiency is to use expensive components which would trade off the gains achieved by energy savings. Hence a future research direction would be addressing energy efficiency at power amplifier level and improving CR and M2M techniques. VI. References: [1] Luis .S, Nuaymi .L, and Bonnin .J, An overview and classification of research approaches in green wireless networks. Eurasip journal on wireless communications and networking 2012.1 (2012): pp.1-18. [2] Xiaofei .W, et al. A survey of green mobile networks: Opportunities and challenges. Mobile Networks and Applications 17.1 (2012): pp.4-20. [3] Yan Chen; Shunqing Zhang; Shugong Xu; Li, G.Y., Fundamental trade-offs on green wireless networks, in Communications Magazine, IEEE , vol.49, no.6, pp.30-37, June 2011.
Monday, August 19, 2019
all the kIngs men :: essays research papers
The amount of change people go through in their lives is remarkable. One day, a person can be a devious criminal, while the next day that same person could turn a new leaf and become a saint. The change that Jack goes through in All the King’s Men, by Robert Penn Warren, is comparable to that of the schizophrenic patient who receives a lobotomy. Although Jack undergoes no physical change, the events he witnesses change his personality, and transform him into an entirely new man. While Jack views the world in a schizophrenic fashion, in the end he changes his philosophical mind frame and finds the cure for his disease. Jack does view the world in a schizophrenic manner. According to Webster's dictionary, the psychosis for schizophrenia is a retreating from reality. Jack retreats from reality a lot. When Jack found out that Anne was having an affair with Willie, he disconnected himself from reality. He went west, to Long Beach, where he commenced with his great sleep. The great sleep was a very important thing for jack because it allowed him to avoid reality. He would sleep and everything else would go on. While in Long Beach, Jack thought that he had discovered the greatest thought he ever had. That thought was the great twitch, a belief that there are no consequences for actions since they are only â€Å"twitches†of impulses. This thought was probably the biggest attempt to evade reality. Believing in the great twitch, Jack set himself apart from the rest of the world. By thinking that no one could be blamed for anything, he dodged blame from himself. By acting out the great sleep and the Great twitch, he was able to act like a schizophrenic until he had a change in philosophical views. Jack's philosophical views changed, just as the view of the patient would have after the surgery. Jack was, in the beginning of the novel, a believer in The Great Twitch. He becomes, in the end of the novel, a believer in the Spider Web Theory, a belief that all things are connected and every action has some effect on everything else. At the scene of the lobotomy, Jack comments that someone should baptize the patient "in the name of the Big Twitch, the Little Twitch, and the Holy Ghost, Who, no doubt, is a Twitch, too." Towards the end of the story, Jack "woke up one morning to discover that he did not believe in the Great Twitch any more.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Civil War Reconstruction :: essays research papers
AP American History The President versus Congress The President and congress both had different reconstruction plans for the south. These different arguments were based on different beliefs and different self interests. The President firmly believed on a soft-on-south reconstruction plan while congress believed that the south should be economically, socially, and politically reconstructed.      Both President Lincoln and President Johnson both believed that the war was fought over the succession of the south and because the north won, the south never actually succeeded. This resulted in their reconstruction plan to be very kind to the south. They required for each southern state to have 10 percent of their voters pledge allegiance to the union. This plan allowed for the southern Black Codes. These were instituted to keep the blacks as a cotton labor force as well as an inferior race. If the south followed this plan then they would be rejoined into the union.      Congress’s reconstruction plan for the south was much more rigorous. The congress didn’t believe that 10 percent allegiance was enough, so they urged for that number to become 50 percent. Also, the republican dominant congress believed that the south’s reconstruction should give greater manhood suffrage towards blacks. Also, congress feared that now that the south had rejoined, republicans no longer would be the dominant political power in congress. Under the Presidents plan the southerners would have been allowed to rejoin congress, taking power away from northern congressman. So, to solve all of these problems congress instituted the 14th Amendment. In this Amendment ex-slaves were made citizens, states could no longer deny eligible citizens the right to vote, those who rebelled no longer could hold office, and debts incurred in aid of rebellion are void. Congress used this Amendment to deprive many southerners of political power as well as to try and reform the south socially. Also, congress planned their harsh reconstruction with the Reconstruction Act. This act split the south into 5 military districts headed by a Union general. Also, 10s of thousands of Union solders were disfranchised. Finally full manhood suffrage was part of this act. Fearing that one day the congress would be democratically controlled congress also created the 15th Amendment to give suffrage for blacks. This Amendment as well as all of the acts congress committed above were all ways in which congress attempted to socially reform the south.      The reconstruction plan for the President and the reconstruction plan for Congress resulted in the two of them becoming involved in a conflict with each other. Civil War Reconstruction :: essays research papers AP American History The President versus Congress The President and congress both had different reconstruction plans for the south. These different arguments were based on different beliefs and different self interests. The President firmly believed on a soft-on-south reconstruction plan while congress believed that the south should be economically, socially, and politically reconstructed.      Both President Lincoln and President Johnson both believed that the war was fought over the succession of the south and because the north won, the south never actually succeeded. This resulted in their reconstruction plan to be very kind to the south. They required for each southern state to have 10 percent of their voters pledge allegiance to the union. This plan allowed for the southern Black Codes. These were instituted to keep the blacks as a cotton labor force as well as an inferior race. If the south followed this plan then they would be rejoined into the union.      Congress’s reconstruction plan for the south was much more rigorous. The congress didn’t believe that 10 percent allegiance was enough, so they urged for that number to become 50 percent. Also, the republican dominant congress believed that the south’s reconstruction should give greater manhood suffrage towards blacks. Also, congress feared that now that the south had rejoined, republicans no longer would be the dominant political power in congress. Under the Presidents plan the southerners would have been allowed to rejoin congress, taking power away from northern congressman. So, to solve all of these problems congress instituted the 14th Amendment. In this Amendment ex-slaves were made citizens, states could no longer deny eligible citizens the right to vote, those who rebelled no longer could hold office, and debts incurred in aid of rebellion are void. Congress used this Amendment to deprive many southerners of political power as well as to try and reform the south socially. Also, congress planned their harsh reconstruction with the Reconstruction Act. This act split the south into 5 military districts headed by a Union general. Also, 10s of thousands of Union solders were disfranchised. Finally full manhood suffrage was part of this act. Fearing that one day the congress would be democratically controlled congress also created the 15th Amendment to give suffrage for blacks. This Amendment as well as all of the acts congress committed above were all ways in which congress attempted to socially reform the south.      The reconstruction plan for the President and the reconstruction plan for Congress resulted in the two of them becoming involved in a conflict with each other.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Research Movie Paper
In the beginning, the setting took place on a never ending road where Gilbert and Arine were sitting; waiting to see the campers come in. This seemed to be something they did often together. The lived in a town where nothing ever much happens. Gilbert worked at a local grocery store where he describes it as being â€Å"empty†. At home gilbert takes care of his youngest brother Arine. Arine has a disability problem and wasn’t expecting to live as long as he did. At any time his life was over. Gilbert has two sisters, a 15 year old name Ellen, and another sister who use to work at the school kitchen until it was burned down her name was Amy. He’s mother was a large women who haven’t left the house in almost 7 years but that was soon to change after an accident occurred with Arine. Gilberts farther died so most of the responsibilities were left with him. When Gilbert goes to work Arine sits there and waits for him. Just before Gilbert shift was over a women called by the name of Betty Carver calls for a delivery. Betty quickly alarmed the kids to go outside to play. Gilbert took the groceries to the kitchen where Betty starts to kiss him, showing that this was something that usually happens while he makes deliveries. The kissing stops when Gilbert sees Mrs. Carver husband outside on the trampoline with his kids. While walking out Mr. Carver sees ice cream that was fed to him by Mrs. Carver on his face and immediately tell Gilbert that he wants to see him in his office. When he got to his car he noticed Arine was missing. He sees Arine climbing the town’s water tower and sings to him to get him down. By the way the police were talking to gilbert Arine had done this before multiple times. On their way back to the car they notices the girl from one of the campers that where driving in. Later in the movie the family is planning an 18th birthday party for Arine. One day while they were visiting a cafe they saw the girl from the campers again. They got really close and Gilbert and Becky began to see each other more. One day when Becky and Gilbert were hanging out Gilbert had to go home and give Arine a bath, when he got there he told Arine that he was old enough to wash up by himself. So he left. When he got back home he noticed that Arine was still in the tub shaking back in forth from being in the tub all night. After then Arine never wanted to take a bath again. One night Gilbert tried to tell Arine that it was time for him to take a bath so they were in the bathroom and Arine wouldn’t get in so they started fighting and Gilbert hit Arine and Arine ran away to Becky’s house. When he arrived home the next morning it was his 18th Birthday party. Gilbert came home later that day to find out that Arine party had started when he got there he apologized to Arine for hitting him. Gilbert introduced Becky to his mother even though she hated people to see her because of her wait. After the party was over Gilbert, Amy, and Ellen began to clean up while Bonnie sat on the couch and watching television but not for long after sitting on the couch for 7 years without never getting up she finally got up and made an effort to go upstairs to her room that she haven’t been in since the death of her Husband. While she was upstairs she asked Ellen to get her some water while to talked to Gilbert she told him that he was her â€Å"Night and Shimmering Armor†after they were finished talking she asked to talk to Arine as she referred to as the Birthday Boy. When Arine got upstairs he started to call for his mother but she wouldn’t respond he thought she was playing a game and he got irraitted but his mother was dead. When Gilbert and his sisters were upstairs they cried. Later they burned the house down because they knew no one would be able to remove their mother from the house.
Overpopulation of Animals
Millions of companion animals are being euthanized by animal shelters each year nationwide. One might ask why this is. Is there any one person or persons that is responsible for the over population of animals going to our local shelters? These are all questions that need to be answered. If we as the general public want to start tackling these problems, we need to gain further understanding of how and why these problems are created in the first place. As with every topic there are always two sides to every story. This topic is no different. The different voices and opinions vary as much as the different types of breeds of animals. First you have the authority group, like that of your local animal shelters and humane societies. These groups agree primarily on the idea that yes, animal over population is a huge problem, and that spaying and neutering is the number one way to stop domesticated animals from creating more and more offspring. The second solution that many of the authority groups share is the fact that pet owners are not always as informed as they should be about the amount of time, attention, and money it actually takes to properly care for an animal. While speaking with Dr. Joseph Hoelzle, a local veterinarian of 32 years in Cave Junction, OR, he definitely agrees that animal over population is a HUGE problem. He is presented daily with animals that have been lost or abandoned. Dr. Joe and his staff only have a small facility, so when they do receive dogs and cats at their door step, they are very limited in the options they have. If an animal is very sick or injured they have the legal right to euthanize. Otherwise if the animal in question is a dog they have to call the local animal shelter, as they do not have the facilities to facilitate dogs. Cats on the other hand, they can do more with. Dr. Joe and his staff can house them longer and try and find homes for them. When asked his opinion on whether or not he thought the public is lacking in education on the actual amount of responsibility it takes to take care of animals, his response was yes, definitely. Take horses for example, people see horses and how pretty they are and decided to bring one home. If you have never owned a horse before, or have never even been exposed to horses and how to take care of them, then you have no clue how much work it actually takes to maintain one. †Dr. Joe went on to say that the average size dog that is in good health takes approximately $10,000 a year to properly care for them. The first step when making any decis ions on obtaining an animal, no matter what type or breed, is always research. Research how big they will be, what types of health problems are prone to those specific animals, do they require a lot of maintenance, are they high in energy, and so forth. Another interview that was conducted was with Marci, from the Josephine County Animal Shelter in Grants Pass, OR. Not knowing how far out the animal shelter was from my location, I made sure to leave with plenty of time to find the shelter as well as be early for the actual interview its self. As I was sitting out front of the animal shelter waiting for my interview to be had, I can hear all the barking and howling of all the dogs. Through their sad cries you can hear the yearning in their voices to just be loved. This is just one of the many reasons I absolutely love dogs. Although they are locked in â€Å"jail†not know what their final destination might be, they still greet everyone with a smile, and a wagging tail, faithful to the end. The first question to break the ice that I asked Marci was, do you like your job. Marci says she absolutely loves her job and would not change anything she does daily that she is somewhat of an adrenalin junkie. This job is a very rewarding job, frustrating at times but very rewarding. You get the chance to make a difference, a difference with not only the animals that you receive or rescue, but also with the community. †Life as an officer of the animal shelter can be very challenging at times. Some of the challenges they face on a regular basis is a lack of support, a huge lack in funding, lack of man power, and a lack of the proper equipment. They do not have all the fancy equipment that is seen in magazines, or on the popular TV. show on Animal Planet, Animal Police. Marci goes on to state, â€Å"We do not even have the proper funding right now to obtain something as simple as ramps for our trucks. †According to Brad Tally, the animal control supervisor for the Josephine County Animal Shelter, there Annual budget is $400,000. The shelter only receives a total of $75,000 from general funding. The shelter themselves are responsible for raising the remaining balance of $325,000 themselves. They do this through fundraising, donations and the funds they receive from pet owners licensing their pets. Marci explains that it is an Oregon state law that a dog is licensed. Oregon does not recognize cats. If an animal control officer is called out to a residence for something like a disturbance call, and they realize that the dog is not licensed, the owner can be fined for the cost of the original license plus an added thirty dollar penalty fee. If the owner is still not compliant within 30 days of the citation, they can be fined again with a $360 dollar citation. â€Å"We would rather not issue citations; we would rather try and cut the owners a break by giving them a verbal warning. Marci’s thoughts on animal overpopulation and a productive method of reducing the number of animals producing offspring’s that potentially have no homes to go to, are similar to those of Dr. Joe. She says that the overpopulation of domesticated animals can be stopped by spaying and neutering. That there are a lot of programs out there that can and will help with the cost of the procedures. â€Å"If every pet owner decided to get their animals spayed or neutered, the number of animals being picked up and dropped off would decrease significantly. One incentive that is already in place statewide is that, if a pet owner does get there dogs fixed the cost of the licensing is also reduced. The cost goes from thirty five dollars down to eighteen dollars. Another issue Marci raised that contributes to the overpopulation problem was the fact that there are â€Å"back yard†breeders that breed dogs for money. â€Å"They are not breeding their pure bred with another type of pure bred to better the breed; they are breeding these dogs just to gain money. They have no actual intention on ever doing anything with these dogs; they merely do this out of pure greed. An opposing view point to this statement taken from CQ Researcher: America’s Pampered Pets, By Mary H. Cooper Volume 6, issue 48, Para. 29 states that: AKC breeders argue that because their dogs are healthy a nd properly groomed, their rights to bred animals should not be taken away. When Marci was asked about the disturbing fact that millions of animals are being euthanized each year in American shelters and whether or not this was true, her response was actually rather positive. She was able to leave a since of hope, in my now saddened realities. Marci stated that their rates of euthanasia have dropped considerably. That the shelter has started looking for other means of dealing with their animals other than turning directly to euthanizing. Each year animal shelters nationwide receive what is known as â€Å"throw away pets†. What exactly are throw away pets? Picture this; you’re out one day driving around with the family, and all of a sudden you see one of those handmade signs that read â€Å"Free Puppies†. So you decided to pull over†¦ you walk up to see all the adorable puppies, wagging their tails and looking at you with those big innocent eyes. You and the family take one home, not really knowing much about the puppy, let alone its breed. And before you know it, this cute little adorable puppy has turned out to be way more work than you or your family had initially anticipated. So with not wanting to continue to keep up with the daily responsibilities of owning the dog, you decided to take it to the local animal shelter in hopes that it will find a â€Å"better home†. This is where the term â€Å"throw away†dogs comes from. Sadly enough, this is what Marci and the others at the Animal shelter see on a daily basis. The general procedure that is followed when a new animal is received differs from cats to dogs. The first step is the initial paperwork that is involved, getting them â€Å"logged into jail†. After they have done the paper work one of the first things they do is scan the animal in hopes to find a microchip. (Microchips are tiny chips surgically implanted into a dog or cats skin that contains all of the owners contact information. ) If there is not a microchip present and the dog does not have any type of licensing information on them, then the dog is held for seventy two hours. During the holding period the dog is kept in the back kennels away from potential adoptees. A lost and found book is gone through to make sure that the dog in question has not already been called in as lost. If in the seventy two hour period the dog is still not claimed, they perform a temperament test. If the dog passes the temperament test, then they are eligible for adoption. The other means of handling stray dogs other than euthanasia, mentioned earlier in the paper, that the shelter turns to are working with other programs as well as other counties. Some of the programs they work with are PAWS and Dogs for the Deaf. The other county they work with to place dogs into forever homes is Jackson County. PAWS is a non-profit animal shelter located in West Linn, Oregon. According to their website located at www. pawsanimalshelter. org, Since we opened our doors on June 6, 1999, we have found homes for over 1,000 cats, 45 dogs, 1 rabbit, 2 turtles, 1 pigeon, and a miniature horse. According to the website www. dogsforthedeaf. org, Dogs for the Deaf rescue dogs from animal shelters throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and California. We choose dogs that are people friendly, confident, and motivated by toys, treats, and affection. We rescue, train, and place 30-40 dogs annually. The dogs are trained with positive reinforcement and lots of love. When asked Marci’s opinion on the lack of public information, and whether or not this could be one of the factors that is contributing to the overpopulation of animals in animal shelters, her response was, â€Å"As far as public information, that is something we do, but with the lack of man power and time we have, this is something that we cannot do enough of. There are only two actual officers working out of the Josephine County Animal Shelter, Marci and her partner Bill. Between the two of them they are expected to answer to every single call placed out of Josephine County. This area is roughly from the California border, to the Glendale off ramp, out to the Applegate area. This is where the lack of man power comes into play. An article in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, (Beyond Overpopulation: A comment on Zawistowski et al. and Salman et al. By: Fehell, Lee Anne, 1999 Vol. , Issue 3. Para. 24) Brings up yet another reason as to why animals start to stack up in animal shelters. â€Å"The general public more times than not are detoured away from their local animal shelters due to the common knowledge that pets is killed at the site. They do not want to be made feel guilty or responsible for that animal’s life if they do not pick that certain one to bring home. †Getting a new animal is and welcoming that animal into your home is supposed to be an exciting joyous event, not something that is associated with death or defeat. Although there is a majority of people who would rather obtain a dog or cat from someone they know rather than going to a shelter and possibly taking home an animal that they were not a hundred percent set on, there is also a large majority of people who feel the complete opposite. They would rather go to the local animal shelter and possibly save that cat or dogs life. This in my opinion gives these individuals a sense of accomplishment. Here is a poem about just that.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Negotiation styles & strategies
The teachers were very un-collaborative in their approach towards the negotiation and seemed quite unwilling to bend in their resolve not to accept the proposal offered by the board of Education. The teachers basically attempted to force the hand of the board by deciding to go on a strike. Considering that the area had only recently suffered from the effects of the September 11 strike on the Twin Towers and that there was some amount of adjusting to be done, the teachers seem to have manipulated the situation in order to achieve their objectives.The strike commenced only a few hours after the end of an agreed moratorium period according to Hanley (2001a). This is suggesting that little or inadequate attempt was made to pursue peaceful negotiations prior to decide to enter into an industrial strike. Furthermore the teachers made no attempt to relent or relax their position but were willing, even under punishment of imprisonment, to hold firm to their original position without any or l ittle adjustments or compromise. The board wanted to increase the teachers’ maximum contributions to the health insurance scheme from $250 to $860 (Hanley & Jacobs, 2001). The teachers were adamant in refusing any sort of increasing wanting the figure to remain as was.So determined was their resolve that at the time of the unsuccessful conclusion of the negotiations 225 teachers, secretaries and other union members had being jailed because of their refusal to obey the court order to return to work (Hanley, 2001c). Had the union leaders not decided on the 29th of November to instruct its members to obey the court order to return to work, the impasse would have probably continued with even more teachers being jailed.The union however, seemed at one point willing to relax the teachers’ position on the issue of the proposed increase in teachers’ contributions to the health fund. The teachers relaxed their positions partially when they agreed to a set of settlement r ecommendations proposed by the mediators which would have seen them compromising their position significantly. However the position of the board was even more adamant and thus no solution was arrived on the issue.The teachers attempted to justify their rejection of the proposal put forward to them. The proposal put forward by the board sought to increase maximum payments by about thirty per cent in one instant. This amount appears to be very unreasonable. Of course the board could not accept the teachers’ proposition that the fees stay as they were before. In their opinion, payments for teachers’ health benefits was costing the district much too much, approximately $8 million (Hanley & Jacobs, 2001). On the extreme though the proposed level of increase in itself appeared exorbitant and too great a percentage increase.Additionally the teachers felt that their proposal was a lot more reasonable. They suggested helping the board to cut costs by no longer requiring reimbur sements on prescriptions (Hanley, 2001b). This proposal would lead to saving on the part of the board and would also ensure that the teachers do not have to pay increased premiums. This alternative seems like a very feasible position but the board was not willing to negotiate on this issue.On the 29th of November the teachers were instructed by their union leaders to return to work even though the negotiations had not concluded and there was no decision on the issue. It would seem in this regard that the teachers were the ones to have lost because, aside from being imprisoned for a few days, they have to suffer the embarrassment of returning to work without their original demands being met.It would therefore seem that the teachers did not carry out the negotiations as best as they could since they did not end up reaching a reasonable solution. A number of factors could have contributed to this failure suggesting of course, that the teachers erred in a few areas. First the teachers d id not choose an appropriate time to commence the industrial strike. While, in their view the matter seemed to be urgent, they did not consider the psychological environment at the time. The area had only recently been affected by the terrorist bombing of the World Trade Centers. The district was still recovering from the effects of this national disaster and therefore it was not appropriate for the teachers to strike at this particular time.In addition the teachers did not garner enough support from the community. Hanley & Jacobs (2001) point out that â€Å"it was hard to find support for the teachers among Middletown residents.†The members of the community were upset that the teachers chose such an inappropriate time to strike. They were also concerned about the welfare of the students who would be without instruction until the issue was resolved.Probably a meeting with the parents of students prior to going on a strike could have explained the seriousness of the teachersà ¢â‚¬â„¢ position to them and asked for support. In addition many parents did not agree that in that economic climate that the proposed increase was as terrible as the teachers were making it out to be. The fact that there was not widespread support for the teachers’ strike may have pushed the union to demand its teachers back in the classroom even though negotiations were not finalized.Finally the teachers themselves seemed not to have entered the negotiation with a correct mindset. They seemed only to be heading for a win/win decision and were not willing to lose not even a little bit. The option they proposed to the board, though it sounded reasonable, did not see them compromising as significantly as they expected the board to compromise to meet their demands. The teachers were unwilling to collaborate effectively to come to a decision feasible and acceptable to both sides.REFERENCESHanley, R. (2001a, Nov 30). Abrupt Walkout by Teachers Closes Schools in Middletown, N.J. T he New York Times. (Late Edition (East Coast)), D5.Hanley, R. (2001b, Dec 4). New Jersey Teachers Jailed for Continuing to Strike. The New York Times. (Late Edition (East Coast)), D1.Hanley, R. (2001c, Dec 8). In Middletown, A Strike Ends Without a Deal For Teachers. The New York Times. (Late Edition (East Coast)), D1.Hanley, R. & Jacobs, A. (2001, Dec 6). Teachers' Strike Grows Angrier, But Support of Residents Is Elusive. The New York Times. (Late Edition (East Coast)), D1.
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